Nightborne guild or community?

Hello! I just unlocked Nightborne and rather than going to WrA to look for a guild or group/community, I’m wondering if one exists here?


There was a discord that was posted here but it’s rather WRA heavy. I’ve not found a specifically Nightborne or otherwise Nightborne heavy group either.

I joined the discord and while it’s a lovely resource, you are right in it being rather WrA heavy. I’ll keep an eye out for a bit longer before deciding on a server. Thanks for the reply!

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There used to be a somewhat active Alliance-side Nightborne community during the first half of Legion, but for obvious reasons they’ve mostly disappeared. It was one of the saddest things to see, too. I rather liked seeing them in Mage Quarter and in the memorial park.

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Hi Nadine,

At the moment there isn’t a lot of nightborne-specifically focussed guilds or communities on Horde side. However, there are many blood elf guilds that have welcomed nightborne into their ranks. Some guilds you may wish to investigate:
The Sunsworn
The Sunguard
Dominion of the Sun
Voidfall Sanctuary
House Sunstrike
Rosewood Syndicate

There is also a nightborne discord, but I don’t know if this is the WrA-heavy one mentioned above.

Here is a racial lore guide, written by Raniere:

I can see there is a massive potential for the growth of the nightborne community here. If I wasn’t busy with all the goblin stuff, I’d totally jump on this bandwagon. We just need someone to lead it all.


Thank you so much, Flywheel. This is super helpful!

The Discord is the same as the one I am currently in but that guide is brand new to me so I will definitely take a closer look. I have decided to create one on Moon Guard after reading your post and who knows, once I get my character settled in I may look into starting a community for Nightborne unless I discover something along my way =)


You’re very welcome! If you need any help at all with getting starting on Horde side, the community is very supportive. We can answer questions here in forums, or we have a discord server specifically designed for people who are new to the Horde:
Alliance to Horde Re-Roll Support Group (AHRSG)

You will find a few other nightborne on there - maybe even enough players to start your own guild!


I have a thought to take my sights to Moon Guard for a nightborne guild, and hopefully inspire more MG activity in the Discord.

Would this be something people would be on board with? I have an outline and idea for the guild already, so it would have something up and running to go off of.


A nightborne guild on MG would be rather nice! Especially if you can get some things going. What kind of ideas did you have for it?


I honestly think we should organize a group of racial guilds that work together as far as events and RP to act as a home for players of those races. It opens up more group racial RP for events and opportunities for interesting scenarios with interactions between the races. Just a thought tho


I think that’d be nice, a bit ambitious but I remember the Kaldorei Cultural festival last year before the War of the Thorns (or somewhere around then) and it was a rather nice event!

Maybe the racial guilds of MG horde could do the same? Show everyone what your people have to offer and share with the Horde.


@zultaijin like a cultural festival?

@vansia so I have had this thing called the Arbiters over on WRA. They’re basically the nightborne version of the Wardens, but formed as elite Duskwatch that turned into their own organization toward the end of the rebellion/beginning of picking up the pieces of the Legion’s aftermath.

The other was something I called Parliament over on WRA, but I changed its name to the Tribunal of Suramar City; modeled after the Convocation of Silvermoon, they would likely get the idea from them in efforts to reform Suramar’s government to make sure things like Elisande don’t happen again. They’d be called Tribunes (like Magistrix/Magister).

Other ideas include expanding on Astromancy, create a sect of spell minded rangers called Spellbows and such.

Have a whole community in a guild, in essence. And of course we’d pioneer nightborne based community events. Only thing holding me back is the uncertainty, considering I know no one on MG Horde nor its current climate of guilds and I wouldn’t want to step on any toes.


I like the idea of having a community within a guild, kind of like the guild encompasses a lot of that races culture and you have different groups within the guild to represent that? It would be cool honestly and great for the overall community

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:heavy_heart_exclamation: Then I have hope. The name of the guild would be something like Menagerie of the Rose as it’d be led by someone not of house Lunastre and the Menagerie bit would be a descriptor for the plethora of unique minds and individuals that encompass the group. It’s the name I gave it on WRA but I’d carry it over on MG of course.

And hopefully this would also inspire more MG activity in the Shal’dorei Discord! Considering there seems to be only one Discord to my knowledge, otherwise I’d support a MG based one 100%

I think it’ll be a great idea! When you get the guild up and running be sure to keep an eye out for the guild expo! I might be a good place to get some fresh blood while you’re doing things.

I also agree with Zultaijin, having a wider community within the guild is nice and I think that it could help boost Nightborne RP in general and not just within the city.


Oo that’s wonderful! I actually had ideas to make a casual nightborne RP guild a long time ago on MG too. I can incorporate that idea into this guild, where it encourages people to level up their nightborne and RP in the world as their character’s exploration when leaving the bubble. Just so people don’t feel pressured that they need a high level character when we can all RP at any level, honestly. Especially with how they fixed the tmog system to go by expansions.


I made a guild on my nightborn alt “House Astravar” if any up and coming NB guild that want’s that tag just let me know

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If there’s exploration RP to be happening, the Caravan would likely be very welcome in helping facilitate that! Aside from myself there’s one other Nightborne in the guild and could talk to some who are stepping out of Suramar for the first time or haven’t done much sightseeing.

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In the thread “looking for alliance to reroll” there was interest in some of the alliance to try out NB but there were no solid guilds for them to join, it might be a slow start but if you really enjoy that race and lore then it’s worth it to put in the work imo


Thanks for the feedback! This is something I want to do then. I am going to create the graphics and put up a Google doc. Something like a rose whose petals are doorways into the cosmos.