That you whine around that others don’t get attention, but those others have NEVER been promised anything by blizzard.
Night elves already was promised this, thats an entire different situation. blizzard lied to them…multiple times…why do you defend them? hrmm? Tell me, why?
Yes I do. Just like I knew that Tyrande would lose to Sylvanas in Ardenweald, that Sylvanas would get redeemed and escape justice and that the Night Elves would never get a resolution.
But no Vengeance (promised) no Solution (Promised)…blizzard lied to them, since when it is okay to lie to the customer…they solve the horde/sylvanasplot to blame the big bad, yeah, i get it, so the horde is now a victim of a manipulator who was manipulated…its entire understandable if a dead god capable of twisting reality manipulate your entire structure, that you end on this position.
but the night elf was promised to get things, and they lied, they lied multiple time now…and your only POSITION is “THE ENTIRE HORDE”, you should blame yourself…for this comment, because next time it will be not the night elf who get the SAME treatment, but another race, maybe bloodelves…have fun with this situation. YOu defend blizzard, who break their own promises and thus lie to their customers, repeatedly deliberately lie (after they get promise to them to fix their misserable Situation)
We should speak with one voice against it and not constantly say out of envy (or out of fear that it will also go badly for the horde, who knows) “But they get attention”.
At this point, it doesn’t matter what the ending is. Golden telling people “The story isn’t over” reads like a desperate “No, please don’t leave. It’ll get better, I promise!”
Imagine saying that in a movie theatre. People are walking out because it is so bad, imagine having the gonads to say “How can say it’s bad, it’s not even over yet!”
Now imagine saying that, in a theatre, for a bad movie, that is 3rd in a series of movies, and all the pervious ones were just as bad.
That is the stupidity of people saying “Wait and see” at this point.
I mean she’s obviously refering to “Wait, we’ll find a way to make you forgive Sylvanas too!”
And when in doubt, they’ll just make something bad happen to Night Elves.
Hey here’s an idea, how about Finel gets brutally murdered by the Horde when she grows up and tries to avenge her fallen family
That would be awesome! They can’t take much from the Night Elves because there’s nothing left, but things like those would be just disgusting enough for them to do it.
There was no promise of a magic reversal, only a resolution of the story. Perhaps you should hie to a dictionary of literature terms and look up what “resolution” means.
They were promised in 8.1 to fight back and take revenge for Teldrassil (Was a Warfront),then Danuser said "They will get their revenge, in the next addon), then they were promised there will be a solution (They were still talking about revenge, blizzard said multiple times revenge), and it will not be swept under the rug.
But, the night elves have now been lied to multiple times…and all blizzard promised were lies.