Nightborne Customization Thread

All races deserve more. The trouble with the first pass of customization is that it was wildly uneven. There are categories that should be baseline for every race, yet only a few races got them. Every race should have the categories of face, hair color, hair style, eye colors, tattoos/warpaint, jewelry, and scars. People asking for more for their favorite race doesn’t prevent those races that need more from getting their pass even when they’ve just had a pass.

I’m pretty sure most people in this thread are aware that they will have to wait for another pass and are merely just making their suggestions known. You should make a thread for the race you want more attention on instead of telling people not to ask for more. Everyone is allowed to ask for more, it’s not a competition.

Trolls do need more attention but then again so do many other races.


Lets be real Blizzard should focus Nightborne more customization wise but they more than likely won’t for awhile and that’s okay, the salty troll hiding on an alt is nothing more than that a salty troll that is more than likely a Void Elf main that has gotten new stuff in three different customization passes and yet they still feel the need to come into other threads and talk about what others don’t need so that should tell you exactly the type of person you are dealing with.


As has been pointed out to you, this is a discussion for players to voice what they want for the Nightborne in the future. No one here dictates what the developers implement or when they implement it.

Which is what you would do if you were trying to have an earnest, productive discussion, but this user is quite clearly drive-by posting on an alt attempting to antagonize. So cowardly…


Oh, I know, but it really bothers me that there are people like this in pretty much every customization thread. They’re so annoying :confused:


I know which one you’re talking about and it’s super creepy, id gladly trade it out for the npc face or something /:
I love the jewelry but something about it feels kinda…gaudy? Maybe that’s just me, I’d like to see more jewelry colors added in the future with glowing arcane accents (see valtrois’ headdress as one example)
Id really like to see the eyes have a subtle glow effect on them too, the same glow that the arcane runes have & their heritage armor- with additional eye colors of course.


Meanwhile, we were celebrating our new looks yesterday :sweat_smile:

PS: We are not RPers, we were just vocal Nightborne customization enthusiasts from Nightborne thread in EU forums, who decided to meet up.

I have more screenshots, as many random Nightborne players started joining with their manasabers as well :smiley:

Bonus, we are all Fal’dorei!


That face looks like one of the things that haunt me during sleep paralysis. Yeah, that’s the problem with the Blood Elf jewelry too. Jewelry as a category itself is problematic because unless there’s a massive pool of colors to choose from, you’ll have to design your transmog around them.


Which one, the alien one? (no seriously, one puts a bald option with it and change the skin color to grayish / green and black eyes and we get little men from outer space).


I really really want unique animations for Nightborne before I think we need anymore customizations. We shouldn’t be sharing these with a race we have been separated from for 10,000 years.


I honestly don’t know what they were thinking lol, I like how we got a bunch of new options but the majority of nb players I see walking around still look pretty similar xD in the face at least bc there’s clearly only a few good options there


My female NB kept her face, none of the new options appealed to me, not even a little bit -if anything, some are waaay worse like the aforementioned “proto little green men” one.


Yeah it’s a bit disappointing but sort of a step in the right direction? For half of it lol
They really went all in on the old lady faces though, they’re worse than the ones we had before


Yes! That one. I have no idea why whoever designed it thought it looked good.


Of all the forums I’ve seen about the NightBorne. This happens to be the best one. I actually agree. Honestly I’d rather prefer the NPC models with barely any customizations at all then the reskins they’re feeding us. But you know what them goblins say, “time is money”. Pfft.


Someone recently liked an older post of mine where I posted this fan art of Nightborne hairstyles, and it was a sad reminder.


I would die for those female hairstyles, there’s so much more they could do with different up-do’s and long flowing designs
I hope we can see something like those and more in future updates


I feel like we’re kind of screwed, though. The shoehorning of the same headdress + hair decoration for each hairstyle might become a limiting factor when designing hairstyles in the future.


Love the top middle hair style the most.


High ponytails are a must for “regal” fantasy elves.

The fact that they gave kind of a…mediocre high ponytail to the Blood Elves in the “Chonmage” hairstyle makes me kind of doubtful they’d ever take this kind of elegant approach with the Nightborne.