Call me a baby but the teldrassil burning really upset me and still does to this day, I was playing Horde at the time when it originally happen, night elves were my first race in all of world of warcraft, Teldrassil felt so magical, finding out that on that massive area of the game that Teldrassil was just a tiny island in comparison to entire world!!! It blew my mind!
I know there is a twitter post of @Warcraft saying “Tree’s can regrow” and back when it was posted people were saying it was a hint that they were going to do something for the night elves and they never did.
With this dragon expansion I’m going to assume that Ysera is going to be a part of it at some point, and I feel like maybe she’ll have more to say about the world tree? I know in the night fae area she was very upset when she found out that Teldrasill was burnt and stuff… do you think that they’ll end up giving night elves a new zone, or be like “hey this is our new capital now” the only thing I can think of that would work is Mount Hyjal, everything else is in ruins.
Blizzard never said that… That was just people regurgitating a quote from the end of Warcraft 3 which referred to Nordrassil which Malfurion had detonated to kill Archimonde.
Nordrassil was regrown but not until about 20 years later during Cataclysm.
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but to get back on topic and answer a question about Ysera, she won’t really be involved, they said that in an interview, it will be about her daughter who is essentially a none character at this point. There is kind of a datamined a quest called the winter queen’s gift and it seems like it could be a seed for a new world tree.
Like I said, the person who posted that was regurgitating WC3. Given that that tweet is the only source should be enough to make it suspect.
Especially since they also said time and time again that they were looking t do a culling of player capitals since they were not being used.
I don’t know why you just spew out this stuff with no evidence when that is directly addressing Teldrassil, not WC3. There is also this interview
“It is a magical tree, and it’s not the first magical tree,” he said when we asked whether it would grow back.
“There’s more that can be done, but we’re not ready to talk about that future stuff.”
It’s so crazy people just try to say things definitively when they don’t really know what they are talking about.
gestures to the real world
i almost reached the point in which i ask myself why drahliana even post on a night elf if she …seemingly didn´t like them^^
Call me a baby but the teldrassil burning really upset me and still does to this day, I was playing Horde at the time when it originally happen, night elves were my first race in all of world of warcraft, Teldrassil felt so magical, finding out that on that massive area of the game that Teldrassil was just a tiny island in comparison to entire world!!! It blew my mind!
100% Same, I played my Horde alts primarily at the time and was horrified by both the quests leading up to the burning + the short stories leading into BfA. Although I do still play my Horde characters, it still feels ‘dirty’ and I have mained Alliance ever since.
For what we know right now, there has been a datamined ‘seed’ that looks to be empowered by the Winter Queen and/or Night Fae style anima that points to a new tree. I think it will be more focused on Elune/Winter Queen + Night Elves/Merithra (Ysera’s daughter) rather than Ysera since her story arc feels fairly complete knowing that she is now tethered to Ardenweald. (She says this herself in a click-quote) I’m sure she’ll have some sort of brief dialogue about it at least though and perhaps some minor involvement on the Ardenweald side.
I’ll never forgive blizzard for being so craven as to destroy beloved zones and cities for mere shock value to kick off an expansion. And that they thought we’d just forget about it shows how out of touch they are with the fanbase.
Do you know how many World Trees and failed World Trees there ARE in Azeroth? At least one, maybe two in the East Kingdoms if we count the small one in the Duskwood, a failed World Tree in Northrend, another one in the Broken Isles, and I would not be surprised if one pops up in the Dragon Isles.
I think it’s incredibly hopeful thinking to assume they won’t use the new seed to regrow Teldrassil. There’s no work to be done in it. They just reactivate the old city.
And as we as Warcraft fans know, there’s nothing Blizzard hates more than work and/or effort.
Pretty sure they’ve confirmed that they’re working on a new home for the Night Elves, whatever that means.
However, I wouldn’t assume that means a new starting zone. They seem to be funneling everyone into the new starting island experience, so I don’t think they would break with that to make a separate new starting zone just for one race. Night Elf players can also still start out in Darnassus if they want.
Ruins can be rebuilt! And anyway, some places are more ruined than others.
Fair enough, but you would think someone with at least 11k+ posts would know better than to fabricate things you can just look up easily, I don’t understand it.
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ääh…no, that was not prommised or confirmed…we only know they work on tirisfal right now, and this only from maps
I thought a dev had said in some tweet or interview that they were thinking about where the NEs’ new home could be? I wouldn’t call it a promise, but it sounded like they were moving in that direction. (I can’t find the quote, but that’s mostly because a search for all the keywords I can think of just turns up a ton of posts complaining about NEs not having a home.)
Didn’t the novel have them camping out in Hyjal?
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As of right now they are setting up shop on Hyjal, they bagan to at the end part of BFA, and as of BtS they had basically retaken the whole area from the Cenarian circle.
Now the suspiciously world tree sized Seed they have going on might be to make a new world tree. Or, It might be for something else. Like, empowering a new Green Aspect. In fact, I have a tin foil hat theory on that.
If they use the Seed that’s been datamined to plant a new world tree it will just be them forgetting their own lore agian.
The first world tree, Nordrassil, was created by planting an acorn from G’Hanir, the Mother Tree from the Emerald Dream, literally the mother of every tree and tree type on Azeroth, into the new Well of Eternity. And this combination made Nordrassil. All other world trees were made by planting and growing saplings from Nordrassil.
So the original World Tree came from an unlikely combination of Emerald Dream and Arcane energies. This new seed has neither of those energies contained within it and would grow something entirely different, completely alien to Azeroth.
My bet is, if planted, it would grow one of those crystal swirly Ardenweald trees, and imo that is not a renewal. It’s just jamming the Night Elves and Ardenweald together even harder and in a very blunt unsatisfying manner.
Stick with Nordrassil, the true world tree, that’s still there and growing stronger. Stick with G’Hanir which is also still there and healing ever since Cata. Grow and expand on these stories and places. That is true renewal.
Well, I’d say you are a little off. The second Tear of Elune is a mixture of the energies of Elune and the Winter Queen. Most Likely, the first Tear was created by Eonar and Elune working together (hence the aesthetic differences between both versions). The First Tear was used to shape the Emerald Dream. So… No clue what the mixture of Tear 2.0 would look like as a tree.