Can confirm Surammar is still their city, it did not go anywhere.
When you make a nightborne you start in Surammar and can always go back to it.
In-game it’s still tied to the Legion content, so not much about the area got updated.
Can confirm Surammar is still their city, it did not go anywhere.
When you make a nightborne you start in Surammar and can always go back to it.
In-game it’s still tied to the Legion content, so not much about the area got updated.
The Nightborne we play are refugees. Saying they have Suramar is like saying gnomes have Gnomeragan (or however it’s spelled.)
Btw, did Whathername specifically say “don’t raise my people?” Again, that’s a lot of assuming.
Refugees is the wrong word. The nightborne we play are Horde, yes. Seeing as they have business with the Horde and have to attend the council which is stationed in Orgrimmar.
They didn’t just up and abandon it though. Because that sounds like your example would be more in line with saying dwarves are refugees for abandoning ironforge because they have business with the Alliance in Stormwind, and that doesn’t make sense nor is that the point you are using.
Alright so I want to make sure we have this assumption chain of events straight.
So we’re assuming that Sylvanas raised Mages, Priests, Paladins, Warlocks and Monks back when the Scourge invaded or during the Battle for Darkshore.
We’re assuming Whatsherface said don’t raise my people and if she did, she would have got so mad that Sylvanas, the crazy lady that’s scared of no one, would tremble in her boots.
But we can’t assume that a Nightborne died at Darkshore and was raised? That’s just where the line is drawn?
You just repeated what I said.
Huh no. I have no idea how you can compare the two.
The dwarves have a city and you can go to that city any time you want, any level, and conduct business.
Gnomes can’t do that. Nightborne can’t do that. NB have to go to a special phase and I think it’s limited to one small area.
You can’t.
The Forsaken and the Night Elves were refugees - people who specifically had to flee from their home during times of war and other instabilities.
The nightborne willingly allied with the Horde after Tyrande declined to accept them into the Alliance. They are not refugees because they already liberated Surammar.
Playable Nightborne maybe framed that way, but as I recall, Suramar and the Nightborne proper are the main thrust of the Horde’s Alliance. The whole thing with Theron and Thalryssa makes that pretty clear.
But “don’t pervert my people into undeath” is a pretty universal standard to hold - it doesn’t and shouldn’t need to be said. Assuming any living ally would be cool with that happening by default would be patently insane.
She knows she can get away with that with the Tauren and broader long-time Horde, and doing it to the Alliance is just… her fighting the Alliance as per normal.
It’s not a matter of “fear” - it’s a matter of pragmatism.
The Nightborne represent the most intact Eleven civilization on Azeroth at the moment. Keeping the broader Nightborne as allies is more valuable than raising a few unproven soldiers.
Sylvanas simply has more to gain from not raising Nightborne Dark Rangers than she does by experimenting on fallen Nightborne and risking an unproven alliance. If the Nightborne were a more known quantity she knew she could screw with, she would, but because they’re not, it’s risk not worth taking.
They didn’t liberate Suramar, the Horde and the Alliance did. They were refugees living in a hole in the ground, searching for a cure for their addiction. They couldn’t take the city alone or they would have done it thousands of years ago.
They needed us, we didn’t need them. Tauren are a different story. Now that we have a city and an army, we could stand on our own. That’s the point I was making which seems to be getting lost.
Why would Sylvanas not care about pissing Baine off but shakes in her boots at the thought of pissing Whatshername off? (LOL sorry I can spell a lot of these elven names.) That’s the justification being given for not raising NB DR and I think that’s a crap justification.
I think it comes down to it’s much easier to make customizations for belves and nelves then just copy and paste for velves. That’s not a lore reason.
Thalyssra? xD
Yeah her
Don’t judge me. It took along time for me to finally be able to spell Lor’themar’s name without looking it up every time.
Literally me reading every character name I read in heavensward looool
I usually spout jibberish or mash my keyboard
Pretty sure I learned it mostly because it was so infuriating that this rando was the Blood Elven leader instead of Kael’thas, all so they could make Kael’thas a badguy and raid leader.
This was the one single Blood Elven character who meant anything, and instead of making him the Blood Elf leader, they throw him away as a speed bump on the way to Illidan, and put this Rando’mar Theron clown in charge…?
Meh, it was weird as well when Blood Elves were given to the Horde. People got used to it, so people will get used to Alliance Dark Rangers.
They’ve done worse retcons, so it no longer matters. If they can asspull Velves as Dark Rangers despite not a single representation of them in game, they can do it for Nightborne.
In my headcanon, that’s me.
I was a loyalist and this skin option kinda validates my undying devotion.
Cut Baine loose and I fully support this but keeping Baine around is like keeping a coin with heads on both sides where heads is the Alliance. Baine isn’t even close to being as cool and respected as Cairne. Never will be. Tauren need to select a new leader. I cannot stand Baine.
Man I miss Cairne. Wish he didn’t die and that Thrall gave the Warchief position to him instead of Garrosh. All because the Horde had to have an Orc leader for some reason. Man that was faulty thinking. I’m an Orc fan but I did not like Garrosh.
Tovi are you free to lead the Tauren? Because they need someone better suited than Baine.