Night time

I know everyone is focused on the lawsuit and pvp drama but do you think they’ll ever fix the issue with night time? I didn’t play during og tbc so im not sure if it’s normal but classic vanilla nights were so dark and immersive to me. I tried the console ffxglow thing and it didn’t really help. Just thinking about this because i can’t sleep and I was wrapping up some quests in 1k needles on an alt and it looks pretty much like day time does. :frowning:

The nights are exactly the same in TBC Classic as they were in Classic.

Are you sure. Everything looks so much more brighter to me unless I’m in a naturally dark zone like tirisfal (spelling) do you think there might be something up with my settings. It’s been seriously bugging me

You’d have to link some screenshots. Some zones are just relatively bright at night.

There are some reddit threads from may about it with screenshots but I can’t link things (get an error) and it’s awkward on my phone. There is def a noticable difference it feels like the blue tones are much lighter (screenshots were taken in the barrens)

If I remember I will take some of my own screenshots in various zones tomorrow night. Org just felt way too bright. Could be settings, could be my eyes, could be confirmation bias

Everything was dark in my old crt monitor.

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I took the top screenshot sometime in April. The bottom screenshot I took during the pre-patch in May. Both were taken a little after midnight; I think the pre-patch (TBC) is actually slightly darker. Fullscreen glow is set to 0 in both

/console ffxglow 0

Here’s a screenshot of Tanaris I took during pre-patch:


Well i feel like im going insane now. thank you tho. gonna try to fiddle with gamma settings still. i swear to gd it felt darker during 'nilla classic late night. im going thru my screenshot folder right now.

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Don’t forget, it progressively gets darker towards midnight. I was in Tanaris at 9:30 and it was quite bright out still. The reason I took these screenshots is because there was another thread similar to yours made shortly after the pre-patch launched.

The OP of this thread used a 7 year old screenshot posted on mmo-champion to “prove” that night was broken in the pre-patch…

I don’t know why some people propagate disinformation like that but it usually works. I’m glad you didn’t do that and hope you’ll do a little truth seeking!

well those screenshots look nothing like my memory. The zones I noticed it the most in is stranglethorn and the barrens but I rarely ever play past midnight so I dont have any good screenshots. I’m still not 100% convinced but I appreciate your screenshots. if you happen to have any last night screenshots in STV vanilla vs late night TBC I would like to see those.

(I’m not saying you’re wrong btw or lying or anything like that just for my sanity at this point)

EDIT: ok i found ONE but its in the Undead starting zone. gonna log rq and check something out.

EDIT 2: ~

Ok here are some pics of my UD’s bobs. (two diff undead) Top is classic prolly around 10-11pm. bottom is tonight 4am. please tell me I am just crazy. I tried to recreate. both were taken in brill

Probably starting to get brighter out around 4:00 A.M. I don’t play Horde so I’ve got nothing to compare it to.

2am server time I forgot I’m east coast grob is west coast my bad just realized. Willing to accept that I’m seeing things if no one else knows what I’m talking about

The fire festivals light up everything


Pretty sure Orcs have Darkvision as a racial. Not sure about the others…

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