Nightborne and Void Elf Demon Hunters

What don’t you understand? Demon Hunters get their powers by consuming the heart of a demon. They are literally consuming fel and being corrupted by it.

And? that has nothing to do with random fel corruption.

The fel corruption of the Felborne is not random, like the fel corruption of a Demon Hunter, that means there is nothing stopping Nightborne from becoming Demon Hunters. I am willing to concede that maybe Void Elves cannot become them (would be cool though) but the existence of the Felborne opens the way for Nightborne Demon Hunters.

Demon hunters where made at the start of legion, void elves where made at the end.

They could add a instance that allows a blood elf demon Hunter to join the void elf cause at a specific level, thus transferring them to a Void elf demon Hunter in game.

That would be interesting and follow lore. Sadly I can’t think of a tie in for Nightborne.

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I love how you think.

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It doesn’t at all, that’s like saying any race with warlocks can be a DH. Felborne are just random elves with some corruption has nothing to do with being a DH.

They were not randomly corrupted. They joined the Legion and willingly became corrupted, mush like Demon Hunters willingly became corrupted by fel to fight the Legion.

Troll dhs

Cause it’s just shadowhunters using the demon hunter skin

Change demon form to a enlarged loa empowerment

Yes, like warlocks willingly manipulate fel. Again, nothing to do with being a DH. Just an empowerment with fel.

I stand by my argument.

I suspect that when we see more demon hunters it will be for all races.

Though personally I’d want Draenei and Orcs to get it if it were a choice.

Both Orcs and Draenei would have been in Illidans reach during TBC.

Demon hunters, disciples of Illidan Stormrage , uphold a dark legacy, one that frightens their allies and enemies alike. The Illidari embrace fel and chaotic magics—energies that have long threatened the world of Azeroth—believing them necessary to challenge the Burning Legion. Wielding the powers of demons they’ve slain, they develop demonic features that incite revulsion and dread in fellow elves.

Hmm if they plug a few Orcs and Draenei in the den of mortal delights you can pretend like they where always there and have them be demon Hunters.

The two races where around and had the possibility of being taught.

And you could release them later in a different jail break scene and just claim that the wardens only let the elves out due to classic racism.

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The combination of a Void corrupted elf who is also pumped full of fel juice just sounds rather comedic to me. Do it.

No. More Elves!


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sheeesh dog

Totaly agreed and it won’t be difficult to enable VE and NB DHs because they share the same skeletons and animations as BEs and NEs. They also have some supportive lore behind them due to Illidari BEs and Felborne during Legion.