Night Warrior Lore

It was just a customization option thrown in for the players, and a few npcs, but as far as we know, the night warrior has no affect on normal members of the night elf society.

Personally hoping they lore wise enhance a few sentinels with the night warrior, making them the night elf flavour of Paladin.


i am still interested in what tyrande mean with “i must satisfy the night warrior”

so… that power has some sort of price right? so she has to keep killing to keep the power or what?

then tyrande disappeared entirely only giving me random world quests.

Out of curiousity, can Blood Elf DKs get golden eyes? It’s generally speculated that the dark eyes for Night Elves was the parity answer to gold eyes for Blood Elves.

But, if Night Elf DKs got an option the Blood Elf DKs didn’t, there might be a tad of lore behind it. Unless that’s overly optimistic.

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Isn’t that basically just a death knight?

Blood elf death knight can only have blue death knight eyes. I just checked on the character creation screen. Demon hunters appear to be able to get the skin option but not the black eyes.

So idk if that really leads to anything lore related. I’d like to think that the night warrior customizations for death knight are lore related, but who knows?

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I still think the whole Night Warrior thing is just another dose of terrible writing from the same group who gave us… well, everything else with the Night Elves lately.


We don’t know how the Night Warrior have to be feed. Fact is that it’s the “avatar of vengeance” so I assume that you feed him with kills or souls.

Our toons killed one of the nine Val’kyr back in Cata. I mean, is it really that big of a deal that Tyrande did the same thing only after getting a buff?

The problem is Steve Moorgard Danuser who will s*%^ on anyone to ensure that his self insert Nathanos comes out looking as the smartest person in the room.


This whole debacle could have been easily avoided if they just had Tyrande kill Danuser, then have one of the Val’kyr die to bring him back.

The Night Warrior and Tyrande are portrayed as a serious threat, Nathanos survives but barely and is forced to withdrawn, the Forsaken lose yet another Val’kyr.


She’s likely enhanced, too:

    Maiev Shadowsong yells: Vengeance for Teldrassil!

Up until Tides of Vengeance, the sum total of Night Warrior lore, consisted of a sentence stating it was one of the titles that Elune went by.

That was it.

Not so. This was in an archeology item in-game:

    Necklace with Elune Pendant

    Elune is the primary goddess of the night elves. She is associated with the larger of the two moons, the White Lady. While she is a goddess of peace, she is not a pacifist. One of her aspects is the Night Warrior, who takes the valiant among the dead and sets them riding across the sky as stars.

Added in Cataclysm.