Night elves are still homeless Blizz

Because SIlvermoon is so pretty, the city that half looks like someone vandalized it and people came back and occupied the first hole they found, and the other half was destroyed by the scourge ? lol

Take that up with Sylvanas, after it it was her that plague bombed it back into the stone age and not the Alliance. If it wasn’t for her actions, I wouldn’t be surprised if Anduin allowed a Forsaken faction lead by Calia to reclaim it.

Darkshore is your new home.

My garrison is my home. I am rich. lol

Nelfs aren’t supposed to be homeless

They’re supposed to be dead

And yet, we are one of the most numerous races in Azeroth.
And besides Humans and Blood Elves, no other race has even half of our numbers in “player characters”.


And just as a bonus, also the last year hunters were the first class in number of players.