Night Elf Renewal in Dragonflight

My favorite part about this is when people asked Blizzard why the Alliance didn’t use the Vindicaar, or even mention it, Blizzard’s response was basically “well we just didn’t feel like using it in the story.”
Like what??? That’s the dumbest reason. Like that’s fine if you don’t want to use because it would have basically ended the war before it began, but at least GIVE a reason why the Vindicaar can’t be used. All they needed was a one-liner text from Turalyon or somebody saying that the Vindicaar was low on fuel and wouldn’t have had the capability to fight, or it literally was too damaged by the Legion. Boom, done.

That solves the issue of why it isn’t present, but as it is now the Alliance is made to look even more dumb because they had the Vindicaar and just chose not to use it… when they could have ended the war at Lordaeron.


They couldn’t really “end the war before it began” since that would have killed the story before it got off the ground (might have been for the best but oh well, that’s a different argument).

So, if the Lightforged had used it, they maybe could have lasered and blown up some Horde target or something. Then there could have been a Horde mission to sneak aboard the Vindicaar and sabotage it, permanently removing it from being used for the war again.

Somehow, I doubt Alliance fans would have enjoyed that happening much. A lot of “Why does Blizzard keep letting Horde blow up our stuff?!?” anger posting.


I’m fairly sure Blizzard never stated a reason why the Vindicaar wasn’t used. We all just speculated with no definitive answer one way or the other.

Although honestly? It doesn’t surprise me that it didn’t get used. Lightforged Draenei tech uses Argunite to function, which was available on Argus (although they had to scavenge for it at times) but not available on Azeroth. The Light’s Judgement cannon would have needed Argunite to function, and what reserves they have now that Argus is cut off for them is all they’ve got.

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I don’t disagree. I’ve said previously Night Elf fans should really just hope to not be the focal point of the story. Since Cataclysm, Blizzard generally doesn’t write “happy tales.” WoD basically was an entire expansion devoted to dumping on Orcs. Worgen, Undead, Goblins, Trolls, and more have basically found that to be (mostly) true - being the focal point of an aspect of the story tends to suck for races (I’m not trying to play “who has it worse”). And unfortunately for Night Elves, they’ve been featured in a large amount of stories.

Want the biggest win? Blizzard not writing about your race.

Yeah, that’s not a hill you want to die on, I promise. There were plenty of threads about Shadowlands’ treatment of Elune.

And (almost) no player does it to play as a genocidal villain or someone to be shamed by most NPCs they encounter so they feel bad about playing the game.

I’m not defending BFA or Shadowlands, I think they were garbage from start to finish.

My only suggestion for renewal was to see their style/focus/purpose change. To see them more savagely free-form defending the forests and nature as tribute to Elune. Maybe even seeking ways to uncorrupt the Naga and other things to heal and protect Azeroth (the planet, not really the world soul).

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yeah, because elune was threated really badly …as spacerobot…and as a fool

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Green- all was green, shadowy and nightmarish, grotesque images dancing at the corner of Arthas’s mind only to dart away before they could be firmly grasped. There was a brief glimpse, gone now-- Antlers? A deer? A man? it was hard to tell. Hope hung about the figure, but there were forces bent on destroying it…

Renewal can’t happen for the Night Elves until Yogg-Saron and the Emerald Nightmare are destroyed. Not defeated. Destroyed. He’s deep in the Emerald Dream.

“Flesh is His gift, He is your true creator. Drown yourself in the circle of stars and you will find Him.”

So they stopped by Argus for Argunite in the interim period between war of thorns and Kul’Tiras where they deployed troops?

I’m just wondering where you’re pulling this info out of because you have a habit of trying to invent reasons instead of just admitting Blizzard are terrible at telling their story and constantly ‘forget’ their own story, especially when it is convenient to do so.

You had to qualify it there because you know well that plenty of players did want to genocide the Night elves, and enjoyed the War of Thorns. That number is more than likely not insignificant but the reverse isn’t true. The amount of people who play NE because they are masochists is more than likely smaller.

I think a lot of people tend to overplay the idea that most Horde players want to be noblebright, because when noblebright characters get added to Horde they are reviled. Baine “Hey maybe we shouldn’t be at war right now” Bloodhoof is hated, and not just because his comments on Taurajo being a legitimate target, since I doubt most players even know about that comment. For that same reason, Calia “Hey maybe we shouldn’t be at war right now” Menethil is regarded as an Alliance sympathizer that will bend over backwards to Alliance, because diplomacy is never an option.

