Horde roleplay: a lore guide for beginners


Written by Anansi

Affiliation: Horde formerly Gurubashi Empire
Leader: Rokhan (de-facto) formerly: Vol'jin, Sen'jin
Capital: Darkspear Isle, Echo Isles

Age: Maximum 200+ years
Height: 7'-8' taller when briefly stretching.
Phenotype: Darkspear are lithe and muscular, males tending to be taller and hunched. Both sexes present with tusks, with wildly varying length among the males.
Skin: Blue, purple, or green
Hair color: Varied, usually bright in color.

Brief History:
Originally part of the Gurubashi Empire in the jungles of the south, the Darkspear were a smaller tribe when it fell, leaving them in a position of vulnerability. Driven out from Stranglethorn, the Darkspear jungle trolls were forced to relocate to the Darkspear Isles. There, the Tribe was captured by a Sea Witch controlling murlocs. Luckily, Thrall and his orcs were captured as well, and lead the Tribe to freedom. The leader Sen'jin died, but his son Vol'jin pled allegiance to the Horde, and the Darkspear followed them to Durotar. Since then, the Darkspear have been a staple to the Horde, even leading a revolution against Garrosh Hellscream, ending with Vol'jin serving as Warchief until his death in the last invasion of Legion.

One of the core facets of Troll culture is tribe. Tribal warfare has been happening for centuries, fighting over land or resources, or simply trying to annex the tribes in a single massive Empire. Not all trolls are alike, with Darkspear being jungle trolls: a smaller, more clever subspecies. Some argue that they have further diversified into island trolls, due to their leanings towards diplomacy (compared to other trolls) and exposure to coastal life.

Hierarchy is strict within the tribes, with deference usually being reserved for martial, spiritual, or elder leaders. In fact, with Trolls, they are not mutually exclusive. Shadow Hunters, a form of spirit warriors are a good example of this. Those that do not follow the Tribes' rules may find themselves exiled; a pariah who must fend for themselves, in a species/culture that requires cooperation for success.

Darkspear are less savage than other Tribes in general, which is to say a grenade is less destructive than a pipe bomb. They were cannibals up until Thrall forbade its practice as a condition of acceptance into the Horde. Berserkers are still prevalent in their soldiers, and they are a brutal force when organized or in guerilla tactics. In contrast to their orc and tauren friends, trolls care much more for results than concepts like honor or fairness, with survival taking top priority. An orc may die for his honor; a troll will kill you before it comes into question.

Spiritually, the Darkspear share the faith of their cousins in the worship of the loa, and practice of voodoo. The loa are varied, some being Wild Gods, other venerated or famous ancestors. Voodoo (in World of Warcraft) could best be described as a hybrid practice of shamanism, priest practice, alchemy, and most recently druidism. The deviation comes from bringing their faith into their magic and skills, invoking deals with loa for boons (or hexes for their enemies), or using material objects to imbue the spirit, as opposed to the material.


Written by Taeana

Leader: High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof leads the majority of the Tauren united under the Horde. There are also local leaders for tribes (Chieftains), which meet with Baine in Thunder Bluff as his council.

Ages: General consensus is that tauren age quicker than humans as children and reach cultural Adulthood around age 18-20. Tauren live longer lifespans, usually well past 100 years old.
Height: 8’ is generally considered average, with some tribes and subraces having higher averages (9’ for Tauanka, 10’ for Yaungol).
Weight: 800-1500 lbs, depending on gender and size.
Fur: Tauren coats vary greatly and can have almost any color and pattern. Generally, tribal groups will have similar tones and patterns, and a couple coat colors hold specific meaning:
-All black coats are generally a marker of the Grimtotem Tribes, infamous for generally disagreeing with Cairne (and Baine’s) choice to ally with the Horde.
-White coated Tauren are considered omens when born, and usually carry innate connection to the spirits. Most white-furred tauren become shaman or Spiritwalkers.
Horns: All tauren have horns, which can vary in shape, size and colors, usually hereditary.
Language: Taurahe

History: While the exact origins of the Shu’halo are unknown, the progenitor race came from the regions near Pandaria before the Sundering.
One group settled in what would become central Kalimdor, eventually making homes across the continent, such as Ashenvale, the Barrens, and Feralas. These groups would come to be known as the Tauren. After the War of the Ancients, one tribe settled in the mountains and was later called Highmountain.
Another traveled further north to the snowy regions that would become Northrend. The nature and elements here were harsher and more unforgiving, forcing these tribes to become likewise hardy. These became the Taunka.
Those that remind behind would still call themselves Yaungol, and settled the Townlong Steppes. They would be forged by the constant battle against the Mantid and the limited resources of their ancient heritage land.
Kalimdorian Tauren were recently beset by the centaur of Desolace, killing a large proportion of tribes and families. Many who survived banded together under the Bloodhoof, while others remained independent or were spared the centaur’s wrath.

