Night Elves confirmed as being "nearly wiped out"

Nobody cares.

The current Horde still gets blamed for **** that happened in WC1 and 2.

Whatever organization you’re affiliated with at the time you commit your crime is the organization that bares the stigma of that crime forever.


This isn’t correct. It’s absolutely the same group. I’m 110% down for taking responsibility for Arthas and all that stuff.

It’s just borderline parody that the same people keep on pivoting between “The Alliance is responsible for the events that occurred in the Kingdom of Lordaeron in the Third War including the actions of its government and ruling dynasty” and “The Alliance has no claim or history with Lordaeron. Only the Forsaken are the people of Lordaeron and only they can legitimately claim any connection or heritage associated with it”

It happens too often for it to simply be a joke at this point despite the blatant contradiction inherent in that line of reasoning, so I can only assume that these people genuinely believe it which is extremely wack.



Also correct.

The Alliance soldiers that followed Arthas during the culling of Stratholm, and subsequently became Forsaken, are both responsible for that atrocity, and are also the rightful people of Lordaeron. They aren’t mutually exclusive.


But in any case, Arthas was held accountable for his actions by his victims. It’s why the Alliance stormed Icecrown Citadel in Lordaeron’s name, destroyed his army, and killed him.

His primary victims and his only deliberate target was the Alliance. And the Alliance held him accountable for it. Badda bing badda boom.

Bolvar even straight up says so at the Wrathgate. “Arthas! The blood of your father, of your people, demands justice! Come forth coward, and answer for your crimes!”

They are mutually exclusive. Responsibility and legitimacy go hand in hand. You can’t claim that the Alliance is responsible for an action yet has no legitimate connection to the circumstances surrounding the action.



I did though.

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You can claim 2 + 2 = 3 all you want but the only thing you’ll convince anyone of is that you’re nuts and don’t understand what you’re talking about.

What you’re doing is the equivalent of accusing a guy of running someone over in a car while simultaneously claiming that he’s never driven a car.


It’s almost like the horde hasn’t learned a damn thing since WC 1 and 2……horde players should be happy their faction is a playable one, because realistically it should’ve been dismantled completely by now

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Actually, from the view of the Argent Crusade and the Ebon Blade, both the Alliance and Horde failed because they succumbed to infighting after Wathgate and it was their two groups and a bunch of champions led by Tirion Fiordring who did the deed.

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LOL this again?

Guess it’s fair though. Can’t have it both ways. Characters like Garrosh blame the Alliance for creating Arthas, but that doesn’t mean it’s justified.

But then there are some things that are blamed on a country and some things that are blamed on the entire species. In wow, for most races, they’re one and the same. But for humans, dwarves, trolls and a few other races, they are not.

Many would say it’s the dwarves fault that the Burning Steppes is a volcanic hole, but it was the dark irons who summoned ragnaros. So you just have to decide, blame the race or blame the nation. Neither is actually right (most of the time), but it’s entirely reasonable for people to choose one or the other.

The High King of the Alliance speaks for the Alliance, and he was able to claim Arthas and his crimes as a direct example of the Alliance’s history.

The only people who try to slice off the WC 3 Alliance from the World of Warcraft Alliance are partisan forum posters.

Sure, of course they have a history. You seem to be the only poster even suggesting that with your off the wall statements. But they have no legitimate claim.

They can always claim it through conquest, with sheer force, like they did early in BfA. But that has nothing to do with any claims or legitimacy. Like the US claimed half of Mexico through force and “manifest destiny”. To the Victor goes the spoils.

We aren’t exactly sure the state of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. They may have held on to some parts of Lordaeron, or they may have withdrawn.

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Which is mostly the same situation we had at day one of this MMORRG.

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At day 1 the Night Elves had Teldrassil, the majority of Ashenvale and they were still alive. Darkshore also wasn’t destroyed.

So no, all those things are large differences

It means that the Forsaken are still to blame for the formation of Arthas, because at that time they were members of the Alliance. Right?

The Forsaken had the UnderCity, Brill which was a major RP hub on my server, that and the bulk of Tirsifal Glades area are gone.

The Night Elves have expanded their holdings in Feathermoon, and StoneTalon Mountains.


The Forsaken were mere subjects to an Alliance King. They had little to do with it. They were victims of the Alliance’s flawed systems of government and chains of command.

So. Who is accused when it says “The faction is guilty of event X”? All faction members of a faction? Managers? The pinnacle of managers? List of laws? Power transfer laws? Culture?

So they lost their city and a part of the zone… to themselves.

The Night Elves lost 2 zones and their city permanently along with their population to the Horde.

They lost it to the Alliance. The Alliance plowed through Tirisfal. They even left a big scar - ironically, like the one Arthas left in Quelthalas.

Those Alliance leaders like to muck up the front yard.


I didn’t know that the Alliance blight bombs things