Nightborne warlocks lore

I love how nightborne warlocks look, but I feel they might be outside of the lore a bit, is there any way a nightborne warlock would make sense lorewise?

Nightborne who was joining the Legion and then changed their mind is the only coherent lore reason imo.


I mean, the Nightborne are dedicated to the study of magic.

It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch if their experiences with the demons during the events of Legion would inspire them to study that field of magic.


Right, and slaving them in the process as punishment


In my opinion they should never have been added. The Legion really did a lot of damage to Suramar. Nightborne Warlocks should have all been banned!


yeah exactly and on the other hand Zandalari Demoniacs were a pseudo canon thing that they didn’t add :frowning:


The Highborne were all into Demonology… IF there is any race that needs no justification, it’s this one.


Warlocks are suspect for almost any race. Cavorting with demons last I looked invites the death sentence in the horde. Don’t know what the alliance stance is, probably tolerated quietly until they need a scapegoat for a witch hunt.

Key word is almost.

Excpetions to that would be.

  1. Forsaken

  2. Blood Elves

  3. Nightborne

I don’t know, they only operate underground or after dark, and the guards are pretty hush-hush if you ask for pointers. They’re probably kept on even tighter leashes after Kael went mad with fel and tried to kill the world.

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On the other hand, Quel’thelas has Fel Energy power receptacles all over the place. Someone has to maintain them. If the guards are hush-hush, that could be because of a security clampdown after the Night Elf attempt at sabotage.

Rommath says those fel crystals were removed after TBC. Considering how hard he’s cracked down on certain other “dangerous” magics since then, well…


Blood Elves post TBC being turned into humans with pointy ears was wack tbh

As well as how the Verdant Spheres were actually Death-corrupted Arcane Keys.


Their paladins certainly did. Which is a shame, since I recall Blizzard telling us “Sunwell paladins” would be the race’s unique spin on the class when cdev still did community Q&As.

… on that topic, what do nightborne priests even believe in? That’s a far weirder class/race combo than NB warlocks. I don’t recall a single NB Light-user in the entirety of Legion, or any suggestion they still hold Elune in esteem.

Well they still use lunar motifs, and while Thalyssra is anti-Elune and the society is Magocratic, one can presume there remains Elune worshippers among the society


Varian bragged about the Warlocks in the Alliance.

The Warlock training area on the other hand is heavily distrusted as what sort of teachers can be trusted to teach Demon Magic?

The Warlocks had to keep their existence in the Alliance secret during Onyxia’s reign but as Chronicle states the Void doesn’t like the forces of Disorder. Once Onyxia was gone the Warlocks no longer had to keep their presence secret and the Stormwind Leaders bragged about them!

We don’t see Tyrande making any Comments on Varian’s bragging during War Crimes so her only prejudice seems to be towards the Arcane. She also was the first to encourage the acceptance of the Demon Hunters unlike Malfurion(who wasn’t present during Varian’s bragging during War Crimes) who was hesitant.

Fel, Void and Death seems to be of no consequence to her unlike the Arcane. Of course Arcane was the force that is addicting and draws the Legion to everywhere.

Tyrande’s experience(which was mostly seeing Arcane Magic and being told that the Demons drew from the Well of Eternity) taught her to dread the Arcane while Malfurion’s experience(which showed him the Fel actively feeding off of Life and creating Felwood) taught him to dread the Fel…


Show me ONE piece of in-game evidence for Elune worship in Suramar. ONE piece and I’ll concede the point.

The only Elune temple we see was in Val’shalarah though. Temples to Elune would be pretty hard to miss if it was still a active religion in Suramar. :wolf:

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They did get a unique tabard, mount, and a couple of Blood reflavorings of standard Paladin spells.

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Thalyssra has a line added at the end of BfA, which can be applied to why we see Nightborne Warlocks.

First Arcanist Thalyssra says: When Suramar was freed and Elisande defeated, there were many once loyal to her who had nowhere else to turn.

First Arcanist Thalyssra says: They sought forgiveness. And we gave it to them, to heal the rift that had been torn between us.

First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Sylvanas’s hatred was a plague on the Horde. Let it die with her departure."

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