Night Elf vs Worgen druid

True that… the only better druid race is Tauren flower pickers for gathering

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Apparently, people like hanging out with zombies.

Worgen druids are weird.

Can anyone tell me why this matters?

Yes, and Worgen still look goofy in most mogs.

Yes. It’s called a joke. It points out how long the thread has been dead and then it’s followed by a meme image. How is this not clear?

You didnt tell me why the age of the thread matters.

Because that’s how long the thread says it’s been since the last reply. If it had said 10 years or 6 months the reply would have reflected that.

Not to mention the person that dug this one up replied to someone that doesn’t play anymore.

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I kept asking myself the same question so I tried all the races to level 20. I personally can’t push passed the fact that a werewolf turns into a cat. The Worgen Darkflight is pretty useless on a Druid. The Worgen Transmog looks weird to me. Tauren, Troll and Zandalari Druid forms are very weird to me. Bears, cats, and dinosaurs with long tusks and horns is just stranges So with that said I’m rolling with a female night elf because they’re hawt with racial and nature backgrounds and transmogs look good on them. To me Night Elf just makes sense.

This thread is like 5+ years old.
Anyway, Worgen. Werewolves > knife-ears.