Not sure if you played CATA/MOP but i wouldn’t call that long stretch of time “catered to” as a human fan. There’s a reason why to this day Lordaeron is such a big thing. The call for retaking Lordaeron, or even just recognizing that heritage more is because Stormwind is boring and lacks any identity beyond the Wrynns who many people can’t bring themselves to care about. Especially as Varian was watered down after WOTLK just like the rest of the human story was at that point.
As mentioned prior with the Wrynns, i hate to admit it but i also find myself souring on Jaina too. I think the character needs a break for a while, and the flip flopping in her personality between forgiving the Horde & being mad at them is pretty tiring. Aside from that though i would agree Kul Tiras as of now is the most interesting of the human kingdoms and the best human story in sometime especially in the questing experience. The Mainland EK Humans can’t compare right now.
Oh, you mean those expansions where a newly returned human hijacked the entire Alliance narrative at the expense of other Alliance leaders and cemented human leadership of the faction for all time? So rough, much misery. Let’s just push two other races under the bus to “make up” for the times “HuMaN pOtEnTiAl™” got stifled into being put on a pedestal for all time.
You’re talking about the transition to their telling a character story, which has been viciously anthropocentric. And, instead of it even being a good character story it’s just a super-hero-in-fantasy-setting story without consistent characters.
In the process of that they’ve let a ton of the world wither.
The ideal would be for Blizzard to realize that people are paying for a game world to put their own characters in, which is supposed to be rich and engaging for all playable races.
And, as things stand, the only thing you’ll get is more of the Wrynn show. Anduin reclaiming Lordaeron wouldn’t do a thing for “Lordaeron identity”.
Irredentism is a weird thing to put into a game.
The game has two Factions. The original races are going to be kept in their start zones, or, if they’re moved, moved equally.
A bunch of the stuff you guys talk about from Cata was just gameplay bending the story so the game-world fit with the dev perception of good gameplay.
And yet we human fans aren’t over the moon like your appraisal would suggest we should be. We’re miserable, and boring, and hollowed out.
A couple of humans being prominent doesn’t translate into human development. Humans were thrown under the bus just as much by the excessive focus on a handful of characters to the detriment of humanity’s collective identity. Blaming humans for all your problems just became trendy on these forums because there are so few human fans left and that makes them easy targets.
I think that’s one of the funniest things about this situation. It seems almost collectively agreed upon that humans (Non-Kul Tiran) are boring and dull. But seemingly you’re not allowed to suggest anything to make their story actually interesting. Any suggestion is either met with “Muh Human Potential!” - “That wouldn’t do anything anyway!” - “Stealing the spotlight!” - “That belongs to the Forsaken/Horde!”
Man, Americans and their labelling everything “Communist” as if communists are RL demons is tiring.
I don’t like someone? Communist.
They have a competing economy? Communist.
Different way of life? Communist.
Socialist economy? Communist.
And to reduce something like BLM to just communist propaganda when we (the rest of the world) know the exact reason it started makes you look like an idiot.
What utter nonsense. it will never be a realistic goal when people like you exist to keep it that way- voting for people and choosing paths that make it unrealistic.
No, that isn’t the “next best thing”. The only people this helps is idiots who won’t take a vaccine because apparently it’s state control to end a pandemic.
This statement sounds - in the wake of wow´s storyline - really…hypocritical…i mean…the Horde for the last 10 years did exactly that…try to stealing other peoples stuff.
Blizzard gave the Horde Lordaeron to balance out the quest zones avaiable for them. Because back in classic Alliance had control over 90% of all lands while the Horde only had the Barrens and nothing else. You alliance players are just selfish that you can’t bare even the idea of sharing with the other faction because it stands in the way of your world domination power fantasy. Just be honest about your intentions instead of lying.
You just complain you didn´t get a cake covered in the specific frosting you wanted, regardless of getting to eat it at the detriment of the rest of the playable races of the game.
You guys acting so OCD with the Lordaeron part of the game -that btw only became relevant in WC2- is a “you” problem, not a narrative one.
Cause owning Lordaeron makes the same Sue Humans interesting how exactly? No seriously, in which way, shape of form the Humans “conquering” back Lordaeron makes them any different to the Sue characterization they already have going for them, hmm?
