Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

Everything you said was wrong, there’s literally nothing to respond to, and you don’t know me, so keep your ignorant assumptions to yourself

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It would kind of put the nail in the Forsaken coffins as well. They ARE Lordaeron after all, just in a very different guise and venue.

They arguably have as much right to call themselves that, maybe more as those who fled the city decades ago.

Okay dude, you and he can keep repeating that. So I’m going to prove exactly what I said and I’m going to expose what pathetic trolls you are.

I said that Stormwind was never the symbol of humanity in the past. And that actually was the weakest kingdom of all. Here’s the proof: Throughout the Eastern Kingdoms , the disparate human kingdoms flourished. The smallest and most isolated was Stormwind. (Chronicles , pg 159)

I also said that Lordaeron was the most powerful kingdom, and here’s the proof:
Terenas pointed out that Lordaeron was the largest kingdom with the most troops ( Tide of darkness , pg 24)

And I also said that Stormwind lore is a cheap imitation of the events in Lordaeron, honestly if you need proof for this with Anduin simply impersonating Arthas then I can only say that you are a very bad troll.


Pats head Okay bud, kinda adorable you’re getting so defensive about it though. Again, keep the ignorant assumptions to yourself

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Why? Please elaborate on why the Forsaken are “more Lordaeron” than other Lordaeronians despite the fact that they have actively discarded their Lordaeronian heritage.


This is incorrect. The Alliance of Lordaeron is the same entity as the Alliance of today as per Metzen.

This would necessarily involve them moving closer to the Alliance and becoming more distant from the Horde, because the Alliance and Lordaeron are extremely heavily intertwined concepts. We even saw this in BtS: Forsaken who were most interested in any sort of Lordaeron roots were also the ones who would defect to the Alliance if given the chance.


Because they were Lordaeronians prior to their death, and since then they have lived their entire unlife in Lordaeron.


Night Elves need a new city, probably in Hyjal.

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I kind of like the idea of Night Elves just spite settling the burned husk of Teldrassil.

I don’t like the Highborne side of Night Elf culture as much, but it would be cool to see Eldre’Thalas as a city.


Okay so now that they’ve been kicked out of Lordaeron and mostly unlive in Orgrimmar, they no longer have the right to call themselves Lordaeronians, since national and cultural heritage is apparently tied exclusively to the designation of dirt.


Okay. So Lordaeronians are extinct as an ethnic group, thus no one has a rightful claim to Lordaeron.

Okay sure. I mean that’s the logical end result of concluding that heritage is tied solely to whatever piece of land you inhabit at any given moment.

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It’s pretty nuts that my ties to my apartment are null and void and “that guy who lives in that building” is functionally extinct every time I go get groceries.

This is like some Sovereign Citizen crap

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You are the one who claimed the Forsaken have no right to call themselves Lordaeronians. Originally, I was making the point that the Forsaken are “more Lordaeron” because any living Lordaeronian have not lived there for more than 20 years, whereas the Forsaken have lived there actively in life and in unlife.

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No I didn’t. I asked why they have a right to call themselves “more Lordaeronian” than other Lordaeronians.

It wasn’t even a question directed at you. It was directed at Drahliana.

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Yes you did

That was just me applying the logic that you were using, which is that if you leave a particularly designated area then you no longer have the right to claim a right to it. Both the living Lordaeronians and now the Forsaken have left the designated area in question, so it stands to reason that neither would be Lordaeronians as per your own logic.

If you have a problem with this assessment then explain why.

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I said the Forsaken are “More Lordaeronian” not that living Lordaeronians ceased to be such altogether. But I would say a people actively living some place are a truer representation of that regional group than someone who has not lived there in 20 years. Likely starting families with non-lordaerionians. Raising children who identify with the place of their childhood rather than a place they have only heard of in stories. Growing accustomed to more local cuisine, local music, local slang, local weather. So on and so on.

One is clearly more Lordaeronian than the other.

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TFT to BfA was about 10 years of time in-game, and even less time if you include the portions of Lordaeron that were destroyed by the Forsaken themselves in Cataclysm, which only happened 5 years ago. On a historical and demographic timescale, Lordaeron fell practically yesterday and the Forsaken have only been the sole controllers of the region for less than half a decade.

And now as of BfA, the Forsaken are no longer dominant in the region, and it’s the living Lordaeronians who are. Thus it stands to reason that it is now the living Lordaeronians who are “more Lordaeronian” as per your logic.

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Because up until recently they were still occupying what had once been known as Capital City. Granted, they were only living in the sewers expanded under Arthas’ reign, butt that’s still Lordaeron. They remained while the others fled and stayed away. More importantly they were the same people that had been living there before the Scourge.