Alliance side, which race do you like better for druids and why?
night elf: beacuse they were druids first, before it was “cool”
Night elf.
I liek the dark shapeshifty theme with worgen druids
what i would do just for funsies is roll worgen then never transform into a wolf. Bam human druid
Night elf druid. I feel running wild is a wasted ability for Worgen druids seeing as they already have travel form.
In terms of racials Night Elf is easily superior. Shadowmeld is essentially a vanish, something no other Druid gets.
Darkflight is pretty weak in general, but it’s especially redundant on a druid since they have great mobility to begin with.
I win hands down~
More seriously I did like Darkflight for a sprint that didn’t break moonkin form.
I have a feeling that if the population wasn’t so skewed meld would have already been nerfed, trivializes a lot of stuff and can be a bit of a crutch. Know a lot of good druids who’d love to be Worgen or KT but feel trapped by meld especially the M+ fans.
Pretty sure combat transforms you…?
Night Elf.
I just cant handle the whole Dogs turning into Cats thing.
Also, Night Elves are best Alliance race! <3
Shadowmeld is both useful as a Vanish to get away from danger and a second in-combat stealth every 2 minutes for bonus Shred or Rake prowl bonus. Our bonus dodge is also nice for Bear.
I like night elf druids. But I’ll have to see how cool the new Worgen model looks.
I could see your point. However, running wild is a third speed boost. Plus, all 3 stack.
And the answer is still night elf…
In combat and don’t wanna be?
Shadowmeld- flight form
only thing that needs to be said
Night elf…
The worgen running animations are so bad. The males almost give me motion sickness. But I love them in the lore.
Once you go shadowmeld, you won’t go back
Apparently not seeing as how it clawed its way out of the abyss.
It’s why I like my NE mage. Gotten in over you head? Shaowmeld.