Culture: Tauren are a very spiritual people with close ties to nature. They have a tribal structure with a primary leader (the Chieftain), and Seers, Elders, and others offering guidance.
Until the last generation or so, most Tauren tribes were nomadic, traveling between camps in or between regions of the world, following game, such as kodo. Only recently have permanent settlements become commonplace.

Religion: Shu’halo religion is unique on Azeroth. They follow the Earthmother: the embodiment of Azeroth and nature, and guider of fates. An’she (the Sun) and Mu’sha (the Moon) are the eyes of the Earthmother and provide light and empower magics of the tauren.
Tauren also have a close bond to the spirit world, their ancestors, and the spirits of Nature. They offer sacrifice, carve totems, and pray to all of these in daily ritual, at times of need or question, or for specific rites of passage.

Druid: Druidism comes easily to many tauren, a natural extension of their deep cultural bond to the Earthmother.
Paladin and Priest: Sunwalkers primarily revere An’she and use his power to heal and fight. They seek to balance the reverence of Mu’sha in Druidism with the radiant and powerful rays of the Sun.
Shaman: Shaman are central to tauren culture and society. Some shaman are wanderers, helping to heal the world and bless those that they meet. They are often the spiritual guides of their tribe, healers, and even combatants.
Warrior: More often called Braves, tauren pride themselves on being stalwart and powerful combatants. Even though most tauren are peaceful in nature, recent years have turned many to the ways of war.
Monk: The monks from Pandaria mesh well with the Tauren cultural ideals. While still new to the learnings, many tauren took pilgrimage to the Peak of Serenity and learned to hone their Chi, as well as find a new way to call upon the elements.
Hunter: All Tauren revere the hunt as a sacred rite, and those that dedicate themselves to it are valued greatly in their tribes as providers of sustenance.
Death Knight: These often find it difficult to fit in with their kin after their animation. Death is considered a natural balance to life, and necromancy is viewed as corruption. Some will chose to align with militant groups, while others try and rekindle their heritage in undeath.

Written by Lachesis (Neko)

Leader: Sylvanas Windrunner, Banshee Queen and current Warchief of the Horde
Capital: Formerly the Undercity, Tirisfal Glades. After the loss of their capital, they live with the Orcs in Orgrimmar, Durotar.

Typical Undead Characteristics
Age: Irrelevant
Height: 5'0-6'0
Weight: 120-170lb (give or take loss of weight as a result of decay)
Eye Color: Yellow, blue, white, red
Hair Color:

In life, most human corpses that make up the Forsaken were once citizens of Lordaeron. They were the heart of the Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War and served under King Terenas Menethil. But when the Third War saw the coming of the Scourge and the undead outbreak began to claim Lordaeron's people, the citizens were ill-equipped to deal with such foul magic and were forcibly changed by necromancers. King Terenas' son, Arthas, set out to deal with the Scourge and do what he could to save his people. His journey took him to Northrend, where he found a rune-blade known as Frostmourne and took it to face the commander of the Scourge in Lordaeron, the Dreadlord Mal'ganis. In taking Frostmourne, Arthas had unwittingly given his soul to the Scourge's true master, the Lich King. When he returned home, Arthas murdered his father and threw Lordaeron into the hands of the dead.
In death, the former citizens of Lordaeron were forced to serve as mindless servants to the Lich King's will, but that changed after the fall of Archimonde and Illidan's attempted strike at the heart of Northrend. The Lich King's power waned and, despite their condition, many found that they had started to regain some semblance of who they were, and what they had been. At first there was horror, distress, panic, sorrow, and rage. All of this had been reigned in, however, by the one who would come to be their leader. Sylvanas Windrunner, former Ranger-General of Quel'Thalas and another of Arthas' victims, spoke to their hearts and brought them together with a shared goal; vengeance against Arthas and survival in a world that would see them destroyed. It was Sylvanas whom gave them the name they now use to identify themselves, calling them 'the Forsaken.'
With Sylvanas as their leader, the Forsaken were able to take Lordaeron back from the Dreadlords and what Scourge they held under their command. The underground labyrinth that Arthas had been working on before he was called to Northrend by the Lich King had been claimed by them as their capital, becoming the Undercity. Now having a foothold in the kingdoms, Sylvanas would send out diplomats to both the Alliance and the Horde in order to help the Forsaken set their place in the world. The ambassadors sent to the Alliance were slaughtered without hesitation, but in the Horde, Sylvanas found a contact in Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem, who had convinced Warchief Thrall to make an alliance of convenience with them at the very least. Thus the Forsaken became official members of the Horde, though never did they truly feel kinship with the other races therein.

