Night Elf Player Hate

The Cataclysm Kalimdor revamp, Mount Hyjal and the Molten Front and the Firelands, Night Elf presence in Pandaria, Val’sharah, the Emerald Nightmare/Dream, the Wardens (and, if one counts them, the Illidari), “Terror of Darkshore,” and even our presentation in the Darkshore Warfront Alliance side proper.

And yes, I understand that the Night Elf victories here weren’t shown in game by phasing or anything, but lore wise they were still victories.

I am also disappointed with BfA’s story. I too wish there had been more definitive victories for the Night Elves in their return to Darkshore and Ashenvale and beyond. I, too, honestly don’t expect much from Blizzard.

But posting over and over that you don’t believe it’ll ever happen doesn’t actually contribute to anything. At least be constructive with your complaints, and be realistic in knowing that posting here has very little likelihood in changing whatever work Blizzard has already done or is going to do.