Nightborne and Void Elf Demon Hunters

I think it’s time they added Nightborne and Void Elf Demon Hunters. They would be able to do it in a similar method that they used to allow allied races to be Death Knights.


I know these races have the voicelines for it and all, but I’d prefer some non-elf options for the demon hunter class.


I think there is a greater chance that the other elven races would become Demon Hunters before the non-elves. But yeah, I hear ya.


They need a reason to become demon hunters, and the story team needs a reason to introduce new demon hunter races. Right now, we have neither.

Void elves are already infused with the Void, which generally doesn’t play nice with fel. Internalizing a demon’s soul wouldn’t be the same as their warlocks wielding the fel and would more than likely end messily. I don’t have a real argument for nightborne.

And like Rorrand said, the class is already only available to elves, and it’s one of the major complaints about it, so other races should get some priority. Odds are a lot more people would be happy for, say, orc and draenei DHs than the few who would race change their night elf DH to a void elf before going back to demanding void elf paladins, which at that point would be the only class that blood elves would have left.


New races for Demon Hunters is only going to happen if we get another Burning Legion expansion / Illidan returns.

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I miss the part where void elves and nightborne were in burning Crusade

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Which would require a story reason for the Legion coming back and thus bringing in more demon hunters into the fold. Which would require another expansion. It’s probably not gonna happen for quite some time.


To go along with this, there’s several things I wish we could have that make no sense with lore. I want night elf warlocks so flipping badly.

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Another Dina! And you’re a priest! And void elf!



No more elves.


I need velf dh’s. Blizzard, please :pray:


I feel like we’re entitled to be friends or enemies now…

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Pretty much this. Remember that the current generation of DKs had a progenitor with Bolvar being the Lich King, not to mention it wasn’t like they were actually given a choice in the matter. The Elves became DHs because they wanted to strike back at the Legion. Most of those that even tried died during the process and those that survived are living with basically a demon within constantly waiting to take them over.

There just isn’t a need for anyone to be willing to under go what is involved in becoming a DH any more, at least not until the Legion returns :slight_smile: Unlike DKs, DHs had to choice o become what they are and it was a choice they made out of desperation and and a desire to strike back at the Legion.

Now I would love to be a VE DH but I just don’t see that being an option. Remember that DEs are not just “fel” uses, we actually have the essence of a demon within us. I am not sure the combination of that and the void would work.


Shad#1132 is my bnet.

Do it. We’ll be friends. FOR NOW.

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Sent! :smiley: I even have a geared hordie to play!

Nice try Ren’dorei main, hiding behind the Sin’dorei character.

You have stolen enough from the Sin’dorei.

Enough is enough.


lol lore has gone down the drain. Only reasons needed is do they have time to add it and is it fun.


void elf demon hunters, like paladins, make no sense. youre assuming the void, which is sentient would allow a bond with a demon. nevermind the fact it wouldnt feel any different from a blood elf and further dilutes the remaining differences between void/blood elves


Did you miss the part where the Illidari were recruiting new Demon Hunters during the Legion expansion?

I could see Nightborne becoming Demon Hunters just because of everything that happened to Suramar due to the Legion. As for Void Elves, well, I don’t see why a Blood Elf Demon Hunter might not be interested in the Void. We really only ever saw one boss have an issue mixing void and fel. Otherwise we’ve seen demons using both for years. The two powers even have a synergy when used together in some cases. Considering Demons fear the Void, I don’t see why Demon Hunters wouldn’t be looking into weaponizing it.

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Does anyone remember the WoD boss from hellfire citadel “Xhul’Horac”

what was that thing that happened when you let the void puddles touch the fel puddles?

ahh never mind, I’m sure it will all work out…