Night elves, are we still doing the run to Westfall?

Or do you think it’s safe to level in the NE zones and be cool


What’s wrong with the NE zones?

I thought about doing the reverse and taking my human warlock to Teldrassil/Darkshore.


i’m making a NE hunter so i’ll have to stay until 10, once i’m done with hunter training, i’ll be running to westfall.


If I create a Night Elf (I won’t) I would definetly stick to their respective starting zones. Darkshore is like Silverpine with all the melancholy but has a deeper sense of history and immersion. Plus a forlorn coastline; it’s fantastic. Ashenvale and Stonetalon both have a great relaxed vibe and you will surely get in some good PvP. Edit: I replied to the wrong poster, but it doesn’t matter too much. Sorry!


I’m leveling a human rogue main and Nelf druid gatherer. I’ll be making the run twice.

I’ll be on a RP server so no PvP for me. xD

Just something I considered though. If I remember correctly there is a warlock den in Ratchet I can use for that stuff while leveling on Kalimdor.

Darkshore is a GREAT zone to level in once you get done in Teledrassil, but I feel like the run to SW and IF is kind of a right of passage for a Nelf. Avoiding the mobs on the road, running like a gnoll with your tail on fire trying to drop aggro. Also keep in mind there are certain weapon skills you can ONLY train if you go to the right city.


Hmm I think the only thing that may suck about that is class trainers. I don’t believe they had warlock trainers there do they?

Edit: Saw the post on Ratchet! Interesting process there that may be fun. Make you work for those skills lol

Leveling a hunter means I’ll just stay in DS. Don’t need it to be small like westfall.

Would have to regularly run to Ratchet I believe, but I’m fairly certain there was one there.

i like NE zones so idc, at lv 20 just go to wetlands to avoid horde at ashenvale

I did the opposite run since I liked leveling in Darkshore, I ran all my non NE characters there once I hit 10 or 11.

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I’m not leaving my homeland. Love the NE zones :heart_eyes:


You should snag a couple of levels in Darkshore first, then return once Westfall is done as far as you want to go with it.

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If you want the rep of another city, best to pucker up and start running. Look on the bright side, you’ll get back from the deaths quickly with your silly wisp form. Fortunately for me, orc has an easy trip to the zep tower.

Night Elves have the best Alliance mounts, they don’t need no stinking ponies or sheep!


You shouldn’t say “best” to describe an opinion. Fact wise, tigers don’t run faster than anything else.

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Westfall/barrens are the most social places to level.

Not sure if this is going to be affected by sharding. With sharding, it’s possible there’s no reason to go to Westfall.

I assume the speed levelers dictate you run westfall?

There’s nothing cool about the alliance.

Well maybe Dwarves.