Personal Preference Night Elf is the best outside of “forms”. As time goes on the purple tint to all colors of cat starts to bother me. I can’t stand the KT human form so… WORGEN FTW. They have the best cat forms outside of Legion’s artifact forms.
If you play resto or balance with glyph of stars play w/e race looks better. If you play guardian/feral play w/e form looks better.
Stun/knockback will work fine since arena wise druid is a caster healer but I would always go with shadowmeld. Too good of a defensive talent.
About Zandalari trolls the females look ok, too similar to normal female trolls but w/e. The male Zandalari trolls though. I was shocked when I checked them out on the PTR. Feet are gigantic and terrible/the proportions are weirdly out of place/most of the animations feel or look like you are playing a stick with 2 wheels/casting animations are bad (tall and upright standing races shouldn’t cast like that. (Imagine if humans would bend forward to cast…) and face covering helmets are 2 times too big around the neck area.
Night Elf is best for Druid. They have a Vanish (Shadowmeld) and a 1% crit or haste (day/night) and 2% dodge and movement.
Kul Tiran only has Haymaker which is a 0.5 cast 2 sec stun and 20 yd knockback. They also get Brush it Off which is 1% vers and 2% damage taken healed back over 4 sec. BiO is weak other than the vers. Kul Tiran are best at being a tank.
Zandalari does get the free Goblin Glider and a 5 day cooldown spec-specific buff unless you do the somewhat weak universal 5% crit for 12 sec chance on hit which has a 1 minute internal cooldown. Problem I have with Zandalari is they are very role-oriented. They’re great for players who are only going one role and Druids have all roles available.
Highmountain gets a Charge stunning targets in your wake for 2 sec. They also get 1% vers. And a flat reduction from all attacks. They also get extra meat and fish which are the worst to farm for.
Personally, go Night Elf or Highmountain for Druid if you’re wanting to be versatile using all four specs. Go Night Elf or Zandalari if you’re sticking with one role (which is really stupid as a Druid).
I think nightelf has better racials for a feral druid, where KT is really just cosmetic. I leveled a KT to max just to realize i want to be a NE and so i am re leveling a NE.
I’m working on unlocking KT right now and as soon as I do this Druid will be getting race changed. That said, the possibilities with Shadowmeld make Nelves the best by a long shot.
I honestly can’t imagine being anything but Night Elf. Shadowmeld is incredible, the extra move speed is super nice and I love the way I look/cast.
Haymaker seems unnecessary given how mobile Druids are, in terms of PvP, and seems like it would be useless outside of PvP.
But unless you’re planning on pushing some serious M+ this season (where Shadowmeld is absolutely amazing to deal with the Reaping affix regardless of spec and also great to drink in the middle of fights for Resto) then it’s really just an aesthetics choice. And tbh, even if you’re pushing M+ hard, I doubt it will make too much of a difference unless you’re going to try and get into MDI or something.
Fancy a cuppa ?
Me too! I’m very excited to level a Kultiran boomkin. Only 1,000 more rep to go…
16k for me
Take the one that has Shadowmeld
For my opinion I would choose night elf because it makes the most sense to be a night elf druid because their the original
Depends on spec a lot too
if you want to play feral, nothing comes close to Night Elf racial
Shadowmeld is incredibly useful in questing, M+, and PvP. Occasionally you can use it to avoid raid mechanics too, but that is rarer and harder. Most of what Vanish works on you can 'meld.
I went Kul tiran because the forms look very nice but I am regretting my choice so much because of how good shadowmeld is. It does not matter what spec you play every spec can benefit from shadowmeld one way or another. The knockback you get from a Kul Tiran can be nice in specific situations but honestly it can end up causing stun DR issues with other classes from a pvp perspective. I will probably race change to NE very soon lol.
NE because shadowmeld to prowl is godly. It’s basically like a rogue’s vanish.
Kul Tiran. In PvP it’s good to have two knockbacks, and every little self-heal helps.
Shadowmeld to make going for a drink as a healer easier or getting re-stealth to reset a fight / another stun as feral or shadowmeld before getting hit with a chaos bolt or greater pyro and avoiding big dmg > knockback. This is coming from someone who mains a Kul Tiran but I will be making the switch to NE soon.
For M+ go with Nelf, Shadowmeld is just too strong to pass up. Death Skip? just shadowmeld.
For Pvp i have no opinion.
So many M+ mechanics can be avoided with a shadowmeld. Also, almost required for a death run.