Once upon a time, the Forsaken were human-like in death as they were in life. Free will is the cornerstone of Forsaken society and complex magic is used to make sure that every corpse raised into the Dark Lady's service has their mind released. The Forsaken, as a result, are a people that have a diverse culture. Some amongst them acted human, doing things that they no longer needed such as eating, drinking, or breathing. They would practice old faiths and religions, anything that allowed them to feel even remotely alive. Others embraced their new condition and began to search for new purpose, new faith, something else to drive them.
New material now states that the Forsaken had been discouraged from keeping their humanity, however. They were discouraged by Sylvanas from visiting old places they had loved when alive and are often coaxed into taking new names to "complete their rebirth into undeath." The extremities that Sylvanas had started to take brought about the forming of the Desolate Council, who had overseen the Undercity after Sylvanas became Warchief of the Horde. But with many of the Council and others whom Sylvanas had deemed "traitorous" dead after the botched meeting in Arathi, Sylvanas' power is absolute within the ranks of her Forsaken.
Many Forsaken these days often end up in service to Sylvanas without the potential of freedom. Whether they truly revere Sylvanas, fear ending up like her last victims, or just follow her because they know that, as Warchief, any other race in the Horde would step up to her command regarding traitors whilst any race of the Alliance would only give them True Death, there is not as much freedom as there once was. The Forsaken are Sylvanas' "bulwark against death," and as a result she would see them swell in numbers that had been once seen by the Scourge.
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Faction: Bilgewater Cartel
Leader: Trade Prince Gallywix
Capital: Bilgewater Harbor, Azshara

Typical Goblin Characteristics
Age: 20 (young adult), 30 (middle aged), 40 (old), 70 (venerable)
Height: 3'5"- 4'0"
Weight: 50-100lb
Eye Color: Purple, red, pink, orange, green, blue
Hair Color: Black, blue, brown, red, blonde, white, pink, purple, grey

The goblins in the distant past were originally slaves to an un-named tribe of jungle trolls and forced to mine. It is believed that their handling of the mineral Kaja'mite, over time gave them their advanced intelligence and eventually allowed them to turn the tables on their troll slave masters. They now enslave that tribe of trolls in the Kaja mines.
The goblins lived among the many islands in the South seas. The goblin home city is Undermine. They were ruled over by various Trade Princes, each which headed his/her own trade cartel. At the time of the Cataclysm (36 years since the opening of the Dark Portal) Deathwing flew over the island of Kezan just at the end goal of the historic Bilgewater Buccaneers vs. Steamwheedle Sharks footbomb match. Deathwing spoke of imminent doom and destruction before flying off. Shortly after, the volcano Mt. Kojaro exploded and sunk the island.

Examples of cartels
Bilgewater Cartel - Lead by Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix, and now based in Azshara. This cartel is aligned with the Horde. It is said that Bilgewater Cartel goblins were the first to discover and mine Azerite. Gallywix has a large Azerite crystal fashioned into the orb on the top of his cane.
Steamwheedle Cartel - The largest and most successful of the goblin cartels of Undermine. It is a neutral organization that controls several cities and towns around the world, and has allied themselves with a number of other groups such as the Blackwater Raiders in Booty Bay. The Steamwheedle Cartel has made a great deal of profit from maintaining neutrality in the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance. Barons include Gazlowe (Ratchet), Marin Noggenfogger (Gadgetzan), and Revilgaz (Booty Bay).
Venture Company or Venture Trading Company - A notorious goblin organization, deforesting and plundering the world for its natural resources. Mogul Razdunk owns and runs the Venture Company. It is an independent faction.

