Night Elf vs Human Priest

I am not rolling a dwarf priest simply because I have seen tons of them running around all stumpy, hairy, and drunk.

Which is better for priest? I know night elf has a DPS spell for one of their racial spells, but I dont remember what human has.

Nothing wrong with stumpy hairy and drunk :slight_smile: Just not in robes. Which is why i went human


Human Racials

Diplomacy: Reputation gains increased by 10%.

Mace Specialization: Skill with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 5.

Perception: Dramatically increases stealth detection for 20 sec.

Sword Specialization: Skill with Swords and Two-Handed Swords increased by 5.

The Human Spirit: Spirit increased by 5%.

You don’t really use Starshards unless you’re shadow locked and bored. Shadowmeld is much more impactful and worthy of consideration. Humans have a rep bonus and marginal amount of additional Spirit.

That’s really it. Pick whichever you like the look of because that is what you’ll be looking at for a long time.


Human all the way, even though I love my NE’s, you’re gimping yourself out of the beneficial racials humans give.

Shadowmeld is still good in solo/outdoor content as well as pvp. Great, even.

My priest is human but the only thing I’d miss is the rep bonus. Which… isn’t even that big of a deal if you’re not trying to get rare crafting recipes. The only rep that arguably matters is Argent Dawn, and anyone who cares to be exalted with them will do so well before the Naxx patch, human or not.

I dunno. Racials are greatly overvalued and this is not a super serious game.


Shadowmeld cannot be used while in combat. But to each their own. I was giving my opinion. :slight_smile:


Honestly, both are equally inferior to dwarf, so it doesn’t really matter.

Human Spirit isn’t all that much of a benefit even with the disc talent (in most cases spirit gear is a net mana regen/healing loss, than any sort of gain), weapon skill is meaningless for casters. Desperate Prayer is nice to have, but that’s all: ‘nice.’

So honestly Night Elf and Human are pretty equatable.

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Shadowmeld counter the weakness of priest which is going oom fast or getting ganked. You can drink safe anywhere in BGs which is big for survival if you pvp alot. Theres also a couple ways to take advantage of it in duels. And starshards although not as cool as undead dot or shadowguard is helpful when dealing with range or getting locked out . And lets not forget the free 1.5sec cast on mind control with shadowmeld.

Overall night elf racials are great if you are a pvper otherwise completely useless.

edit: shadowmeld can be used to slip through patrols in pve though.


Humans get an instant self-heal if I remember right, vs Star Shards, dwarves get Fear Ward.

From those 2… humans, but Dwarfs are the best priest race, so why not Dwarf? :stuck_out_tongue:

If you really can’t do Dwarf, absolutely human. For the reasons stated above.

Which do you think might be more fun for you? That’s a better question.


Sorry if I’m coming off like a jerk, I just don’t want anyone to feel obligated to play something they don’t enjoy, for little to no benefit. You are entitled to your opinion. And I prefer to play humans, myself :slight_smile: Shadowmeld is powerful in its vanilla iteration.

Like this sort of thing >.> Yes everyone loves to have Fear Ward on them. But if you don’t want to look at a nasty dwarf, you will be just as desirable playing another race. Assuming you’re a cool person with a good attitude. :+1:

I think my friend you are forgetting the holy talent which increases spell power as a function of spirit… Human plus for spirit will net some spell power gains. Unsure as to the amount of spirit etc we will have. Spiritual Guidance is the talent. stacks to 5 times at 5% per time

Like this sort of thing >.> Yes everyone loves to have Fear Ward on them. But if you don’t want to look at a nasty dwarf, you will be just as desirable playing another race. Assuming you’re a cool person with a good attitude. :+1:

Sorry, didn’t mean to come across as a dick, I just meant it as tongue in cheek. =,(

Honestly though, there will definitely be a priest shortage, so I wouldn’t worry about not getting into groups or raids, regardless of race. Just that the Dwarf priest might get loot prio for most guilds.

Well… night elves look stupid and humans are fine. So I’d go human.

You’ll be glad with your choice initially, but the higher level you get the more you wish you were dwarf. Especially if your into pvp. Being able to stone form blinds, viper sting and evade 2 fears in seconds is game altering.

But if you are strongly against dwarf pick human, night elf’s offer nothing.

I was struggling with this choice for awhile but in the end i picked Human for Diplomacy and i like their animations a bit more than Night Elves and i’m not sure how the spirit is at end game but i like feeling like i have a little bit extra for leveling.

Go with what you like though because as it was said before you’ll be looking at that character for a very long time.