[Night Elf Thread] Don't tell me to wait and see ever again

WoW is probably a contributing factor to why that has become more mainstream. And at the end of the day, the Alliance are never put forward as anything other than heroic champions of justice. I suspect that is about to change, but we’ll see.

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I’d attribute it more to shrek and the rise of geek culture(being outcast and all) but I am sure Warcraft had a hand in it.

I see the fundamental problem re: Teldrassil as the game ignoring the players and allowing them no agency. It was just pushed as this big “whoooah!” moment and then… onto the next scene. No one was really allowed to wrestle with the aftermath of that.

I know a segment of the playerbase think that everything has to achieve perfect parity across the board, but that would lead to stale and boring narratives. Being the losing side in a story is okay, and it provides some good opportunities for engaging content if you actually follow up on it. But that follow up is missing. NPCs end up being these sort of conduits for the story instead of letting it play out in massive quest lines.

So we end up with Tyrande and the whole Night Warrior thing deadended with no resolution. If I were a Nelf fanatic, I’d be pissed too.


All you have to do is look at the worgen and their heritage armor quest line to see blizzards irrational hatred towards a particular alliance race and it’s become pretty noticeable once blizz made an alliance between the worgen and night elves.

Just made it easier for them to piss on both races at the same time and call it rain. It’s rather obvious and malicious what blizz is KNOWINGLY doing to NE fans during BfA and Shadowlands. :wolf:

All because Dansuer refuses to let anything negative, at least not permantly, happen to his precious waifu Sylvanas.


if bliz wread the forume like teh rest of sus, tehy wood hate ne 2

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Just goes to show they want to shove Stormwind colors into every other race and blandify them more.

Not sure what the two pics have to do with each other, and the armor itself is fine, it’s the MESSAGE the quest line sent to worgen players that upsets me to this day. :wolf:

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They are both clearly trying to inspire from Bloodborne-style witch hunter looks just one does it better than the other.

Honestly Worgen deserved a black colored heritage armor set, not this gaudy blue with blingy gold. That’s not Gilneas, that’s Stormwind. -_-


I never played bloodborne nor heard of it until now. Like I said, the armor itself is fine. It’s the implications of the actual quest line that upset a lot of people :wolf:

I don’t like it personally, neither the questline either. Looks too much like a dinner suit and not enough like combat gear, which I think they did much better with the Nathria leather armor that looks like a proper gothic fiction monster hunter rather than a tea party guest.

And yeah, questline pretty much killed Worgen lore or any hopes they’re something other than just humans in top hats.

It may have been from the RPG books but I distinctly remember the ‘black knights of Gilneas’ being a thing. Some dark-tinted armour set, or something like Genn’s outfit with the trenchcoat for clothies, would have been cool.


this has nothing to do with the subject, but I just wanna know why you keep constantly changing your headgear Micah.

There was no mention of it anyway, it would not have been a bad idea to go a more black knight/dark knight kind of route to the way Gilnean troops look though.

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I don’t know, maybe they got killed by one in world pvp or something and now they’re intentionally trying to make them suffer. The story makes this way too obvious.

The lady that authored the rising shadows book is covered in night elf tattoos.


But she doesn’t have anything to say in the story, and those few things she wrote about Night Elves in her book also never went anywhere, like Thrall promising Tyrande Sylvanas’ head.

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But it throws a wrench into this whole blizzard lore conspiracy against night elves when they would hire such a person.

Not really, I don’t think Blizzard asks people if they hate Night Elves before they hire them to write 1 book. It’s also not her choice alone what she writes in the book, and night elves were hardly featured.

I just know that all the writers and people in position of power hate night elves, and the story and treatment shows it.

It’s a bit of an odd obsession for me. I’ll often T-Mog my gear 5-6 times in a ten minute span :wolf:

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Would need different dev team though. Or a big change at the very least, in both gameplay and narrative departments

They did not have to. They chose a simple “solution” which does not fix anything and further makes things more problematic because it’s easier than actually put effort into racials, etc.

There are always option. On paper. In practice - not with the devs we have.

It is sad. And it is confirmed.

Or Diablo.

a. not true

They do not “have to” do what they do. They make a choice to do those things. And then execute them in a gnarly way, so even those story threads that should’ve been interesting (like Nazjatar & Azshara) end up being underwhelming to put things politely.

At this point - Azshara. Hopefully the current story team touches her as little as possible.

What would we call the opposite, I wonder. Globe-head?

The current narrative team is the problem, because they care more about the stories they want to tell. While the key of the video game format is the player experience.

Hence these discussions IMO are stuck. Potential is there from radical “hard restart of the story from Classic +” (for arbitrary scope of “classic”, which is usually considered to be pre-Cata afaia) to taking further the Shadows Rising plot line that the elves feel betrayed by both the horde and the alliance, which could be a justification to conclude that maybe the empire was not a bad thing after all.

But it’s all stuck since it would require a dramatically different approach to the story. Hence either replacing the leadership of the narrative team and salvaging those devs who made better received quests and other lore stuff. Or, if the entire corporate culture of the company is stuck in the “design by committee” style, then there is no saving for a project of this scope. Maybe if the leadership would decide to do what was done with the “reforged” team (aka if like D2, WoW be branded as “blizzard” but actively developed by another team entirely)

gl hf