Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

Not going to happen. The simple fix is to simply just walk past anything that’s problematic…just like walking past a dark alley you don’t want to go down anyway.

There are plenty of ways to unmess the lore, they all just require that the story not be an afterthought that’s treated as window dressing for people punching one another

… Have night elvfes always had blue eyes?

Also not going to happen. The story serves the gameplay, not the other way around. It’s only purpose has been to get you into the fights. To satisfy those method players who say “Dude, what’s my motivation?!”

Yes, but I think the shade I’m sporting now is new.

Its good looking.

Chronicle also confirmed that many First War refugees actually never even returned home and decided to remain in Lordaeron. Take into account a few things.

  • Most of Stormwind’s Original populated was wiped out in the First War

  • Surviving Stormwind humans were still taking casualties during the Second War. Their surviving soldiers fighting alongside Lothar and the other Alliance Troops. Possibly even MORE civilizan casualties from Horde attacks in Hillsbrad & other areas of Lordaeron including Capitol City during the Horde’s failed siege there.

  • Post Second War many of the survivor who survived the Second War now choose not to return home

Pretty sure Flynn Fairwind even brings this up in the Eastern Kingdoms book that many of Stormwind’s Citizens come from Lordaeron too.

At this point post Second/Third War, Stormwind is pretty much a Lordaeron colony in the Southern Eastern Kingdoms. With some Dalaran influence sprinkled about as well. This influence isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but they’ve really done little with it. Stormwind had potential but after WOTLK none of its story potential was followed up on. It’s entire theme was given to the Alliance as a whole & the CATA revamp turned half their leveling zones into childish jokes.