Night Warrior Shadowlands Spoilers

So I made a thread a while back asking about the Night Warrior, as I found it quite interesting as a concept and something I wish Blizzard expanded on.

Apparently Shadowlands and the Night Fae are tied to the Night Warrior transformation. There is also a few bits of goodies in the dialogue which I support.

Here is the WoWhead link for those curious. Again, there will be spoilers for the Night Warrior storyline to some degree.

What are everyone else’s thoughts on this?

Basically this:

  • I am excited to see the story behind the first Night Warrior and how he came to be. Just his general story will be interesting I think, and I can’t wait.

  • I am already tired of people talking about the first Night Warrior being gay. I am happy for those who want representation because that is always a good thing, and have no issue with the Night Warrior being gay, but man people are making such a big fuss over it (questioning why Blizzard did it I mean) and it’s annoying already. Also why are people acting like some Night Elves being gay is such a weird thing? We have seen this before…

  • I am very confused as to why the first Night Warrior was a guy. Because I thought most, if not all of the warriors in Night Elven society were female? Or at the least I got the vibe that the ritual was only for Elune’s devoted, which to me is the Priestesses of the Moon and all of them were female until recently. So I am a little perplexed on how and why a guy is the first Night Warrior, but we shall see and as I said I am interested to find out!

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I think the biggest confusion there is when Maeiv talks about the Night Warrior in the Darkshore questline, they are referred to as “she”, which to some people (myself included) implied that they were always female. Looking back at the dialogue though, I think she was just using the pronoun in reference to it being Tyrande seeking the Night Warriors power. And I agree with the other points completely, I’m very excited to see his story and maybe a bit about the lives of he and his husband before they were in the Shadowlands. Hopefully this opens the door to more relationships of the sort in the game, and hopefully outside of the Shadowlands, as afaik with every same-sex relationship in the game, one or both of the involved parties are dead.


Hah, the comments on that wowhead article about how they’re all gonna switch to Horde over it.

The two orientations: straight and political.


Agreed on your last bits there.

As for the Maeiv stuff, I do think you are correct in that when she said “she” it was her referring to Tyrande. However, I assumed that the Night Warrior was chosen from the Priestesses of the Moon, which were all female at that time. But I could be wrong since I just assume that.


I would also like to point out that I am not one of those people who is like “straight and political”. If that is what you are saying lol. I meant I am tired of all the threads where people are like, “What they are gay? WTF is this?” That is annoying.


A great way to see where people stand–and we witnessed this already in another thread–is, when a character is revealed to be gay, someone blurts out “B-B-BUT WHY DOES ANY CHARACTER’S SEXUALITY MATTER?! I DON’T CARE WHO THEY SLEEP WITH!”

It pours from them like vomit, a thing they can’t keep in. And it’s always damning because they don’t toss this mess up for straight characters. It only gets trotted out when someone in the game turns out to be otherwise.


As far as I know the “Night Warrior” as a title was never referred to as she originally. It could have been anyone.

Well as you are probably aware, George Soros invented gay people by praying to Moloch over a huge vat of skittles.


Gghhkk–don’t tell everybody, what are you DOING

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So the context of the conversation is pretty interesting.

There are a few things going on.

1, the first Night Warrior was male. Pretty interesting stuff.
2, he regards the object of protection as ‘our world’ Azeroth isn’t mentioned. This could mean a few things. Like the guys could be Dark Trolls, or maybe even in the early stages of the Night Elf society.

This could also mean that there is another world that worshiped Elune. There are other creatures in Ardenweald that discuss their worlds so. Maybe this was an early iteration of Elune choosing her chosen people, but they failed to survive?

3, the guy confirms the Night Warrior as a curse that will eventually kill their host. He also confirmed that if you try to purify it, it could have deadly consequences.

4, the first Kaldorei Night Warrior in Bastion is not retconned. She still exists.

All around, good stuff. Very interesting stuff.

