Night elves did NOT get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

Right but there are varied canon things to each story, Blizzard states that one storyline is canon while the other is not. And I don’t actually even know which side is canon.

And really? Murdering innocent women and children to overtake them and possibly even use them as slaves isn’t nearly as horrible as the burning of teldrassil where multiple people tried to put in effort to save as many innocents as possible? I’m sorry but I’m going to have to disagree there. They’re about equal on my part.

To my understanding it doesn’t state anywhere that they’re practically extinct at this point.

Right, so if that was a mentioned part then it’s a pretty big deal and at least avenges some of the people that she slaughtered.

i can actually agree with that. and it saddens me, because they took her story to the cusp of awesomeness with the whole avatar of elune’s vengeance thing, and then did nothing with it. the ritual is supposed to burn away all that the caster is, to be replaced as the embodiement of elune’s wrath. she hasn’t been wrathful at all, she’s still been the same old lame af tyrande. taking out one of sylvanus’s valkyr should not have been this difficult thing, it should have been tyrande’s moment to demonstrated merciless and overpowered superiority. valkyr are elite undead, and Elune is supposedly a freaking goddess walking around wearing a tyrande suit. nathanos should have ended that story phase crawling on his belly to get back to his ship and bounce from the zone in terror after seeing elune-tyrande tie the valkyr into knots and flay them into spectral spaghetti and smear them all over the rest of the horde forces in darkshore. she should have humiliated nathanos and sent him back to sylvanas in mutilated pieces as a message to announce what she had set in motion against herself

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There’s a link to it through various sources. Wowpedia has an article on it as well.

Here, lemme find it.

At some point during the Third War, Varok fought alongside the troll Hekazi.[3] He participated in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, witnessing Archimonde’s fall to the wisps.[18] After the demonic bloodlust had been lifted from the orcs due to Grommash Hellscream’s sacrifice, Varok helped dozens of veterans come to grips with their previous atrocities, ultimately saving the lives of many great Horde soldiers.[15] His own actions under the Blood Curse, however, continue to haunt him, as the sound of swine being killed when they are ready for slaughter remind him of the death screams of the draenei children, and older veterans like Varok are often troubled by the memory. It disturbed Varok so deeply that he has refused to eat pork ever since.[19] He will not shy away from war, or hesitate to defend his people and the Horde. However, he refuses to start a war, and if it is within his power, he will prevent a warmongering spirit from doing so. Whether through actions or by words, he will stop them anyway he can… no matter what.

I’ll include a link to the page:

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Well all the civilians have died and they didn’t have any val’kyr to resurrect them. Sylvanas could consider herself lucky if she only died for what she did.

But let’s not get too far from realism, the alliance will probably end up siding with sylvanas to defeat a “greater threat”

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To be fair it’s only a based assumption of off the text, but for a majority of almost all of them it’s just slaughtering them like pigs. However to my knowledge there was also half-breeds in prisoner camps that is presumed to be as such.

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You’re beginning to sound silly. Keep in mind this is Elune’s vengeance. Elune’s vengeance would seek out Sylvanas because she’s the one who pulled the trigger and annihilated those people. Tyrande has put the death nail in the coffin for Sylvanas. Because you aren’t acknowledging it doesn’t change the fact that’s about as big as it can get considering Sylvanas has also successfully evaded death at the hands of multiple Alliance leaders more than once, such as the Battle for Lordaeron.

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that’s never been the orcs man. they were a “wild” people, sure, but they weren’t savages. it was the blood curse that drove them to that kind of madness.


It’s also mentioned that there are so many evacuees in Stormwind, that the cathedral, inns, and even private homes are filled beyond capacity, and that even Goldshire is filled with elves.

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Thats what I meant, I should have clarified.

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This is correct. It’s assumed that draenei-orc half-breeds are the children of non-consensual actions. RP’ers will also acknowledge it if the discussion of half-breeds come up on occasion.


Garona was one. Her mother was a draenai prisoner, her father an orc guard.


a few hundred does not a sustainable population make. stormwind isn’t as big as you think it is, and a few hundred nelfs would have stormwind very crowded. from what i gather ther’es only a few thousand night elves left in azeroth, i think the blood elves may even outnumber them now, and they were supposedly a nearly vanished species


Few thousand and pretty much extinct are two entirely different things. At that point High elves would probably be possibly higher in numbers than Night elves. Again, with them being playable races that only further solidifies that their numbers are still going to increase however way possible.

it’s in the wow movie as well. garona was a slave and pretty much says in nicer words she’s so used to being used against he rwill that she would “break” khadgar because his bones are soft, not like hers which are “strong” for how many times she’s been broken and healed


I think if you reread the short stories, you’ll see that the majority was evacuated. WAY more than a few hundred.

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If you play BFA for the story…i am sorry and haahahahahah…hahahahahahahha

Hopefully the writers do a better job in next expansion i mean its a very, very low bar

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The Blood elves and Quel’thalas are now considered a thriving city, and even their blood line was referred to as “nearly spent” and I’d certainly say that the sacking of the high elves parallels the burning of Teldrassil.

If the Blood Elves were able to survive with no allies, or resources for so long before joining the Horde, I’m sure the Night elves can reach sustainability as well.


^ Also this, the blood elves have come a long way from when they were originally first introduced as a helpless group of helves… Throughout the timeline of WoW it’s safe to assume their numbers are way larger than they use to be, so going off that logic isn’t very great.


Don’t think that the in game presentation of Stormwind (or any other location) is true to how big/populated it is in Lore. For obvious reasons these locations are massively downsized in game, so in lore I’m sure going off the part where it mentions the city is crowded plus Goldshire, it’s much more then a few hundred.

She should have been able to kill them allllllllllll