Most things in a goblin's life are based around money. The more gold and assets a particular goblin can gain, the greater their social ranking and status. The highest status a goblin could attain, would be to become rich enough to found his or her own cartel. The second highest priority to goblins would be invention and production - followed closely by explosive devices.
Goblins have a fondness ingrained in their systems for technology and alchemy. Their nature- unpredictable and cunning- is shown in their unusual, quirky, and often very volatile creations that appear to the layman as haphazard and chaotic. Their love of chemistry has produced many effective explosives and powerful combustion engines.
Footbomb is the goblins national sport. A game played on a field where each team dons shredders and attempts to throw bombs at one another. It appears to work mostly on a last man standing to win but does involve scoring goals as well.
Goblins have a very practical outlook on religion, "What can it do for me?". Some goblins choose to harness the powers the elements bestow upon them, while others have found the path of the light. The one thing in common with all religious goblins is that all of their work comes at a price!
Goblins view themselves as more intelligent, and better at turning a profit than all other races. However, in general they harbor no direct dislike of them and are more than willing to work with or employ other races.

Further info:

(N.B. Much of this is copy/pasted or re-worked from other guides. Thanks Ignix and Adnaw for all your hard work!)

Written by Xiechi (Leonite)

Leader: Ji Firepaw

Typical Pandaren Characteristics:
Age: Roughly compared to humans (According to Chris Metzen)
Height: 7.5' for males, 7' for females.
Weight: Varies, but usually on the heavier side. See Culture for more.
Fur color: Varies between Black, Grey, Brown or Red mixed with White. Brown or Red Pandaren can also have black or grey fur mixed in. Red Pandaren exclusively have longer, bushier tails than usual, reflecting Red Pandas.
Language: Pandaren (Same for Pandaren of any faction)

Pandaren History goes far back, beyond the time of the Great Sundering. While the origins of the Pandaren are unknown, 5000 years before The Sundering the Mogu enslaved the Pandaren, forbidding them from carrying weapons or learning to read or write. As the Mogu's power waned a Pandaren named Kang spread the teaching of the way of the monk, and the Pandaren rebelled, using their bodies hardened by the labor and enhanced through the teachings of the way of the monk to overwhelm the Slave-Labor reliant society. 100 years after the fall of the Mogu there would be a war between the Zandalari Trolls and the Pandaren, where the Pandaren bonded with Cloud Serpents to deal with their bat riders.
Between this and the Sundering, the Pandaren were allies of the Night Elves, but severed ties as the elves became more addicted to the Arcane. As the Burning Legion invaded for the first time, Emperor Shaohao - the last emperor - enshrouded Pandaria in a thick mist, leaving ships unable to reach Pandaria and the Pandaren thinking that the rest of the world had perished in the Invasion. 800 years before the Dark Portal opened, a Pandaren named Liu Lang lead an expedition that would become the Pandaren of the Wandering Isle.
For the Pandaren of the Wandering Isle, after the Horde Captives left Shen-Zin Su, Huojin Pandaren left Shen-Zin Su to join them. For Pandaren of Pandaria, joining the Horde would have taken place either during or after the war on Pandaria.

Pandaren live life in the here and now, living each moment as if it would be their last. Working hard, playing hard, loving with all their heart, and fighting with the force of their entire bodies. Due to the Sha on Pandaria, Pandaren culture promotes inner harmony and focus, making them slow to anger. Pandaren are honorable and love both good food and even a good brawl now and then. Usually preferring seclusion, on rare occasions Pandaren are born with a strong desire for adventure, often leaving home to wander the lands of Azeroth. Chen and Lili Stormstout are the most famous examples from Shen-Zin Su, Liu Lang from Pandaria.
Pandaren of the Horde are almost all tied to the Huojin Philosophy. This is simply that inaction is the greatest injustice, and there is no shame in defending your own no matter the cost.

