Night Warrior Shadowlands Spoilers

The lack of any emotional filler text or a reflection of uncertainty of the general Alliance populace in not assisting their allies during this dark time really made it hard to get immersed in BFA. The world building and driving of a narrative was just bad overall.

Tyrande should have killed Nathanos with the Valk sacrificing herself to rez him. They were incredibly tone deaf with having Tyrande lose to this guy.


tYrAnDe GoT hEr ReVeNgE


I think Tyrande will survive tbh, and go on to regard the Horde with wariness, but focus on rebuilding her people’s society. I might be wrong.

Anyway surprised to see some LGBT representation. I think I’d reached the point where I simply didn’t think it’d happen. I guess it’s a big middle finger to the minority of RPers who still say LGBT relationships don’t canonically exist in Warcraft haha. Like, nope, you can’t do crappy “IC is IC :3” persecution now, you jerks.

It’d be nice to get representation that isn’t pre-fridged people and doesn’t undermine female authority but


They deserve to be laughed at in their face as well :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not so sure. She seems to be going down the same path as Maiev…which is pretty hilarious to me. The difference is that she doesn’t have Naisha to sacrifice herself when things come crumbling down. Oh my Light…Shandris could be her Naisha!

There was a lot of foreshadowing in BFA with the ritual and now in SL leaks were getting even more foreshadowing that the Night Warrior is not a good thing.

Rastakhan was written to die, I think the Night Warrior was also written to die.


Tyrande strikes me as the great hero - the type to overcome that, but I may be very wrong. I don’t really mind either way though. What they do, I just hope they make it interesting and fulfilling.


She is a great hero and it’ll be interesting to see where they take her. Concerned with how it’s going to be handled with her story in the Maw.

I really don’t appreciate Blizzard essentially writing all the women as crazy. If that’s where they take her, Night Elf players deserve to blast them.


I got super liked by 8 people I’ve never seen before and they’re not even my alts. Wild.

Agreed on this. Tyrande’s anger, like Jaina’s to be honest, is quite justified. Does it cause political issues? Yep. Do others have a right to object to it or suggest a more peaceful alternative? Yep. Does it make her a hysterical woman? Hell no. It is a disturbing trend honestly.

That said, Jaina? Her story came full circle really nicely. Maybe Tyrande’s will too.



have you seen anything Blizzard has done in the last few years?


I am absolutely baffled when I encounter anyone who has optimism about WoW or Blizzard, absolutely baffled. Without contempt or judgment… I just don’t get it. And I envy it, I really do.

Yeah but I’ve found good amidst the bad, and generally had fun. A lot of it made myself in RP and all, because I still love the overall universe of WoW. To be honest if I wasn’t more happy than not I wouldn’t be here. I find it insanely depressing to talk about games I don’t like, or stories which have lost all magic for me. I just… won’t do it, after a period of time. No point dwelling on stuff that sucks, you know?

I enjoyed bits of BFA. I enjoyed Legion. I’m hopeful that I’ll enjoy Shadowlands too. I’m not as blindly optimistic as I was going into BFA, but… I think there’s a good chance it’ll be fun.

If it’s not, you probably won’t see me around that much. Haha

They did tyrande dirty.
Anduin muzzled Genn

Bring war back to Warcraft!

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The funny part about this line of thinking is that if they didn’t care then they wouldn’t be outraged. Clearly they do care and just think that is wrong.

I legit don’t care because Blizzard doesn’t have the subtlety to write a PG rated romance of any flavor. I don’t have faith in the writing team to come up with anything better than two heavy metal album covers getting in a fight.

EDIT: to be clear I have no problem with them being in the game, just saying that if the whole storyline is written like Tyrande and Malfurion in Legion I’m going to be rolling my eyes so hard they’ll be a centrifuge separating them into base fluids.

The sad thing is that them calling each other their love wasn’t anything new. They did that in WC3 pretty frequently. That Legion quest was just awful and, imo, pretty out of character for Tyrande. Though at the same time, Xavius mocking their “MUH LOVE” talk was a bit funny.


It was out of character and just highlights that it’s what Blizzard thinks romance looks like. I also have no problem with Xavius going hypertroll on them, though I have to wonder if his role in that was to point out that they’re aware at how bad the writing was. Could they be that self aware?


Probably. They might be working on new romances to try and improve and the Tyrande/Malfurion partnership could be them mocking their classic style of handling romance. Could also be a case of them not knowing how to write Tyrande.

I didn’t actually mind the Tyrande/Malfurion stuff in Legion :frowning: xD

I didn’t mind Xavius mocking them, I just don’t think it was in character for Tyrande to act the way she did. It was another ‘Hush Tyrande’ and ‘Tyrandes Silence’ all over again. At least for me.

Thanks for the laugh.

The writing team is fine. The problem with the game’s writing is that the upper devs are making Axe Cop fanfiction and have relegated the actual writers to cleanup duty.