Nightborne warlocks lore

The existence of the Priest class and the retention of Elune symbols for their flag :stuck_out_tongue:

Not much but there ultimately does have to be a lore reason for the classes.

Ergo this thread. Is it likely a Legion aligned Nightborne would be reintegrated into Suramar? Probably not. But alas that’s the only coherent reason for Nightborne Warlock.


Also the Temple of Elune is literally walking distance though now it’s known as the Temple to Sargeras, but the iconography all over the city and the priest class is fairly safe assumption. They literally have no reason to stop being priests and with Tyrande being the most famous priest from their city as well as they having Elune’s main temple there. I don’t see why even in a bubble a priest would stop worshipping their patron deity.

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I’m assuming it must still be Elune. I’d love it if they became worshippers of the Winter Queen. I think that could make them unique.

Could make for cool lore if they reintroduced race specific class quests.

Eg Forsaken Priests centered on CoFS and Natalie Seline, Nightborne Priests are a secret sect of Elune worshippers who survived under the magocratic tyranny, Blood Elf Priests who are either Light using Magisters, Church of Light worshipers, maybe some Belore worshippers, Orc Priests who are Shadowmoon Clan initiates or maybe they worship Rukhmar and Anzu, etc

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Hello, a while ago i made the claim Steve Danuser mained a Nightborne hunter. However as you correctly pointed out i only had circumstantial evidence and nothing conclusive.

However he has recently tweeted again about his Nightborne hunter.

More circumstantial evidence i know, but i think it pretty fair to assume he mains a Nightborne hunter. This isn’t a “gotcha” or anything(since again this new evidence isn’t 100% conclusive). Just wanted to let you know since learning race/class combo of WoW developer’s mains is something i find pretty interesting and i really don’t know where else to bring this topic up. I’m putting it here in this Nightborne lore thread instead of necroing the old thread in which this discussion began since it doesn’t need that much attention.

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I’m at a point where I’ve largely given up on trying to fathom their personal motivations other than when they tell on themselves (e.g. admitting they learned about basic Black history this past June via a TV show, e.g. retweeting a meme and dismissing critics of the story)

In addition to the above “forgiveness” angle, I think I can see a “magic-obsessed” society light the Nightborne kind of opportunistically seeing the power vacuum left by the Legion’s defeat, and sort of trying to master “the demons” themselves. I mean the Legion was probably the single most powerful cosmic force out there, and its absence will no doubt have SOME people interested in furthering their knowledge of this power.

I think it’d put Nightborne on the fringe of their society… a frowned upon activity as it were. But it’d be something I can see a power-hungry Nightborne DOING.

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Draenei, Night Elf both despise Fel because it fractured their society & put them in danger, and they’re honorable and wise races, so they dont use it.

Blood Elf, Nightborne should’nt use Fel magic for the same reason as above, but they use it anyway because they’re edgy.

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The fel literally saved Sin’dorei society though. Yes it led to divisions but the majority of their population was able to endure the withdrawals of their addiction only by indulging in the fel. The High Elves, those strong-willed enough to quit cold-turkey, were a significant minority.

Yes with the restoration of the Sunwell they’ve largely moved on from it now but it played a significant and surprisingly positive role in the lives of many Blood elves.

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As it turned out… many of them weren’t They just Withered later.

Highly magically adept elves suddenly find their city occupied by demons using fel magic as often as they use arcane. Elves like to play with magic. They play. They learn. They kill demons and burn down their cousin’s house because tyrande is rude. Lore.


Blood Elves should have been the fel or warlock culture.

It’s probably not much different from the reasom Orcs have Warlocks.

When they were first introduced… they were…What do you think all of those green crystals contained?

It wasn’t a warlock culture as Fel usage wasn’t widely known amongst the public.

Besides if we were we would have at least one prominent blood elf character who happens to be a warlock. I would even settle for a B list belf warlock character.

The Black Harvest is training new Warlocks and former mages are interested
The Horde has people who are Warlocks and training nightborne
Elves being magic crazy in general eventually leads to the Fel.

All kinds of reasons, honestly. Races that can’t be Warlocks (Draenei and Tauren for example) are usually races who have an ideological hatred of demons and demon magic.

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