As a note, Pandaren are normally taught at least the basics of how to use their fists in a fight. Not to the extent of the monk, but it is still present.
Monk: The Pandaren are the first monks, and thus the art of the monk is well ingrained into their culture, especially the art of the Brewmaster
Warrior: As noted earlier, Pandaren are not quick to anger, but those that are put all their fury into their blows. Those who underestimate a Pandaren's fighting skill based on weight may not live to regret it.
Hunter: Pandaren maintain the path of the hunter as many races do, having access to bows, crossbows and guns even on Pandaria, assumingly independently made.
Rogue: Pandaren, despite their physique, can be surprisingly nimble and stealthy. The same aspects that make them great monks work well for Rogues too.
Priest: Before encountering the Horde and Alliance, the Pandaren had no concept of the Light. Instead, Pandaren Priests followed the August Celestials, and this gave them the same general healing power.
Shaman: The Elements of the Wandering Isle and Pandaria seem far more friendly and playful than those on Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms, so it is little surprise that Pandaren Shamans exist and make friends with them
Mage: Pandaren learned the art of the arcane from the Night Elves before the Sundering, and have maintained it as a practice to this day.
Death Knight: While not a class that Pandaren can choose classwise, it should be noted that Pandaren Death Knights do exist, as shown through Gie Gravewalker. However, they are also VERY rare. They would likely be those few Pandaren with wanderlust who left before the Mists parted. Among this small group they'd ALSO have to have fought the Scourge when Arthas was Lich King. So very rare.

Written by Raniere

Leader: First Arcanist Thalyssra
Capital: Suramar City, Suramar

The origins of the Nightborne date back over 10,000 years to the War of the Ancients, when the Burning Legion’s first invasion saw it pitted against the Kal’dorei Empire in a worldwide war. Fearing the worst as the war dragged on, the Highborne residents of Suramar, under the leadership of Grand Magistrix Elisande, erected a great arcane shield around the capital of Suramar City, protecting it from the Burning Legion’s assaults while simultaneously isolating Suramar City from the rest of the world.
For over 10,000 years, Suramar existed in a bubble, preserving the ancient, flourshing Highborne culture of the Kal’dorei Empire with all of its great achievements in art, magic, and culture. When they eventually ran out of food, the people of Suramar relied on the energies of the Nightwell, a powerful font of arcane energy not unlike the Sunwell of the Blood Elves, to sustain them. Over thousands of years, the effects of the Nightwell gradually changed these Highborne Night Elves into what are today known as the Nightborne, or Shal’dorei.
Until the events of Legion, the Nightborne believed that the world outside their city had been destroyed. But when the Burning Legion returned, Grand Magistrix Elisande surrendered to the demons and became their ally in exchange for being spared destruction. Those who opposed her were cast outside the city, which was an effective death sentence. Without the continual energy of the Nightwell, the Nightborne began to degrade both physically and mentally, becoming the weakened Nightfallen and eventually the feral Withered, a state from which there was and is no known cure.
As Elisande’s government grew more and more oppressive, the number of Nightborne subjects willing to oppose her grew. Eventually, with the help of an alliance of elven races, Nightborne rebels led by First Arcanist Thalyssra overthrew Elisande and cast out the Legion, at the cost of the Nightwell’s destruction.
Freed from their reliance on the Nightwell and liberated from the rule of Elisande and the Legion, the Nightborne are now led by Thalyssra and have become members of the Horde due to their close affinity to the Blood Elves.

Isolated from the world at the height of the Kal’dorei Empire, the Nightborne continued the highly refined culture of the Highborne Night Elves. They value beauty, refinement, and etiquette, and can often come across as pompous aristocrats. The use of magic is deeply ingrained into Nightborne society, used for everything from creating swords with blades made of arcane energy to accelerating the flow of time in a wine cellar to age the wine faster. With thousands of years to study and practice, most, if not all adult Nightborne will have some level of magical proficiency.
Nightborne society places a high importance on reputation and nobility, with prominent noble houses exerting considerable influence through their prestige not unlike a medieval society. Social status can be rigid in Nightborne society, although the recent liberation from Elisande may have changed the minds of some. A generally intellectual, artistic, and magically powerful species, the Nightborne have an often regal but fierce demeanor. Once part of the most powerful empire in the world, the Nightborne how seek to reclaim their place in the world; with new allies and enemies, they must establish their reputation once again.
An interesting aspect of the Nightborne culture in terms of roleplay is that, having been isolated for 10,000 years, Nightborne are experiencing modern Azeroth for the first time. When the shield went up there was no Stormwind, there were no Draenei, there were no Blood Elves or Orcs; a Nightborne traveling through Azeroth will experience a new wave of “firsts” with every new place they visit. In spite of their millennia of experience and wisdom, most Nightborne will still be largely ignorant of the modern world, creating interesting opportunities for roleplaying through new experiences.