Here's the Conversation:

Thiernax : Then her fate is sealed. My condolences, but you must let her go.
Thiernax : For your sake, as well as ours.
Kadarin : Please forgive my husband, Thiernax became the night Warrior to save our world, but he paid a dear price in the end.
Kadarin : Thiernax knew the risks, but we had no choice.
Kadarin : He invoked the dark power of Elune and together, we repelled the Invaders.
Kadarin : Though we had saved our world, the power of the night Warrior began to destroy him.
Kadarin : Desperate to save him we attempted to lessen his burden by sharing Elune’s power between us.
Kadarin : But our Gambit failed we both lost our lives and he has blamed himself ever since.
Kadarin : Let us head for the inner garden.
Thiernax : My apologies Shandris it is not… easy for me to speak of the Night Warrior.
Thiernax : More Spriggins. We’re being ambushed.
Thiernax : Never have I seen them Gather in these numbers.
Thiernax : Kadarin no, what have you done to him?
Thiernax : Kadarin… I cannot lose him again.
Thiernax : Nothing happened.
Thiernax : These Spriggins will pay for what they have done.
Thiernax : For now assisting you is all I can do for Kadarin.
Thiernax : If I had only fought harder… Kadarin forgive me?
Thiernax : That should be enough anima. Let us return with all haste.
Kadarin : What happened?
Thiernax : Kadarin, thank Elune It worked.
Thiernax : I know not if the Night Warrior’s fate can be averted, but I will do all that I can to aid you.
Thiernax : Yes, we are.
Thiernax : As Elune’s dark power raged within me, Kadarin and I were able to siphon some of it out of my body and into his
Thiernax : Perhaps but the ritual cost us our lives if we attempted again, we must disperse the power among several vessels.
Thiernax : The Night Warriors of Elune, all who bear the mantle are destined for these groves. We are in need of the aid.

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Oh, good. Now we know how they’re gonna get rid of Tyrande. Her being miffed about all the genocide is a real sticking point in the story, since the Horde can never be held responsible for that thing it always does.

If he’s from another world, it’s possible that they didn’t know any safe way to ‘cleanse’ the host of her ‘blessing’. Additionally, if they are part of the first remnants of the Kaldorei empire, their knowledge of handling this situation could have been limited.

I’m personally on board with someone dying as the effect of becoming the avatar of their Goddess. I enjoy caveats. :relaxed:

Unfortunate but not surprising. I always assumed she was going to somehow become crazy and evil as a consequence for rightly and understandably fighting back. Blizzard at its finest!

Alternatively: she survives, is cleansed, decides her (once again, understandable) outrage at the Horde was just a teehee silly darkness madness symptom and resumes being a background muppet.


She’s in the right zone for the cleansing to happen. However, I think her story is only involved in the Maw? I’m not sure she has something datamined within Ardenweald itself.

Maybe she’s going to die in the Maw to be reborn in Ardenweald? :woman_shrugging:

I thought the night warrior ritual killed everyone who attempted it before Tyrande

I’m still stuck on the message within her story that… getting angry and getting things done (and I say that very loosely because steamrolling a few forgettable NPCs and failing to kill the one among them who mattered isn’t really getting much done) was somehow wrong, extreme, and needs correcting. We see the shape of it in Anduin’s failure to support her efforts, and in the literal detail that the power she took up to achieve her goal is toxic and deadly. Overall it’s just a garbage message.


The ritual is supposed to be extremely dangerous, but I’m not sure it supposed to be dangerous to those around the chosen host. However, it does seem like the ones that witnessed the ritual did get a residual effect. Like they’re not necessarily the Night Warrior, but they will take on the appearance.

Might be a good question for the Story Forum. Someone has probably mapped it all out.

Quick edit to this,

Maiev Shadowsong says: She is the incarnation of Elune’s wrath. Even witnessing the ritual to become her would put our lives at risk.

So you’re right, even witnessing was mentioned to be deadly.

The handling of the Night Elves was awful.

Personally, I have a huge problem with the first Kaldorei Night Warrior showing up as a blue human with wings.

My favorite part is how the achievement for that scenario in MoP that made Tyrande look like an idiot so they could fluff up Varian was titled “I Used to Love Them,” because Blizzard would rather mock people for being annoyed at their crap than fix their crap.


I felt considerable sympathy for night elf players when that nonsense was dumped on them.

They really did turn her, a battle veteran of millennia, into a belligerent whining moron in order to make a manchild newcomer look cool.