Night Elf vs Human Priest

Definitely Human!!! That Spirit buff is amazing! Plus you get insta big self heal! And night elfs get… starshards…

Only roll Night Elf if you are absolutely obsessed with the race and want to stare at one for the next 2 years…

It’s fantastic! Gives you extra healing, and as long as you are good about abusing the 5-second rule it will be a large boost!

also stoneform the undead priest ability devouring plague, dwarf is the complete package. I just had a nightelf priest lvl 43 on a ps, and initially enjoyed it but things like a rogue 20 lvls below you escaping while you are blinded and getting feared all over battlegrounds while undead resist your fears made me reconsider.

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Human is “technically” stronger d/t racials which are more beneficial but if you’re not playing Dwarf you’re not Min/Maxing so who the heck cares!

As a nelf. You can drink and meld which is great for dungeons. AKA, toss a PWS and Renew on Tank and Drink/Meld and you won’t pull threat.

Also, Meld is PERFECT to quickly BRB/AFK in the wild and not get destroyed.

Elune’s Grace is nice in PVP. I personally believe it has saved me thus far.

Starshards, well is starshards. It’s cool. Useless otherwise.

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Happy times being feared ;p - HOLD MY BEER


You’re fine!! lol but some people are so adamant about dwarf. I gotta get on my soapbox whenever I can!

This is 100% false just for the record! All races are viable with different strengths. That is the nature of an RPG. There is no wrong choice.

Starshards is a bad ability, and Elune’s Grace is pretty bad too, but Shadowmeld is nice for world content. You shouldn’t let anyone tell you not to play a race just because it doesn’t offer a lot, but if you’re purely looking at benefits Dwarf is the best followed by Human.

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Should just go Dwarf, Fear Ward my man.

I feel like it’s overrated. It’s a great ability to have, but I wouldn’t ever play a dwarf myself - so it wouldn’t be enough to sway me. It’s also not universally useful in raiding. It’s good for a specific mechanic in a handful of fights if I remember right.

If you’re both level 60 and equally geared, a Dwarf will be taken over a night elf or a Human.

That’s just the way it is.

(This is saying as if no one knows how skilled you are or not etc)

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There is no objective “best” here. Doesn’t matter how bad/useless the racials are in some cases. Each has pros and cons. Fear Ward is NOT that important. People are practically brainwashed.

I won’t go on - I’ve posted about this so much it’s tiring lol

There IS an objective best if you’re planning on trying to get into a raiding guild. Dwarf will almost always be taken over Human who will almost always be taken over Night Elf.

Sorry if you’ve brainwashed yourself into thinking anything else. Fear Ward is an incredibly sought after talent when it comes to raiding. Quit misinforming people of the reality of vanilla WoW.


Sure whatever. >.>

FemNelf is the superior choice on every class

Hilarious coming from a walking corpse. :rofl:

Shut it, or I’ll burn your precious tree to the ground, you pointy eared freak.


technically the elves have higher crit chance with higher agility :stuck_out_tongue:

5 yrs is a long time…but also.
the word after this im actually shocked that he was able to post this LOL

A night elf is the only acceptable ally race imo.