Night Elf or Kul Tiran?

So I tried out some druid some time ago as a class trial and I’d love to start playing one. Problem is I can’t really decide on what race to do between Night Elf and Kul Tiran. The Kul Tiran forms (excluding the wicker owl) look pretty good, but I also enjoy Night Elf’s forms (love the cat). I figure maybe looking at something other than aesthetics would help me decide. I’ve learned Shadowmeld is great from my hunter and I’ve read it’s even better on a druid.

Kul Tiran’s haymaker sounds like it’ll be especially good in pvp if I ever decide to do more of that.

Anyone have some input on this? In terms of PVE, PVP, general use, and so on. Thanks.

Honestly I think it’s mostly an aesthetics choice which really comes down to your personal preference. I personally think the NE forms look better but each to their own. Also shadowmeld is one of those traits that I feel you can get a lot of utility from.


It’s basically a vanish. Combine it with prowl and you can use shadowmeld and then prowl to get out of combat. It is very useful.

Idk how well the KT druids will do tho, so they might be good as well. Plus the KT forms are really cool.


Yeah, Shadowmeld seems like it might be more valuable than the knockback. Thanks for the responses.


Shadowmeld is the best thing ever. So many uses, from dropping threat in keys to reset necrotic stacks to getting into mount speed travel form out in the world to getting off an extra stun rake in PvP. I have tried other races but always go back to my original NE druid because of the versatility of Shadowmeld. I’ve been feral in PvP and tank/heals in PvE on this toon since Vanilla.


Z A N D A L A R I.

If you not be a Zandalari, you gonna be sorry!


have you seen pheasant form, HELLL NO!


Go for the one you wont easily get tired of looking at.
Still cant decide?
Theres some good points with how shadowmeld and prowl works. Drop aggro, prowl and dash away. Or go for Kultiran, if you prefer their racials. Or wait until kultiran are released and do a class trial with that.


Pretty sure zandalari is getting a racial with 100% hp regen over 4 seconds with a 2min CD.

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On the remote chance it makes it live it will be nerfed very quickly. I wouldn’t make decisions based on that.


Shadowmeld is great when you are solo. I miss the old way it worked when you were in dungeons/raids.


As a rogue, I race changed from night elf to void elf and back to night elf.


Night elves 5% stealth speed is a noticeable racial you are always benefiting from on a stealth class like rogue or druid, and Shadowmeld is worth more when BFA has so many stupid bugs where aggro doesn’t drop.

VS KulTirans, I hate the white elk travel form. While the base kul-tiran forms are cool, you will probably be using an artifact form, unless you are a moonkin. So it doesn’t seem like Kul’tirans have a big aesthetic advantage while shifted, and they are aesthetically awful in their natural state.

The stun/KB seems useful in pvp, probably more useful than shadowmelding a chaos bolt. For mythic plus though, shadowmeld wins hands down for not suiciding during a suicide skip.

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If I were to make a Kul Tiran with Haymaker in PVP a part of my consideration, I’d probably lean toward making the character something like a Mage instead since it’s not only a knockback but a stun as well iirc? Can’t get a stun on Mage otherwise, as far as I can remember, and Haymaker seems like it’d be obnoxious coming from a Mage.

More to the point, though, I’d vote druid for night elf. I’m very biased and I don’t think any druid is as cool as a night elf druid. Shadowmeld has strong uses in PVP as well (arguably it might be more useful, since breaking target when someone’s casting is very unique while a knockback and a stun are both effects that do exist somewhat more commonly), and a Druid does have access to a stun or a knockback already.

One big consideration, though, is how much you like either races’ appearances. If you’re really big on the wicker forms, that could sway things, but if you were playing Resto then you’re not in a form anyway. Then there’s any time you aren’t in a form, you’re a Kul Tiran… Weigh the pros and cons of each aesthetically. Are the wicker forms cool enough (cooler than the night elf forms)? Don’t forget that there really isn’t much customization available for Druid forms, so transmog, etc. is something to consider with disregard to either race’s forms, in which case you have to decide if you like how Kul Tirans look in their human form.

Aesthetics are very personal preference, but IMO since you’re looking at your character all the time, that should really be the determining factor. Do you think Kul Tirans look cool, or just silly? I think they look dopey as hell, so I’d never be able to play one, even if I spent I half my time or more in Feral or Guardian form.

Edit: I almost forgot, but for PVP Haymaker could really screw up plays due to DR?

That’s obviously not going to stay like that. That’s would be insane

Night Elf. Always Night Elf.

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Zandalari are cool and will be great but my MvP druid right now is Highmountain. The Vers + Stun is just too good.

Night Elf.

Shadowmeld is too good. Having a vanish as a tank, dps, or healer is just too nice. Being able to vanish into a prowl is very useful

Then, you get 5% more speed while stealthed, and 2% extra dodge as a guardian.

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Shadowmeld is extremely powerful in M+ if you put some effort into it and have some decent reflexes. Many, many abilities can be negated with a well timed shadowmeld. For example, Rezan’s Pursuit as well as almost anything with a cast time.

In BFA, simply being able to meld off the random ‘stuck in combat’ problems when doing WQs was amazing, IMO.


Kul Tirans have way cooler Druid forms, but Night Elves themselves just look better as Druids.

The answer is Zandalari.

If you’re like me, druid forms are mostly glyphed anyway (Doe, Tideskipper, Stars) and cat and bear are artifact appearances. So forms (while cool) aren’t really a strong case.

Night Elves look better in general, and manage to not look terribad in the (generally terrible) tmog options that are available to us.

Furthermore: SHADOWMELD

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