[Night Elf Thread] Don't tell me to wait and see ever again

no that is horde territory.

As it should be.

stop trolling…


Demanding clear evidence is neither optimistic nor pessimistic. Again, I have a problem with “wait and see”, both when the conclusion is “it will be good!” and “it will be bad!”

It’s our rightful turf, certainly.

And I am not…just saying we are forced to wait and see and making assumptions of what happens next are assumptions not facts. That’s the medium.

Clear evidence is all over the place, maybe you should first take a look at the writing team that hates night elves.

Nope, the Horde is entitled to it.

Im not defending blizzard my dude…blizzard turned my faction into the third Reich

What im saying is nelves aren’t the only ones ruined by the plot if bfa nd they’re the only ones getting anything even close to a resolution (whether you like the resolution or not)

The horde gets ignored, they have to tweet out who a faction leader is…cuz they don’t care about us other than to b be the villain in a faction war storyline


We’re actually more on the same page than you think then.

My issue has to do with people saying that I shouldn’t criticize current developments because “it will totally get better later” - as history shows, especially for Night Elves, it probably will not - and people certainly shouldn’t be running around with the kind of stone-cold certainty that it will that they have in the past.


nah the night elf should have their zones moved away have teldrassil be its own island and the night elf current zones be its own continent.

the Horde was not the villain in the story, not really, the horde was the used tool for the manipulationg villain who was manipulated by the jailor, an dead god.

Thats the reason all their Missdeeds were blamed on sylvanas first and now is blamed on zoval…entire different Situation.

I ain’t arguing with you, I’m arguing with pple like Ethriel who make the weirdest assumptions and then when a fraction of it happens they go like “I knew it, I was right! Blizzard hates my race and they sit around specific trying to dismantle my enjoyment of the game.” Which is frankly ridiculous.


Not really. I get Hanlon’s razor and all, but people tend to forget that the word “adequately” has some meaning and that you don’t get to just skip over it.

My dude yes they are, were the henchmen.

We literally get told about how bad we have to feel for the fascism we did that we didn’t wanna do over and over and over, til even shadowlands ardenweald

At least sylvanad didn’t have a soul, we just gotta do it cuz we do it


maybe…because…The horde destroyed them almost? Maybe thats …the reason they get the attention you want? But allow me to tell you, thats bfa was almost entirely about the “Soul of the Horde”, so in blizzard eyes, this plot comes to an end in form of saurfangs sacrifice, nathanos and sylvanas left the faction and the horde now disolved the warchief position, thats the “End” of this story. (From the horde pow; not from the entire plot, but even then, i don´t think this plots end now for the horde, then the horde have to rebuild themselve too)

Adequately what?

And personally I find it weird to complaint about the story for 10+ years and still pay them money

you complain about the story too, and still pay them money :wink:

Right but not for 11 years…and if I get annoyed enough I’ll leave.

I complaint that they’re incompetent.

Yall complain that they’re sitting in a room with their dark hoods plotting the downfall of night elf player society.

Theres one thats reasonable and one that’s yikes…and it’s not me

Yes I am exaggerating but not by much

Also we didn’t want that story and it doesn’t wash our hands AT all

That’s not my argument, my argument is: Blizzard Promised anything to keep these players in line to get their money and broke every promise. This is really bottom drawer. They could have honestly treated these players with respect, but chose not to.

Thats is disgusting. And if we player allowed them to do this…then they will do it again, against other fans, have fun with that.

And as you see, i write with an test acc^^ so, before you think i still pay :smiley:

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That’s because you don’t believe that ‘Things that make me feel more like a righteous persecuted martyr=true, regardless of evidence’.


Darkshore and Hyjal are confirmed for night elf controlled, every other zone’s status is unknown.

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9.1 cinematic tells us sylvanas is getting redeemed.

But answer me this, I say the worgen got screwed and most people shrug and agree they got short changed, but mention the Night Elves got screwed? And some y’all loose your minds.

Like…what the actual hell is the obsession with being so dismissive towards NE fans? :wolf: