Nightborne and Void Elf Demon Hunters

Void elf have at least some background t work this with, but Nightborne have no reason at all lmao.

I feel like void elves took another path in becoming void elves. Nightborne seem very tied to arcane magic/irrelevant to DH lore.

But both are willing to do what they must to survive… I can see it happening if Blizzard wants it to.

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Actually I think it’s a good idea we should definitely do it just don’t question why I’m standing behind the shield

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They seem to have about as much reason as any other Demon Hunter.

Imagine for a moment that you’re a Nightborne. You’ve enjoyed millennia of peace and prosperity. Your family may not be powerful and influential, but you contribute to the fabric of your society in a meaningful way, perhaps as tailors. Then the Legion shows up. Demons enter your shop, accuse you and your family of being rebels because some years ago you made a garment for the First Arcanist. You watch your parents, your spouse, your children being ripped from their homes and put to the sword. Miraculously you get saved at the last moment.

The Demons literally took everything from you. Your family, your home, your future. If that’s not the backstory for a Demon Hunter, I don’t know what is, and that sort of thing was going on constantly in Suramar.

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Half the races or more have a history with the BL, but that doesn’t make an excuse for them to be DH.

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True, but the Nightborne don’t just have recent history, the Illidari were also active at the time, and they would have had connections to them through their allies in the liberation, the Blood Elves and Night Elves. The Illidari were recruiting during Legion. I’d honestly be shocked if they didn’t get so much as a single Nightborne volunteer.

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As a Nightborne please no. This race/class expansion is out of control. I’m still wanting to freeze some existing combinations from being created!

This. As the demon hunter NPCs are so fond of reminding everyone (“I’ve sacrificed everything, what have you given?”), being a demon hunter isn’t fun, and they’re rare because of how awful and grueling the process to become one is. It’s not a choice a person makes unless they’re completely desperate, and it’s a choice that only makes sense when fighting demons. Without a major demonic threat, there isn’t a motivation for people to make that choice, or, for that matter, for the Illidari to train new recruits.


I’m all for Nightborne Demon Hunters! Bring on the Felborne!


I would love to be a Void Elf DH. They are far better racial abilities and in 9.1.5 I could look like a Blood Elf, just to piss them off :slight_smile:


No, Please!

Mechanically speaking, the Void Elves and Nightborne would be a shoe in due to their models and voice lines.

Though some variety would be in order and the next feasible options both mechanically and lorewise would be the Draenei and Orcs as both have demonic variant skins due to WoD updating Eredar models and creating a myriad of new Orc models.

Next to Night Elves and Void Elves, Draenei and Orcs would have had the most exposure to the Illidari back on Outland.

So ideally I’d add all 4 of these races, if not more, as more Demon Hunter races.


I disagree. Do you remember the Felborne in Suramar?


Are there really enough nightborne or void elves around for this to make sense? Both groups have small populations. If 9/10 who attempt the process fail, there really shouldn’t be any in game. Make draenei and orcs demon hunters first.

Like the undead priests, right? xD
It’s funny when some lore purist tries to take down a good idea that brings richness to the gameplay. Just need to mention the combination of the undead to throw that argument down


No Night Born, No void elves. No more bloody elves.

Add the original race Demon Hunters were supposed to be. Add playable Satyrs. That’s the only compromise.

Irrelevant, there are random fel corrupted versions of races everywhere.

You mean like Demon Hunters right? You’re just making my argument for me.

? that makes no sense.

Meh I want a demon hunter class but reskinned so everyone can play it.

Arcane hunters.
Or something kyrian related where we get angel wings and fly around.