Night Elves: "The first race to awaken"

Should we rez that thread where you told us to kill all our characters in exchange for Rezan instead?

Hey guys, a little off topic but; When do you think Med’an’s going to be put in the game?

I hope never.


When I transferred my character to Moon Guard, I lost all of my post history, and it basically started me over from scratch.

I also lost the ability to post on the “character” or get any notifications that said character would get. It’s kind of like Jawah-ED and Jawah-MG are two entirely different toons. It’s kinda stupid, honestly.

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What are you talking about? Thrall basically filled his role in Cataclysm. Cata Thrall isn’t that far off from Med’an.

I think what he’s talking about is this; you asked when Med’an would show up. Thrall is not Med’an, so… Cata Thrall’s really not applicable whatsoever. In fact, if anything, that’s proof that Med’an WILL never show up. Hell, he’s been retconned and memed out of existence at this point (see Chronicle’s index), and the guy who vowed to “make him awesome” is gone.

Thrall filled the role he was probably meant to fill in Cataclysm. Khadgar has Atiesh now instead of him. Medivh is alive again. Kathra’natir is handled. The Council of Tirisfal and the need for a Guardian are defunct, replaced by the Tirisgarde. There’s no reason for Med’an to exist anymore, so like Ronzonai said

As I recall, that was me offering the Alliance a reasonable alternative to all the bloodshed we’ve been seeing recently.

Just a few sacrifices of powerful Alliance members to resurrect Rezan and the Horde would surrender all peaceful and cooperative, just like you Alliance folk prefer :slight_smile:

Not my fault you all seem to prefer war to peace :wink:

I dont get it.

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Bro, you just posted cringe. You’re going to lose subscribers.

Also Rezan sucked.

Khazlei wants us to give up Jaina, Genn, Turalyon, Alleria, Shaw, Danath, and basically every character who’s not Anduin to sacrifice and resurrect Rezan… which I’m not even sure if that’s how it works. And she claims that if we don’t do this, it’s because we don’t want the peace we claim we want. Which is crappy logic, that’s like saying we didn’t want peace because we didn’t surrender to the Legion.

Basically, she was a naughty girl and RPed in the Story Forums.


What does the Alliance have to do with Rezan?


Exactly, what DOES the Alliance have to do with Rezan?


Why would Rezan coming back cause the Horde to surrender?


I think the logic here is that the Horde will apparently back down if the Alliance sacrifices everyone who isn’t Anduin to give them back their crappy dino god. Which… is silly for multiple reasons.

Also if she uses one more emoji, I’m taking away her voodoo privileges for a month.


Dem’s fightin’ words bruddah! :triumph:


Bwonsamdi just wanted to do his job. :triumph:

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No, he pretty clearly sucked.


This is about to turn into a very different topic. :popcorn:


#ResurrectRezan2020 :triumph:


Rezan was gimped pretty bad. I’m hoping by BFA’s end we’ll see him and Hir’eek make their return.

Hir’eek really deserved better than what he got.


Both your dino god and whole class is a lie. Go back to playing a warrior.