Nilganihmaht's Stone Ring and the Necrolord assault

Lol. Not everyone plays every single day, or maintains an active subscription every month.

At best you had a 3 and a half day window, months ago. “You should have just played then” is not the correct answer. Get out.


Mount collecting is a thing people do in this game.

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So the gist of this is:

The ring will NOT drop if the appropriate quest is not available, even if you find other ways (e.g. grapple hooks, Darkmoon Cannon, etc.) to get to all of the chests. Is that correct?

(I also could not get anything to drop from the chests the past few assaults).

I did the assault, but i was tired those 3 days and decided id just do it next time. i didnt know itd be literally months

I was lucky I went and got the ring early on before the quest was gone.
The quests really should be on a rotation not randomized. It really sucks that one quest can not pop up for months. Why did they think this was a good idea :roll_eyes:

It’s because whenever the players scream for less game-killing RNG, Blizzard adds more RNG.

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I can only assume your comment was rhetorical.

There is literally NOTHING exclusive about this mount. No gold no meta achievement or mount farming no high end raiding or pvp. Literally everyone can get it probably even trial accounts pending completion of a single quest that is incredibly poorly implemented in the game in a way that has never been done before.

If your comment was not rhetorical it’s passive aggressive narcissistic and somehow less than worthless as it were.

I don’t know if the quests are different from server to server, but this quest has been up on my server. I’ve completed it and have the achievement.

Yes the quest has been up before earlier in the patch. I got the achievement for completing all the necro assault quests today.

Yeah me too. You replied to a post from 27 days ago.

Come on blizzard this is just getting silly. How can the quest not come up for months? Have higher standers of yourselves.

Got the achievement myself today, to my surprise. I guess I had done this quest, but I wasn’t aware that it was tied to a mount…

In other news, the quest available this half of the week is the same as the last two in a row… 3 times we’ve had the centurions march quest, and not a single sighting of the relevant quest since launch. And man do I hate the centurions march quest…

I have credit for this quest, but as I remember the quest itself was bugged and wouldn’t complete. Just wondering if its still bugged, hence not appearing ever again.

It spawned 2-3 weeks ago. Source: I did it and got the 'chiev. Wowhead also warned about it while it was up.

EDIT: bamboozled by the necro!

I haven’t checked to see if it’s up this week, but I didn’t get part of it done last time it was active. Logged out after selecting the companion, then it didn’t count when I logged back in to finish it. Really obnoxious.

Sorry, this isn’t exclusive…

The fact this quest hasn’t been up since July or august, and it’s now 3 or 4 months later, is absurd. I’ve got 7 items taking up bag space because you guys can’t make sure one stupid quest is available months later. This is seriously poor design on the part of the devs that the quests are random every 2 weeks and not just cycled thru in order like the world bosses are. Fix it bliz. This is ridiculous.

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Looks like this quest is finally up this week. If you’re monitoring this thread, get out there and do it! Tell your friends.


Thanks for the heads up!

Those who want the Stone ring its Up as of today go get it while you can