Night elf shamans

Night Elf Shamans, Forsaken Druids… Blizzard doesn’t care anymore.

Got a feeling it will be Paladins first, then Shaman, simply because for Paladin, all Blizz has to do is add some armor to already existing mounts, whereas for Shaman, they have to create totems for all races.

I love my wildhammer dwarf, but the beard is such a limiting factor with transmogs, since it clips everything - same goes for helmets with their short necks, lol.


That can work.

Though I do see a trend with totems resembling the race’s banner, also possible it’ll be a wood totem with their icon. :thinking:

edit: Something like the banner.

edit: They’ve been using the Highborne banner recently in the Warfront. Could be a marble totem with the moon crest.

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Dwarves aren’t real shaman as they are on the blue team. They are larping as Thor and abusing those poor spirits.

Funny how the Orcs had to take a remedial class on Shamanism from the Tauren if only Orcs are Shaman.

Just make everything everything ez