I don’t think most Horde players care. Those that do care are probably in the minority, and those that want “Thrall’s Horde, the noble and just Horde” just wanted to burn down Teldrassil but with probable cause. Because the issue wasn’t burning Teldrassil and conquering the Night elves itself, it was doing so but being villainized about it.

Okay, well, they tried to do this and got merked by Horde. “Savagely defending” their home doesn’t mean anything if the default position is that the Kalimdor Horde just roll over them because Night elves shouldn’t be able to defend themselves.


He ´s not interested in that, his only point is that he feels if the night elves are capable to defend themselve it would make the horde as a whole week and this is his issue.

He’s not the only one. Several of us have made this point numerous times now. Having the night elves be able to roll over the horde by themselves is not good storytelling.

Regardless of certain posters here liking to claim otherwise


Between “Hold their ground on their own” and…"Roll over the horde is a huge difference if you ask me :wink:


Not really. Wanting them to hold their ground when the bulk of the hordes army is bearing down on them, and with the NE army sailing to silithus, is again, not good storytelling

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Then “savagely defending their home” is actually just a meaningless phrase, Micah. Because they share their home with the rest of the Kalimdor Horde. The position here seems to be “savagely job to 4 other races”.

And it’s a good thing that the Night elves have never held out against the entire Horde. It’s weird to have this fear that Night elves can defend themselves when Ashenvale was conquered twice.

If the draenei, worgen, NEs and all the nature stuff + homefield advantage then the NEs could have held long enough for the rest of the alliance to arrive.

No need to genocide the NEs or rub their faces in the mud so the Horde Player can feel strong


Not many horde players felt good or strong doing the war of thorns. We keep saying that, but it keeps getting strangely repeated


And yet we argue that the Horde should have trampled over the NEs harder because of faction parity. :man_shrugging:

If the NEs, Worgen and Draenei held the Horde just long enough for the reinforcements that means no WoT or Burning would have happened but somehow I am sure people would still complain


Most of us didn’t even want another faction war to begin with. I think people have this mental image of what they want the night elves to be be vs what they actually are.

And besides, those nature forces? The last time a world ending threat happened, aka the war of the ancients, people had to beg them to get off their butts and actually do something to help.

Way I read it was rather that the horde had to be able to trample over the NEs to tell the story they wanted to tell- and that this story sucked.


Pretty much yeah. It’s a genuinely bad story all around


The same way Blizzard can reverse uno card the vindicaar into not helping they could have done so for the ancients to help out so the Horde can’t go around burning babies because they are just darn metal :metal: :metal: :metal:

The whole discussion that Zarrin has started is toxic and idiotic.
His whole spiel is that the problem are the players and their expectations around a lore that Blizzard made in the first place.
He is falsely saying the players have these expectations that every single NE is Captain America and anything that goes against that is going to be disappointed
And the second is that the Night Elves should have gotten trampled harder to put them in their place so that they (and their fans) don’t think they are better than anyone.

Its the same toxic nonesense about how Alliance/NE fans will never be satisfied and nothing is ever enough.
Didn’t ask for a genocide. But blizzard promised a vengeance arc.
And that turned into justice and a renewal which will have Malfurion die so that Zarrin could have a faction parity since Nathanos died. :roll_eyes:

And now a teldrassil that Alliance didn’t want to get burned is going to be replaced with another tree, in dragon isle, Kalimdor belongs to the Horde and Malfurion is dead so faction balance is now in effect and Tyrande apparently wishes that she was dead from the datamined dialogues.

But yeah the problem are the players according to Zarrin. :upside_down_face:

Not at all.

He is saying as cleary shown here is that NEs were treated as if they were on a pedestal and that the problem is their expectations. Zarrin is very mad at the false notion that anyone advocating for the NE issues are:

which is obviously false. No one believes that except Zarrin and he is very outraged about it.


That’s……that’s the whole point though. Blizz has written the alliance with having all this super advanced tech, Demi god leaders, etc that any actual faction conflict is soo laughably in the alliances favor that why bother writing one to begin with?

It’s a two faction game, incase people need a reminder of that. Things have to be toned down for the sake of whatever story is being told and that means certain things are realistically not going to show up for plot convience.

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