Night Elf Player Hate

Oh how things change from patch to patch

“Stop being so mean to Anduin!” - Shandris Feathermoon

Speaking to Tyrande


That’s just one of many… on both sides of the faction divide. There’s also Pequannock, guild leader oif Tuarens Three… a guild composed of three Tauren Sunwalkers.

I understand some of the sentiment of this thread, I would be lying if I also havent gotten frustrated at times over some NE posters and the constant talk about WoT or Teldrassil or anything else pertaining to it. Though usually I take a step back and realize that these are their in game frustrations just as mine are being anti-Baine, pro-Sylvanas, anti-Alliance, and super pro-faction war (as a narrative in general) is for me.

I’ve put forward this idea for a while now regardless of whats been going on, we need an expansion that is just about recovery. About finding the factions from an internal perspective. To give a reprieve of the world ending threats to explore the domestic and “mundane.” There have been very good points here that can be put into that domestic narrative. Night Elves restoring their homes, creating new homes or fixing old ones. The same can be said for the Forsaken. For Gilneas, for the Dreanei. We can update old zones, establish new leaders without the heavy handed worry of death. This is something that every race could use too without exception, especially now.

It doesn’t address vengeance, I know all of you black eyed NE players. Though it doesn’t mean that it stops being a theme. One can rebuild with the thought of vengeance in the back of their minds. After all, can’t launch a sustainable offensive without the logistical backbone on the home front :wink:

Again, just a thought. Helps us, I think, move forward thinking about a better narrative instead of getting bogged down in this all the time. It may not happen, it probably will not happen, but its a better story to think of and theorize about than this every other day.


Hear, Here!

The story does not have to improve, if the consumers(players) are taught to blame each other for the work, and not the writers of the work.

Blizzard hides in their dojo because they know they would rightfully be torn to shreds by the people who pay their paychecks if they showed their faces around here.


The one thing that both Teldrassil and Thunder Bluff have in common is that I’ve fallen off both of them multiple times.

Falling off of Teldrassil however, gave me plenty of time to remind myself of why I don’t want a pickle.


Because those 2 are in BC content, which they don’t seem to want to work on at all when it comes to updating the zones. Just as an example: the dead scar in Eversong and the Ghostlands has not started healing how long since the fall of the Lich King? we still can’t fly in BE and Draenei start zones. The exodar is supposedly fixed in lore…

Really, it is unfathomable outside of the fact that Blizzard seems to want to avoid working on some areas.

Actually Tyrande is going on 11,000 years old. Malfurion, Illidan, and Shandris, and Azshara are roughly the same age. They were all living lowborne apart from Queen Azshara the highborne, during the time of the Kaldorei Empire.

Tyrande has lived through let’s see, one, two, three Legion invasions. Wars against the satyr. Wars against the Qiraji, war against the old horde, and now war with the new Horde. Of all those wars, one of which almost broke the world in half, never has she been more enraged, felt more betrayed, craved justice to earnestly than during the War of the Thorns. Why? Genocide. Yes the Burning legion also engaged in genocide but they’re demons and we hold them to different standards. Night Elves were almost made extinct by THEIR GOD DANGED COUSINS. She has every right to be angry and want revenge. And I hope she gets it.


That would have made it too much like the Runesaber Game Shop pet…which I also got because one can’t have too many saber mounts.


Why not post on one of your character of which race you’re more a fan of? If you are a fan of any the playable races, of course. Though, I would not actually discourage you from posting on your main just because it is a Night Elf and you don’t consider yourself a fan. But when you exclude yourself from being part of the Night Elf posters, it is more coincidence that you happen to choose to post on your main but not because you’re posting on a Night Elf for a particular reason actually related to Night Elves.

To be fair, I happen to be in the same boat, just in the opposite direction. I post on my main, and just so happen to like Night Elves the most as well. But only reason this is my main is because Night Elves were the only Alliance Druid race available originally, and Shadowmeld is the best racial and I’d never race change it away (though I do have a Worgen Druid alt because Worgen are pretty awesome looking, too).

I use the Runesaber for my Void Elf Hunter alt for her ground mount. Nice and purple. Leyfeather Hippogrpyh for her flying mount.


That’s exactly why they should be the first targets to burn away


I’m no nelf player, but if they burn teldrassil, at least give them their old cities back. The temple of Elune/tomb of sargeras and Nazjatar should be a great substitute to the world tree as the nelf’s main base. That should restore their pride.

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1: Tyrande does deserve a little bit more. Darkshore was flaming dog doodoo.

2: Anduin isn’t wrong for calling for peace. If what he said about his forces for the attack on Orgrimmar are true, his mobile forces were about to collapse from all assets being exhausted (manpower, arms, armor, medicine, food, funds, siege weaponry, et cetra). Not that it was any better for the Horde. To strike Orgrimmar as a fortified location would not guarantee victory and to win it would still be pyrrhic, as attacking a fortification is a highly lethal process, there’s a reason most sieges involved just starving the enemy out. Once Varok gaslit Sylvanas to reunite the Horde, it would have made the battle more difficult than it already would have. No marshal would have ever given the order to fight a battle of those odds on anything short of a fight for survival.

It was the appropriate call.

3: It’s a fair take to have from a viewpoint of someone that just suffered a great atrocity, though it’s a little shortsighted, driven by emotion and not by forethought. Waging a war of extinction would take decades. A generation even, maybe. An experienced marshal would need to draw a plan to actually win a conflict, rather than just ‘kill dudes’. Killing an enemy down to the last babe in the crib is too tall of an order and just not in the cards.

4: She has valid grievances, though lusting for conflict in the face of unrelenting, sustained losses and exhausted resources does paint her to be emotionally compromised, not precise. That can be interpreted as madness.

5: Shandris is the voice of reason. Severing ties with political allies on which you both mutually benefit from in both war and in peace is disastrous in a time of need. She isn’t saying ‘let’s forgive and forget’, she’s saying ‘let’s bring this to a stop. For now.’. An armistice isn’t a surrender, it’s a formal pause to a war (not quite a ceasefire). Resuming the war doesn’t break the agreement (though in our reality, formal notice is needed.). The war can very well resume once all exhausted assets are replenished.

Those’re my takes.


Is totally unusable thanks to Agewynn defiling it.

You must be joking.

Well, based on the fanfic tier story writing we’ve received lately, everything is possible.

I’m sorry but what’s s night elf ???

A miserable pile of ashes secrets.


What if Sylvanas and her boy toy get captured by or turned over to the Night Elves. What I am getting at is, how about not killing them, but instead imprsoning them ala Illidan. Give them to Maiev to lock them up for all eternity. Then Tyrande would be able to visit whenever she is feeling peevish and wants to soothe her nerves. This way, Nelves get a form o f revenge that will warm the cockles of their heart and leaves those two @$$#%^'s available for story use later on.

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No. Well maybe Nathanos, bonus points if players can go to his prison and attack him. But for Sylvanas? There is no better revenge than killing her and sending her to the void she fears so much.


I can like something, enjoy something without subcoming to the tribal mentality of fan culture. And I will post on whatever character I feel like posting. It will enocurage people to pay more attention to the message than the messenger.