Faction: Highmountain Tribe (must be exalted to unlock this allied race)
Leader: Mayla Highmountain
Capital: Thunder Totem, Highmountain

Typical Highmountain Characteristics
Age: 20 (young adult), 75 (middle aged), 95 (old), 110 (venerable)
Height: 7-11ft (female), 8-12ft (male)
Weight: 250lb (slim), 500lb (medium), 700lb (heavy/muscular)
Eye Color: Usually grey, possibly blue (rare)
Hair Color: Ash brown, chestnut brown, dark brown, black

The Highmountain tauren are an offshoot of tauren found in the region of Highmountain on the Broken Isles. Divided into four tribes (Highmountain, Rivermane, Skyhorn and Bloodtotem), they are the direct descendants of the tauren led by Huln Highmountain who assisted the Kaldorei Resistance during the War of the Ancients. During the war, Huln received a blessing from Cenarius, so that his people would forever have the demigod's favor, granting them the Horns of Eche'ro: moose-like antlers.
During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the drogbar, who had previously lived in peace with the Highmountain, rose up and stole the sacred [Hammer of Khaz'goroth], shattering the unity of the four tribes. The tauren found aid from adventurers from outside Highmountain, who defeated the drogbar and recovered the Hammer. Not long afterward, the Highmountain tauren joined their kin from Kalimdor as members of the Horde.

The Highmountain Tauren were first introduced in Legion, in the Highmountain zone. They are Tauren descended from Huln, dedicating their lives to protect his legacy in Highmountain. Since they were isolated from the rest of the world for so long, they have a more primal look and culture if compared to modern Tauren.
The Highmountain tauren appear largely similar to their Kalimdor cousins, with the main difference being their prominent antler-like Horns of Eche'ro, rather than the more bovine-looking horns seen on yaungol, tauren and taunka. Both males and females have these antlers, though the ones seen on females are much smaller. The Highmountain tauren inscribe and decorate their antlers to show their particular tribe affiliation or even their rank within that tribe.
Much like the Kalimdor tauren, the Highmountain tauren worship the Earth Mother and her two eyes, An'she (the sun) and Mu'sha (the White Lady). It is customary for a Highmountain widow, child, or grandchild to keep a pyrestone from the funeral pyre of an especially loved one. These stones are carried in a pocket and rubbed for courage, comfort, or in rememberance of a lost companionship.
Highmountain hunters commemorate their first kill with a ceremonial drum, stretched with the hide of their quarry. Most trailhead drums are made with rabbithide or foxhide. Hunters typically carry them for the rest of their lives. The Highmountain tribes cherish the hide of a rare and elusive creature, the Majestic Elderhorn, for their most important ceremonies.
Moosebone is a common material used for fishhooks: solid enough to carve a barb into, but pliable enough not to break off in the mouth of a large salmon. Many Highmountain fishermen carved elaborate designs into their "lucky hooks".

Memorable Mounts
The Highmountain tauren frequently use the large and powerful moose of Highmountain as mounts or cook their meat as food. Highmountain elderhorns are the favored mount of Highmountain hunters, able to leap across the rushing rivers of Pinerock Basin even when saddled with a full-sized tauren. The sure-footed Highmountain thunderhoof moose may be trained to safely traverse the paths and peaks of Highmountain. The enormous Great Eagles of Highmountain are revered by the Skyhorn tribe, who use them as mounts in much the same way as the Frostborn dwarves of the Storm Peaks.


(N.B. Much of this is copy/pasted or re-worked from other guides. )
Holy crap you work fast, Fly! This is lovely! I'd love to see this stickied.

Written by Ro'go <The Flamebranded>

Faction: The Mag'har
Leader: Overlord Geyarah
Capital: Orgrimmar

Age 18 (Young Adult) 40-50 (Middle aged.), 60 (Old), 80 (Venerable)
Height 7'0"-9'0"
Weight 400-1300 lbs
Skin Color: Mostly Dark or Light Brown, with variations being Pale, grey and Brown
Hair Color: Red, Grey, Black, Brown, Purple and White
Eye Color: Glowing Red (Blackrock), Blue, Yellow

When we speak of the Mag'har, we speak of the uncorrupted orcs from Draenor that remained in the state that was not cursed when Grommash Hellscream sealed his pact by drinking the blood of Mannoroth. These orcs are physically stronger than a normal orc and, of course, has no issue with dealing with the light, being uncorrupted by the fel.

