Night Warriors

Make it a Class!
Also give us the original eye customizations back why did you change them?

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Night Elf Warrior <3 Horde has to be a daytime warrior y’all can’t see in the dark ok maybe druids in cat form

I agree much like Gladiator this is one area Blizzard really failed us.

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Wasn’t that more or less an edgy moonkin or was Tyrande able to use the moon blasts? :thinking:

Isent there already something like that , which gives black eyes, you had to do it in BFA

Night warrior could be a DH skin

Yes but the eyes used to look dark blue and all starry night sky like and then they changed them to just black


Day warrior
Fighter of the night warrior
Champion of the sun
You’re a master of karate and friendship for everyone
Day warrior aaaa-aaaa-aaaahhhh!
Fighter of the night warrior aaaa-aaaa-aaaahhhh!
Champion of the sun aaaa-aaaa-aaaahhhh!
You’re a master of karate and friendship for everyone
Day warrior aaaa-aaaa-aaaahhhh!
Fighter of the night warrior aaaa-aaaa-aaaahhhh!
Champion of the sun!


What u mean mine look black

Google what they used to look like.They changed them around the time Shadowlands came out

Why should i do that vs what they look now tho … i got mine in BFA really i didnt see the diff

Isn’t it the whole point of Night Warriors that they die?

So I think a Night Warrior class would be like this: You get to do 5 raids, then your character gets deleted lol


The eyes are the same as the bfa times, onky tyrande got special eyes.

The major difference was the skin color was also tied to the customization iirc.

Doesn’t need to be a class. It can be hero talents for a druid. Night warrior uses moon magic, the same time of magic balance druids use.

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Yeah every night warrior prior to Tyrande died horribly because of the power, she only survived as Elune willed it and let her keep some of the power as she is Elune’s favorite child or whatever. It’s not something that could be a class, it was meant for drama and it’s time has passed. Technically every NE with the night warrior eyes is a depowered night warrior. The whole thing is meant for times of great crisis not every day use.

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Moon steroids should be illegal

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I see what you did there.

I’d love to see a lunar skin for priests and lunar themed Night elf paladins.

Maybe even lunar themed Velf paladins…? I know that will probably trigger someone.


Probably better as a Barber Shop transmog rather than a Class or Spec.

Night elf warriors.