I don´t see inner conflict, nor actual development in that case. Just a bunch of MHP humid dreams becoming true. Just to get the same narrative stagnation them staying in their 2/3rds of the continent has provided btw (cause you guys just want to “rebuild there” ergo, nothing actually new nor much less a vehicle for advance in the story apart from “MUH Human Potential!!”)
is not as if the Horde has paid for this narratively speaking, amrite? We totally didn´t lose characters and got brained almost to death with the villain bat in this nonsensical attempt to validate the ridiculous MHP narrative? Heck, the Nelves totes didn´t were the ones to actually PAY the price to make this stupid “development” a “maybe” in BfA, right?
Thats was you take out of this statement, but not the thing i said.
I said only that this Statement in the wake of wows Storyline is Hypocritical because thats exactly what the horde did.
Have the Horde Paid a price? In terms of Character, sure, if this paid price enough for the horrible deed the horde did? Maybe, maybe not, but that was not my reason for this statement and the final answer on this term is in blizzards hands, we will see.
And is really really laughable if you try to put me into the “MHP” Camp, thats not my position at all…but the horde grow in the last 15 years on the expence of the alliance.
Thats an objective fact, and that price was paid by multiple alliance races…the night elf and worgen more then any other alliance faction.
And that´s wrong cause as I mentioned like a week ago, the “Alliance Humans” didn´t lose sht to the “Horde” back in the RTS. They lost it to the BBE of the time a.k.a. the Burning Legion AND Zooval. The Horde “didn´t made” Arthas pick the choice to become a Death Knight and wreack havoc on Lordaeron, the Jailor (as per the latest canon lore development) did, period. Stop blaming the Horde for stuff third parties did.
People complaining the “Forsaken are a proof the Horde stol stuff from the Alliance” are the same individuals either wildly believing WC3 never happened or worse, literally missing the point in WC3 ergo having questionable reading comprehension skills since the very start.
“Buut, buut!! Cata Forsaken!!”. Literally corrected in BfA dude: Nelves regained Darkshore and most probably Ashenvale, Humans regained Arathi -that´s a basically dead kingdom" and Gilneas. There: status quo kept, stop with the nonsense that the Horde “grew” feasting on the Alliance, as per the most recent developments this was corrected, period.
You wildly jumping to defend Ainh is a contradiction to this claim dude, go back and re-read all his points and then come back here to make that declaration once again.
BfA, nuff said. Also: Night elves were hit to justify the Alliance touching lordaeron my man so yes: welcome to my and other poster´s tirade about why was so bad to catter to MHP rabble focused on “muh Lordaeron” and how this tirade ended up hurting other Alliance races like the Nelves and the Worgen.
Fact is, with all the stuff they pulled, the actual overlords on the Alliance should be the Dwarves, not the Sue Humans.
You got Arathi, Gilneas and Darkshore back in Bfa. That is already more lands then any other races have in the game. Humans and night elves are literally the races with the most land. Ever have been since classic. Cata only corrected it into some fairness since the Horde had less places to do quests in. If that concept is hated by you so much you are playing the wrong game mate. Horde and Alliance being equal will not ruin the fun for anyone. It just works towards gameplay balance that BOTH sides have some of the cake. That’s all.
Nice to see you can keep the serious posting when necessary. Indeed in this topic it´s but a requirement, cause people complaining they didn´t get to erase the playability of another race they dislike for biased reasons is hilarious.
I don´t think I´ve seen anyone seriously arguing the Worgens don´t deserve to get their country back… heck, YOU vouched for the Nelves to get stuff back and you love to troll the Alliance partisans in this place.
less places but more quests (That forget the most people)
The reason why horde lvling was more easier…but more of an one liner because most of the time you stayed in the same area was because you have not as much areas as the Alliance had, but actually you had really more quests. (even powerlvler agree on this term…its more easy to get lvl 60 on horde then on alliance in classic wow)
bfa was a …Sylvanas Plotline-Show…through and through…to call it a mhp rabble focuse is …Twisting the fact.
Then be welcome and start to get a speedlvl guide…you will notice that the horde had more quests.
the reason why was because the alliance had MORE areas, but the horde have pro area more quests (but not as much areas as the alliance had to quest)…a famous example for this was hinterlands, the alliance have quests in hinterlands, i think not more than 10…but the horde have over 30.
the problem of the horde arrived at lvl 60 was allways the lack of diversity.
The reason why joanna (You know, the speedrun king in terms of lvling in classic wow) picked horde to try the world record.
But its nice to know that this myth of “Horde lvling in classic” was so bad" …still survived
I played Horde classic and it was awful. This is noth a myth. Both sides deserve their cake. What you want is to have total world domination by alliance only. This will obviously not happen for gameplay reasons alone. So stop supporting the MHP dwarf in his crusade. Humans already have more stuff then anyone else. They don’t need even more on top of it.