Night Fae Sanctum Report Issue - Queen's Conservatory is Dormant

Bump - Dormant

Having the SAME issue here too its been a week we need a blue post on this!!!

Same here 2 days in a row “dormant”. I know for sure I have 3 ready… anyone figure it out?

did you did the quest at the conservatory of gathering 1k of anima after I did it it stopped being dormant

I just turned in the 1k anima quest and it still shows as dormant

Same issue here. 2 blue seeds 1 legendary seed active now say dormant as of yesterday and still today. No in game support options. SOS.

Same problem here. Two Wildseeds of Regrowth are selectable, but not completable. The Queen’s Conservator shows a status of “The conservatory is dormant.” I’m hoping that completing anima quests will restart the maturity process, but from the comments I’ve bee seeing, this may be a false-hope. I’ve been talking to other Night Far guildies and they’re having the same problem.

Also having the same issue. Catalysts then seeds were planted, status is Dormant, although the visual effect of the different seed types is present. Completing the weekly anima quest did not reset the issue.

Throwing my name in as well, same issue.

Same here, always dormant

Queen’s Conservatory ate two spirits and is now dormant. Please give me fishes back :frowning:

I’m here as well, been like this for days and I planted before reset.

Already made my own bug post, but getting myself into this thread as well. Cannot replant any spirits after harvesting two wildseeds last Friday, 12/25

same aswell

Same issue, 2 wildseeds cooking - say the Conservatory is dormant.

Same issue here. Doing the anima quest didn’t help. Any word?

Same problem here. Conservatory is dormant. Can we get some acknowledgement that this has been identified as a problem?

Same here since server reset.

Same issue as well.

Hello. I know the exact cause of this issue. When you do any type of party sync where it scales your level down, it will break the conservatory timer in your covenant panel until you actually plant a new seed. This is happening a lot more to people this week because time walking triggers this phenomenon.

The seeds will still mature at the time they are supposed to, it’s just annoying because you have to actually go check them. Once you plant a new seed, it will be fixed (unless you break it by time walking again.)