Night Elf Player Hate

So would Drahliana. But I would disagree with both of you.

I got the kill on Onyxia and turned her head in in-game back in Classic. In canon, Varian got the kill.


I think there is a difference between not making every player’s OC a major lore character, and the events we see in-game directly contradict outside-game sources.

Varian wasn’t a major lore character in Classic.


I’ve openly admitted the many other failures of the Horde champion. My argument are not based on appeals to bias, but by referencing actual in game/novel events, linking the actual quests, as corroborated by Amadis and Drahilana, on their Night Elf alts.

Your response is essentially “nuh uh” and “whatever”, culminating in accusations of bias and declarations that there’s no objective truth. What impartial and truthful perspective are you basing your assertions on, then?


Actually he was.

Whatever you say, fam.

All of which failed to disprove any of my points.

I would go as far to say that the whole event should be disregarded as blizzard put it together last minute, and did what was easy to do and not what followed in the book.

Except that he did… in game. One of those changes made between the authorship of the novellas and the coding of “War of Thorns”.

With him having died in the novel and raised as an undead in the game, that suggests even more that the Horde quest isn’t canon.

Only if you’re just talking to yourself. If you’re talking with people who factor in content outside the game as canon, you don’t have a point to begin with.

Which would include Blizzard. Another example, Chronicle states that the Horde got the canon clear of Dire Maul. And Blizzard followed up with that by having Wrathion reflect on the Horde having burned down the Shen’dralar library.


My point has not even been addressed lol.

If the Horde quest isn’t canon than the Horde players didn’t kill any civilians.


Aki needs a reminder that she can’t have it both ways.


But the Horde quest is canon.

Not if Elegy and A Good War is canon.


So you think we literally cannot trust what we see in-game? That everything we do as players, as part of the main storyline, is not even real?

That’s dumb.


This is the case in-game and out:

    “My team believes that continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of creators,” says Copeland.


Their cop-out is also dumb.


I don’t think everything in game should be cannon.
There’s always 3 sides to every story. The Alliance’s Version, The Horde’s Version, and the Truth.
I mean, the story in ICC for example. Some of it aligns with each other but like the Horde’s version of Saurfang’s son and the Alliance’s

Everything is canon. Even if they don’t agree. Multiple comflicting canon is kind of built into the package.

To echo Pilate. “What is Truth?”. Many stories, especially about BFA have more than three sides to them.

I strongly suggest that you wash your hands of the notion that there is one knowable Truth.

Nah. BFA has pretty much only one story, told identically regardless of which faction you’re on. So identically that only the names are changed but the story’s the same. At least it’s true for Nazjatar… The most BORING and Laziest writing in the whole expansion.

But we are dealing with Dark God of Madness here.
I’m perfectly willing to buy that everyone in BFA has done what they’ve done as a result of being driven mad by N’Zoth.

Even occured to me that the whole story of Brennadam REALLY WAS the Quilboar but N’Zoth only made everyone think it was the Horde.

Lazy Recon, I know but I could buy it.