Night elf posters were right

That literally does not say what you claim it says and the faction they shared is called Alliance Resistance.

I suppose the word, “Voluntarily,” means nothing to you. Very well.

Chronicles, Volume III, pages 89 and 90.

“Though Kael’thas was troubled by this development, more immediate concerns consumed his attention. The Scourge were still in firm control of Lordaeron. As long as the undead roamed the nearby land, the blood elves would never know peace. If Kael’thas and his people were to rebuild their kingdom, they needed to help the remnants of the Alliance defeat the Scourge.”

“Kael’thas’ father has seceded from the Alliance, but that did not stop the prince from lending aid to the faction. He gathered his healthiest soldiers and journeyed into Lordaeron to join the fight against the undead. The prince appointed a seasoned ranger named Lor’themar Theron to serve as regent in Quel’Thalas and watch over the rest of the blood elves in his stead.”

The alliance was also voluntary, I don’t care that wow started treating it as the Empire of Stormwind in Cata, it was always supposed to be an alliance of equals. Kael’thas had no obligations to the alliance, he was the ruler of a foreign country, not a vassal of King Terenas or some lordaeronian ponce, him rejoining voluntarily is exactly how it works.

The chronicles bit gets close but still no cigar, I think you’re fundamentally trying to retroactively add the nonsense required by wow being a 2 factions MMO, and even then the whole Lor’themar bit is AFTER the Frozen Throne campaign.

Not really. It says outright, he was lending aid, supporting the remnants. At no point does the Chroncles say the Blood Elves/Quel’Thalas joined/rejoined the Alliance. Othmar Garrithos, a Grand Marshal, certainly would not have the authority to induct an entire nation into the Alliance.

Again, we’ve seen how the Alliance accepts new members (or rejoining members) prior to the High King nonsense via Wolfheart. It requires a vote by the Alliance’s council of leaders (or their proxies). There is no evidence that this ever happened for Kael’thas and his people.

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You’re grasping at straws to get the interpretation you want. The most you can say is that there was a sloppy retcon of Frozen Throne and even then it lies mainly in the characterization of Kael’thas, not the blood elves rejoining the alliance until the incident with Garithos.

There is literally no evidence it didn’t and given Jaina’s attitude towards the elven volunteers in the human campaign or the fact that there are troops from Khaz Modan in Garithos’s army until he also alienates the dwarves, there is no reason to believe it was not a done deal or at least good enough for someone who was already a member before.

I’m done.

Not at all.

By the events of WC3, the Alliance was far more than a mutual defense pact between nations. Taxes were collected from EVERY member-state to fund the rebuilding of Stormwind and maintain the Internment Camps. It became a HUGE point of contention that led to Gilneas leaving the Alliance at the end of the Second War (that, and not being given Alterac).

The evidence is that if Kael’thas were a leader of the Alliance, Garithos would not have been giving him orders, but it would’ve been the other way around. Garithos was a Grand Marshal of Lordaeron, not Supreme Allied Commander of the Alliance.

At no point does Magni, Varian, or even Mekkatorque mention meeting Kael’thas to have Quel’Thalas rejoin the Alliance. In fact, in the Exploring Eastern Kingdom’s books, Shaw outright blames Garithos’ bigoted treatment of the blood elves for the reason Quel’Thalas didn’t rejoin the Alliance.

Every which way you spell it, the Blood Elves were NEVER a part of the Alliance.

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Remember the moment when Tyrande literally says about the humans “they outsiders! never will we ally with them” and kill a paladin in that same mission!

And then in wow…welll they are in alliance without any explaination and they are in teldrasil which also is coming out of nowhere.

Both have been in the game since Vanilla in multiple zones.

How can you even consider that. There’s got to be another reason?

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that kinda sums up the general feeling of most people who were a fan of their particular faction from the early days. Other than Draenei–they actually got cool lore in WoD and their heritage questline and the man’ari were handled about as well as they could be in terms of including them as a playable thing from a story perspective.


Probably the biggest thing that helped the draenei was they are largely decoupled from the whole faction war that has been an absolute dumpster fire for the races heavily involved in it. They’re Alliance and sometimes they have background NPCs involved in Alliance content, but their characters and story as a race have basically nothing to do with the factions.

It also helps that there are clearly devs on the team that love draenei. The heritage quest was absolutely a love letter to draenei fans and is probably the best heritage quest overall.

I look forward to Midnight and the likely draenei involvement in that.


Draenei are our “we need a neutral party” race. The Alliance’s answer to Tauren and sometimes Blood Elves.

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Draenei aren’t even really used for that outside of storylines specifically meant for draenei. Just look at TWW, neutral stuff everywhere and not a draenei in sight.

Horde players more often deal with antagonistic Alliance characters in neutral content like Tyrande, Alleria, or Jaina.


The Draenei are kind of just there. And I’m okay with that.

Though, they are the one alliance race blizz seems to love to write when they do have the Draenei show up

I more meant that when they need a race on the Alliance side to serve as a neutral rallying point they use Draenei. The assault on the Legion for example.

It would be weird for the Horde to be serving on human ships lead by Jaina and Anduin.

Not to mention the Val’kyr they’ve lost too.

… That and the fact that Forsaken Elves are Alliance too now. :upside_down_face:

The Horde’s Forsaken are a joke.

At this point, they may as well make the Horde Forsaken heritage-armour just a bunch of clown make-up :clown_face: lol

Draenei are absolutely the best-handled race. They’re in a very good spot. I’d say dwarves or goblins are a close second.

Basically everyone else is just demoralizing to play.

Here is how I see it, the draenei feel that way because their main theme is against a threat against a neutral party but make no mistake. If forced to choose between the Alliance and Horde they will pick the Alliance 100%. Heck, Kuros was like the biggest hater of them all:

Yeah, an AU draenei that is inexplicably bloodthirsty against Horde races for absolutely no reason whatsoever. A complete psychopath. Great pick of an example.

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