There are two instances of the race. The main Universe (MU) and the Alternate Universe (AU). A MU Mag'har comes from Outland. They are the survivors of the Worst Outbreak of Red pox, unleashed by Gul'dan and their descendants. The few requiring treatment have been Guided by Garad, the father of Durotan, towards Nagrand while the First Horde invaded Azeroth. They've prospered within Outland. A few examples of MU Mag'har are Garrosh Hellscream and Drannosh Saurfang, both introduced during the Burning Crusade Expansion.

The AU Mag'har, on the other hand, come from an Alternate Timeline, the one where the expansion Warlords of Draenor is set in, and, in this reality, the Orcs were never corrupted to begin with, instead refusing the fel blood of Mannoroth, thanks to Garrosh Hellscream's machinations. Examples of those range from Warlord Geyarah and Alternate Universe Grommash Hellscream. The latter featured as main antagonist during the first half of the expansion, while the former gains a prominent Role as the leader of the Mag'har that join the Horde in Battle for Azeroth.

The name Mag'har in orcish means uncorrupted, and their culture revolves on it, being that they consider themselves of pure blood, untouched by fel unlike most orcs on Azeroth. They see this with pride.
The Mag'har in both iterations are united under the single banner of Mag'har, being that as in MU, all Mag'har have come from different clans and joined hands on founding Garadar at Nagrand, while as in AU the clans were long dissolved after the events of WoD (It's some dirty Timey liney stuff).

A Mag'har follows the principles of honor and strength, mirroring various aspects of each and every clan. And their skin colors and ideals also Vary with their clan, being that having Burning Red eyes and black skin marks you as part of the cunning craftsmen of the Blackrock Clan or the paler hue of your skin and many scars marking it make you part of the insidious and fanatic Laughing Skull clan. With the skin color and clan, comes a different Ideal, brought in by the ancestors you honor.

(Reserved - contact me to fill this space! Discord: Flywheel#4087)

(Tyrinade has offered to do up write up on this. Reserving a post.)
Well done Boss. :)

Thank you, Flywheel, for spearheading this. As someone who's secondary reason for not playing Horde is not knowing the lore (primary being that any Horde toons I make are not Dloin), this will be a great way for me to stop using that as an excuse and finally just play Horde.
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Please note that you will be given credit in the post for writing a guide!

Space is limited: 5000 characters only.

Further details should be included on a separate webpage or forum thread which can be linked to.

This is an OVERVIEW only and should be aimed at beginners who have never (or rarely) roleplayed Horde before.

I'll write up the goblin one as an example!

EDIT: Thanks Mirchea! Sorry I thought I was finished, but as an after thought I decided to add a couple more posts in case they add in more Allied races. If they don't get used, no biggie.
Thanks Daxx and Dloin! I believe there is a 'report sticky' function somewhere.

Just as a heads up for would be writers:

I've had a few people come to me with links to various guides. That's great, and I'm happy to include those as a footnote. But what I want to have here is a brief summary for each race. Something you can read in five minutes and be able to start making a character from. One forum post is 5000 characters max. Most guides are much longer and many people don't have time to sift through them looking for essential information.
I have tentatively had people put their hands up for pandaren, nightborne, and forsaken. All of the rest are still available.

I will generally post whichever one I receive first, but I reserve the right to edit or replace posts if I receive something better!
This is so great! Will be working on my contribution this weekend. Thanks for taking the lead on setting this up.
Thank you Lachesis! The forsaken section is now complete.

If you have any corrections or objections to the text posted thus far, you are welcome to bring it up for discussion.

It's great to have your support Raniere, thanks!
Great job! Just wanted to bring up one point regarding the Forsaken lore. It's very in-depth, going so far as to explain the Frozen Throne campaign and the aftermath of Illidan's failed strike on the Lich King.

However, I'm surprised there's no mention of Garithos. While he's often relevant to the sin'dorei as their antagonist, I believe it's just as important to explain how Sylvanas sided with what was effectively the last remnant of Lordaeron's military and reneged on her promise to return their capital after the dreadlords were defeated, it might give more context to why ambassadors to the Alliance were slaughtered with no explanation given, barring of course how fresh the memory was of Lordaeron's annihilation at the hands of the undead, a fate that the Horde was spared by going to Kalimdor and avoiding the opening stages of the Third War.
The Nightborne lore guide has now been posted. Thank you Raniere!