Nightfall Weapon Discussion


Alternatively, a player that doesn’t lose much/any dps to equip it compared to their current weapon would also work.

Most rets don’t have a BRE, ashkandi, or hand of rag, and it’s a reasonably good weapon for us.

So if you have a ret, they are a decent nightfall choice at this time, but they may replace it.

It seems like most people are leaning towards it not being worth it unless its a ret paladin who wouldn’t do much else otherwise or an undergeared player who wouldn’t do much else otherwise.

I have read all the comments and what confuses me is that one person is arguing that it adds over 500dps and another that it adds only 67. It seems like the 67 dps posters are right, I understand what they are saying. Is this the basic concensus?

I don’t know how I got 20% uptime on firemaw. I just went through warcraft logs and did the numbers. I got out at 5ish stacks each time…

Your math is incorrect.

For the numbers that poster gave, 67 DPS was the actual value.

The 517 was the portion of dps that was boosted by nightfall (450) after the 15% gain. The total gain is the difference, 67.

That said, the actual value is determined by your guild’s caster count, their average dps, and your average uptime (not outliers).

It ends up fairly decent, but is not large enough to make up for a serious drop in damage by choosing nightfall over some of the alternatives.

The TLDR of this thread should be: don’t build around swinging nightfall right now, but do use it if it is a natural upgrade/side grade for you.

In future tiers, when caster dps is higher, it may become worth more

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isn’t every dps spec a meme spec compared to mage though?

I took your average uptime and bounced it against our caster dps from fights in warcraft logs… not perfectly but I came up with 142 dps increase from the debuff. We also have a hunter doing this so will be interesting to see the breaking point.

This is not true. It works just like windfury with a lower proc chance. I can confirm that I’ve had back to back nightfall procs. Rare but it happens. 10+ seconds of up time is possible.

I say give it to a pally since MOST ret pallies barely rank above the tanks in raids anyway… Before any of you pallies get mad, I said most :slight_smile:

Here’s an in depth breakdown of the math:

As a ret pally that does fairly well in raids, I agree with your statement :slight_smile:

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I say give it to a pally since MOST ret pallies barely rank above the tanks in raids anyway… Before any of you pallies get mad, I said most :slight_smile:

If you are bringing a Ret Paladin or an Enhancement Shaman to your raid anyway, Nightfall is definitely a good choice of weapon. They are both primarily 2-hander users in their highest dps configuration and other players generally prefer those classes not get highly sought-after weapons.

If you are bringing a Ret Paladin or Enhancement Shaman with the expectation that their personal dps + Nightfall will give them more effective dps than your Fury Warriors, you are likely to be disappointed.

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Then you just have to convince them to use Nightfall instead of stupid Hammer of Rag… That is the hardest part!!

mages are behind rogues and warriors

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If the guild will make it for them they’ll use it. My guild has an enh and they made nightfall for him.