Nightborne, Tyrande and the Horde In Review

Windrunners are High/Blood Elves, not Night Elves. He probably came from Windrunner Villlage, the family spread in what is now known as the Ghostlands.

Eversong was likewise located in Quel’thelas. The Windrunners are kind of throwbacks anyway having a deep tradition of forestry instead of magic.

I’m going to have to assume that someone majorly screwed the pooch as the Troll Wars occurred while the Night Elves were still in isolation during the Long Vigil…unless Shadewarden hailed from the Broken Isles… yet another isolated group of Night Elves. But even that is sketchy at best.

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Oh. Couple of points -

  1. I was speaking regarding the macro, or the meta. The question was how WE, the posters, felt regarding the NB and their allegiances, not the in-game denizens or an RP perspective. Though I should have foreseen the thread going that way :wink:

  2. Riffing off on the macro in point 1: Suramar is key to players because all the central NE characters (two of which, Tyrande and Furion, who were protagonists and introductory eyes to the NE culture and story) are FROM the city. The city is also the key location to the WotA saga as I stated.

  3. RP take on all this - Suramar is said to have been a megacity so it’s not a stretch that many NEs could be from it or had ties to it in some shape or form.

Anyway, I’d conclude that Suramar is pretty important to NEs and justifiably so. Look at the level of ownership nations have about their distant pasts such as the Egyptians, or Greeks, both of which accuse the British of encroaching on their culture in stealing, I mean, acquiring their monuments and artifacts to display in museums.


Honestly this. Any bad feelings I had towards the Nightborne going Horde immediately evaporated upon seeing how terribly implemented they were. Now I think I actually feel sorry for them.

I think the cherry on top of it is the fact that the top half of their heritage armor looks fine, but the bottom half is just… what happened there, really?

Most nightborne npcs had this really cool “full body-exposed, runes over the arms, legs, chest and face” look going for them, and then the heritage armor just covers half of it up. Not cool.


During the Alliance War Campaign, Shandris comes across a Dark Ranger she knew from several thousand years ago. So theoretically, it’s possible that Shandris fought in the Troll Wars.


That doesn’t really address my comment. Which is, if the character meant the Troll Wars, it strikes me as odd they don’t refer to that instead of saying ‘an Amani troll incursion’.

In this case, it was the Kal’dorei. suppressing the Highborne, not something to be laid on as yet another fault of Stormwind or their favorite whipping boy, Anduin.


That’s a whole other can of worms, which unsurprisingly I disagree with you on.

You can’t disagree with me; the aforementioned countries feel that way LOL. Whether you agree with their line of thinking is another matter. I brought that up to illustrate why ownership is a funny, not entirely logical process.

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Sorry, I thought you were presenting your opinion.

Not that this has any relevance to Emmarel Shadewarden being a Night Elf, but presumably the Windrunners were Night Elves at some point as well, just as the Sunstriders were.

Yes, but seemingly the Troll Wars started before Talanas Windrunner recieved Thas’dorah.


Sure. But her fighting alongside him could have still been before or after the wars. She just says she fought alongside him.

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Even if either was the case, would still be a Night Elf helping the Quel’Thalas Rangers.

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Sure. Just not in the Troll Wars.

Or also in the Troll Wars.

Well no, I’m saying I think the evidence suggests it was specifically not The Troll Wars.

And I’m saying I don’t find the statement to be implication that it was not during the Troll Wars, as she could have been helping during an Amani incursion on Quel’Thalas during the Troll Wars, as opposed to Talanas Windrunner pushing into the Amani’s holdings also during the Troll Wars.

Yeah, I interpret it differently. Saying ‘an Amani incursion’ instead of ‘during the Troll Wars’ is indicative enough to me.

I obviously disagree with your interpretation.


Sylvannas and her sisters strike me as having been born High Elves. There’s been at least 9 generations of Sunstrider kings after all.

You mean five. Dath’remar. Anasterian was the great-grandson of Dath’remar (So his father and grandfather between). And Kael’thas.