Soon as the game loads I’m running towards Northshire Abby. I’m going home.
Ill see u guys in STV
That’s just like, your opinion, man
NE zones don’t have Old Blanchy.
and not do DM. That blue quest reward lasts for quite a few levels.
Darkshore is just as safe, and the XP comes just as fast in my opinion…
Also, raising your rep with Darnassus is probably better than most.
You’ll only get so far in darkshore before all the quests are red. You may as well do either Westfall and or Loch Modan too.
I’m only making the run because my group is comprised of a human pally and a human rogue… I’ll be a NE warrior.
Darkshore is actually a good leveling zone, and Ashenvale really isn’t all that bad until you get into the higher level stuff around the Horde town. Once you’re at the point you need to hop between Stonetalon and Ashenvale, you’re big enough to hitch a ride across without too much trouble, and that’s around the time you start getting cross-continent quests anyway.
Staying in Kalimdor mostly is still solid leveling. I really enjoy Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, and Un’Goro.
I never do the wetlands run as nelf. Die way too often. I swim from Menethil harbor till I get to the waters and chat channels of SW. Then I drown myself and reborn near Goldshire. Certain professions you cant seem to get in Teldressil.
I have no plans to make the run where it would mean death. At 20 - 25 I’ll make the run so I can get gun training at a minimum but it should be safe enough at that point.
Which ones? If you are looking for Mining, Engineering, and/or Blacksmithing you need to talk to the Dwarves in Auberdine, Darkshore. Pretty sure everything else is found on Teldrassil. Granted that I think that they are apprentice level and don’t teach much, but I think they teach enough that you don’t have to make the run until it is within your level range.
Staying in the tree then going to Darkshore
Thanks I will check out the dwarves in Auberdine.
I’m not planning on doing it but for the people that are, there’s a really easy skip from wetlands to dun morogh that saves a lot of time and only requires one death.
I tried it on the beta and it worked there.
Those are the camp of dwarves off in the corner of the big building overlooking the sea. mining/bs/engineering can be learned there
Not sure what you mean here.
dang that is a major shortcut. thanks.
If you follow Joannas alliance guide he skips westfall, never steps foot in it.
There is nothing wrong with NE zones - that’s not why the Wetlands run was done… You have to get weapon training in Ironforge and Stormwind. My hunters are born carrying a dagger and a bow. The trainer in Darnassus only teaches staves, thrown and fist weapons (bow & dagger too I think) which are basically useless on a hunter and harder to find. So if you want to carry the sword you just bought or the gun you just made or the axe you found… you have to make the naked Wetlands run - getting all flight paths as you go.
No problem. Only small downside to it is that you miss out on grabbing the Loch Modan FP early on, but I think the time save makes up for it.