When you’re in a thread about how someone has been burned so many times by the story, telling them “maybe it’ll be better next time, you don’t know!” is not the slam dunk argument you seem to think it is.
The blight-ridden ruin, Gilneas? If Blizz wants to show Gilneas in a better state, I’ll change my mind, but as far as I’ve see it hasn’t gotten better since Sylvanas’s invasion and the Cataclysm.
I have legitimately never heard blizzard say anything about the Horde keeping ashenvale/darkshore much less pushing the nelves out of felwood/hyjal/feralas
Well there’s a reason why the war ended and the Night Elves never got it back. And there’s also a reason why they gave us a canon statement about the Horde fully conquering it.
We talked about this statement already. It comes from Saurfang in Astraanar just before Malfurion almost kills him. Saurfang was working off of incomplete information, and as would happen many times in that novel, his statement was wrong.
The mission table content happens after this statement as well - that is the latest information we have.
The mission table actually happens way before 8.1 where the Horde has full control of Darkshore and Ashenvale. They even had supply lines from Darkshore through Ashenvale to Orgrimmar.
8.1 demonstrates to me that they had some control of Darkshore, but that patch was silent on Ashenvale. This is important because the Horde initially moved through Ashenvale in a straight line, not as a wave, and because the Night Elf method of waging war tends to involve attacks from scattered positions throughout the forest and causing defeats in detail.
…Saurfang get 7 in BFA, 4 of the 7 were in cgi…but he got 3 before in bfa in non high quality and i count the non high quality for tyrande aswell, thats the reason there are 3 1/2