Night Elves actually did get a good ending

Lol spoiled

Hä? What? One complain about an entire different situation and time leads on what way to this statement?

The boy got really mad that I said Genn accomplished more against Sylvanas in one cinematic than Tyrande Night Warrior ever did. Now he is here pontificating about DBZ power levels and child raising methods.

Blizzard does not share your opinion. Tyrande’s story is about Tyrande… period.


And look at all the satisfied players. The story is being praised by everyone in the industry and the fanbase most of all.

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I love this for her. Her story has always been about her and what she’s willing to do to save her people and she has integrity and bravery, compassion and mercy. Tyrande is one of the best characters in this entire franchise.

I know many will not agree, but I think this new cinematic highlights that Tyrande embodies all the good aspects of Elune.

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Funny… you like Sylvanas but she exhibits none of these traits.

She exhibits the exact same traits. Tyrande and Sylvanas are narrative parallels.

Arthas attacking Quel’thalas and Sylvanas attacking Teldrassil were narrative parallels. It’s a GOOD paralell too. one that set up this amazing moment in Shadowlands, Sylvanas realizing the fact that she became Arthas which will lead to her healing from what he did to her, which will likely lead to forgiveness between Tyrande and Sylvanas because Tyrande became Sylvanas as the Night Warrior. It’s a cycle, Shadowlands is about breaking cycles.

I know you don’t like this development, but this is likely where it’s going.

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What was Sylvanas’ mercy? her bravery? her integrity and most of all her compassion?

So she doesn’t have those qualities. Got it. So when do we kill Sylvanas like we killed Arthas?

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I will say this again as Ren and not Luxio. This story is being written for women. It’s about empathy and forgiviness. It’s about feminine strength and rebuilding bridges not burning them.

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Have your read smallioz ethriel kyalins posts? It’s not unrelated when ALL they do is post about night elves getting the shaft and how unfair it is lol. Now let’s use our brains here and connect that to my statement about how they didn’t care about the negative aspects other races were dealing with while night elves were getting all the glory. Which leads to the spoiled and entitled comments. When you have to selectively misquote people to try and make your point and you just ramble on some BS childish no you said it, no your dumber rhetoric all your doing is trolling for clicks.

M? All the glory? Where?
They were glorified as victims, rulers of a bygone era, self-confident inept, chosen by the gods and the like.
And as the victors of the night elves are not glorified. They are given a certificate in the office, without spectators and cameras. There is no cup, medals, cash prizes.

After all, the night elves have gained nothing since their victories, have they?

how many other races were chosen by the gods? how many others were granted immortality? the issue here is that night elf obsessed fans refuse to acknowledge all that favoritism as they would call it now, was to the night elves at the start. and now that its not what they want its unacceptable. they can’t seem to comprehend they are not the only race in the game that matters, or has had bad things happen to them. jealous of the attention sylvanas gets even tho tyrande gets tons of screentime still. illidan was a huge story point. malfurion has since day one of wow been one of the main stars. and tons and tons of other things.


The power of the gods to distinguish or can you use the “minor gods”?

Forsaken? Although, their minds will rot over time. Perhaps the Lightforged.

From what moment should the history of favoritism be counted? Since the beginning of the history of Azeroth, since the opening of the Dark Portal, since the founding of the Cult of the Damned, since the death of Archimonde?

I would say that they are “jealous of the attention that the Horde / Alliance / Human is receiving”, in a way they are jealous of the gnomes (they are not touched).

I don’t know about Tyrande.
Illidan - Illidan. He fought for himself and his goals.
Malfurion slept from day one of WoW until Cataclysm.

What are the tons?

I recommend using capital letters at the beginning of a sentence.

Oh yes. What fruit of victory have the night elves reaped?

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but…they are fans of the night elves…so why they should care in a thread about…night elves about other races??? I mean…if you are here to blame someone, blame yourself to be not smart enough to understand and to blame other fans for “not liking other races”.

“Yeah, they dont care if other races happened bad things…” …you know, night elf fans…have NOT to care about other races and how many people spoke against them, its no miracle that they don´t care anymore.

I mean, they have their immortality taken away …right at the end of wc3, they have no good treatment in wow at all, and now you really blame the fans for …not liking to end as victim?


This is a lie that I have refuted over and over and over and over.

You out yourself again as an inherently dishonest contributor to this forum.

He thought he was getting an express ticket back to Sylvannas.

In case you weren’t paying attention in this chapter, we’ve found out that he was totally wrong as Sylvannas hasn’t seen him since that day, hadn’t even known thatTyrande had ended him before she was told.