I can take a crack at it.
- The Horde is the more popular of the two factions. The Night Elves are in the Alliance, and making things up for us is seen as something that would harm the Horde.
- The squeaky wheel sometimes just gets backhanded. People don’t like it when other people complain (nevermind whether it’s justified or not)
- Elves are either loved or hated. In the latter case? Obsessively so.
- “Hippies” are generally hated, and the Night Elves have been turned into that.
- Worgen issues are a convenient red herring. If I bring up a Night Elf issue, someone at some point will say “what about Worgen?” in order to accuse me of holding a double standard or being uncaring - my actual position be damned. Taking the hatchet to you would undermine that.
Why would I treat someone who unironically thinks pple are out to harm them in an online video game story with respect?
Thats conspiracy.
Im not gonna treat Alex Jones with respect.
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Because of the fact that the extremely loud and overt the top complaining hasn’t stopped, thats it. We’ve all been shafted but nobody whines harder. My enjoyment of playing a night elf is severely diminished knowing that I am associated with pple like that. Pple so vocal that send the writers death threats.
Your points are pretty sound and do line up with what I’ve noticed about certain posters here since I began posting here regularly.
- You need to address the “seriousness gap” - where is the long term investment? What characters are actually going to endgame? Who is staying with the franchise? Those trend Horde, largely because the Alliance has been allowed to suck for a rather long time.
- I wouldn’t say “nobody”, and nor would I say “everybody” - but there is a sizeable population of people who don’t like them for this reason.
For you, I’d say your issue falls under “the squeaky wheel sometimes just gets backhanded”.
Again no because nelves are one of my fav race and just so yall know my rogue mog can beat all of your mogs combined
Idk how you can really gage seriousness but what I can tell you is Alliance side RP servers are vibrant, Horde side not even close
I find the idea of night elves “being hippies” ridiculous because by God they are xenophobic and warlike, unlike hippies
I don’t really see any of your points landing here. Alliance RP is a pretty convenient “default” for most people, that I’ll grant - but most people don’t RP, and most people still have some interest in the story.
As for this:
You and I know the lore. I find it ridiculous too, but that impression exists, and it’s not helped by Blizzard’s continual decisions to “Mylunify” the race - something that we saw perpetuated with their association with the Night Fae, whose prominent characters include a butterfly thing with a chibified Night Elf head.
I know you can’t have missed this trend, it’s one of the sorer points that has dogged the race for a very long time.
Oh I’ve seen the trend but I dont pay attention to pple who don’t know what they’re talking about
If someone says “nelves are hippies” unironically, whatever comes out of their mouth should be treated with no respect…because they don’t know what they’re talking about
Pple who come argue to me at my job about my profession without being experts are stupid because they don’t have the expertise in the field…same here
As per RP, most pple who truly care about the story are generally invested in RP, and there’s way more night elves than the “default” RP races. Humans and nelves are basically equal in players rn only surpassed by belves, nelves surpassing every other Horde race
I would have thought tauren would be more hippie-like, but I also imagine that kind of image comes with nature aesthetics in general. Say the word hippie and you probably start thinking of those stereotypes of someone eschewing modern stuff to go prancing in the woods and talking to bees because their brain is completely fried.
I think what you’re missing here is that you’re relying on impressions that Blizzard doesn’t present visually. You’re relying on knowledge of what most players would call “deep lore”.
Most people don’t form impressions on deep lore. They do it based on what they see. They’re not stupid for doing so, they’re just being human. This is a reality about audiences, and it’s the reason why presentation matters so much.
Most pple in the US don’t have the capability to understand all of the scientific fields that demonstrate that evolution through natural selection is true.
Hence a large, almost half the population of the US doesn’t “believe” in evolution and vouch for creationism.
Those pple…are stupid. Same concept, night elves.
Welcome to the challenges involved with convincing an audience. I have this problem whenever I see people talking about tax policy.
If you’re not prepared to deal with, and account for that, you’re not going to get very far.
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My question is do you think someone like Asmongold should be taken seriously regarding lore?
And he is MILES ahead in understanding of the lore than the average wow player?
The answer is probably not
Not. People are hammered into their heads that the world is round, and that man is descended from a monkey. Leave them alone with themselves and pretty soon the world will be flat again.
Need to be constantly reminded that night elves are “tough”. Because people remembered Malfurion performed by Xavius and they people believed that it was the real Malfurion. Not a drop of doubt.
Yes - because that information tells you how the average person feels about the story. You can complain that most people don’t have the depth of knowledge that you do, but that’s pretty pointless when it comes to whether people are satisfied with the story. I’ll tell you something else as well - even among people who DO know, visual information remains more memorable and impactful, and by a wide margin. That’s just how our brains work.
If your design doesn’t take into account how the average person would approach it, then it’s a bad design. The same is true for arguments and for stories.
No the design does, hence why the story is extremely simplistic
I, don’t care about pple that stupid, thsts my argument
If you regard the average person as stupid as opposed to just being a layperson, which most people are, then you really don’t have much of value to say in regards to storytelling (or most other topics).
I dont regard the average person as stupid
I regard the average wow player as stupid (uninterested/uninformed) regarding to the story…so I dont care what they think about it as much as someone who knows more