Night elf new capital / starting area? (Nerd vent lol)

The first Tear had literally nothing to do with the creation of the World Tree, or any trees.


Well… it shaped the emerald dream, from which G’Hanir grew. So… you could argue that the first tear kinda made G’Hanir to begin with.

I will say we are all groping in the dark with what that seed looking thing is all about. I still sort of wonder if it will be used to empower a new Green Aspect, with Tear 1.0 being used to re-empower Alexstrasza and the other pillars of creation used in a similar manner.

What? Where are you getting this from? Nothing about the history of the Tear nor the Emerald Dream that we currently know says that the tear was used in the creation of the Dream. Where are you getting this from?


That is the only logical usage of it. They sort of skipped saying what it was used for, unlike basically all the others.

So you made it up, headcanon, and then told me I had it wrong because it didn’t line up with your made up headcanon?

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I would not say that is head cannon. It is inference based on everything else we have now. Elune is of the pantheon of Life. Elune had a hand in making the Tear. The Dream is tied to Life. The Dream’s Overseer was described as Elune’s ‘Pet’. Ergo, the Dream was shaped using the Tear. I am not just… saying stuff to say it.

That’s exactly what head canon is. Inferring things and tellign the story you want, in lieu of their actually being a story, or in some cases, in spite of it. But what it isn’t, is fact, and therfore you telling me I was off or wrong in what I posted, based on your head canon inferences and no actual story or proof, was uncalled for.

She was key for a series of quests in Legion, hardly a “none” character. She is most likely her mother’s successor since she was the one to rally the Green Flight at the climax of that series. Which leaves Alexstraza and Nordormu as the only remaining original Flight leaders.

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This is what happens when you don’t tie new stuff to old, even in the “report to x leader in y city” sense. There really is no reason to go to the old capitals aside from AH or as a run through to older content that is being used in a quest (getting an item from Alextrasza in the vermillion redoubt during the NF campaign for instance).

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She is the leader of the green dragonflight, that is stated. In the tiny legion quest chain, she was the representative for the green flight to empower a dragon scale since they bring in the other flight leaders as well to help empower the heart, they needed someone to fill in the green portion since they killed off Ysera.

She doesn’t rally anyone and the player does a few void creature kill quests in the one area to get the empowered scale. She was never really built up as a character other than I believe mentioning her mother pretty much in each of those short six or so quests, so you know she is a Daughter of Ysera.

Out of the five as well, she is also the only flight leader without a unique model and they didn’t even bother really mentioning her in the reveal other than to say she is leading them. They talked about Wrathion a lot, a character they have actually built up and people remember, Merithra they didn’t bother expanding on because they forgot to build her up like they have for Kalecgos and Wrathion.

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The new NE capitol will be on the moon. Living on their goddess’ face.

Just read those first few words and honestly the first thing that popped into my mind was Sire Denathrius (aka Daddy D) and all the fun that boss has inspired.

WoW is a terrible, awful, hilariously fun place.

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Great Zarrin, now I got some….very NSFW scenarios running through my mind in regards to Sire Denatharius and I’m scared :stuck_out_tongue:

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Äh the tear was from elune and tyrande…the winterqueen encourage them to create one but played no part in their creation.

Thats the reason she said my sisters tear

The reason they arent being used is because Blizzard abandoned them and forced everyone to use sw and org. God I hate them these days.

This is like livestock castration. They put the rubber band on, then gaslight the bull “Huh, looks like you wont be needing those!”


Blizzard did not abandon them before trying to fix things by putting in what the other cities lacked such as primarily the auction houses and flight paths.

I dont know that I agree. The cataclysm revamp made a deliberate design decision, as part of an overarching philosophy, to concentrate player population at max level. Every expansion since has had one faction major city in the old world. And one hub or one per faction, in the current expansion zone. Since cataclysm, the only faction cities that are relevant— SW and Org.


It was the Well of Eternitys that were alien to Azeroth. The First one drew the Burning Legion to here as would the Second if Nordrassil wasn’t planted to hide it.

Other World Trees were not made for that purpose, but assuming they were planted along leylines they still would draw from the arcane energy that radiates from the Well which is probably why they were targets for corruption.

Other cities started to die since Cata the moment Blizzard decided to put all important portals there along with relevant quests. Even when they made no sense whatsoever.

Like for example we have the Green Dragonflight go to Stormwind to ask for help against Ragnaros. That quest chain should have started in Darnassus. Green Dragons are almost best buddies with Night Elves, Kaldorei lands are next to Hyjal, Malfurion is the head of the Cenarion Circle but those dragons for some reason decided to go to the other side of the world for aid.
Quests related to Hinterlands and Deepholm with their portals should have been placed in Ironforge.
But after that Blizzard went all Pikachu face wondering why players “love” hanging around in Storwind the whole time.


Yeah. It was deliberate. It’s part of the same design philosophy behind sharding’s shard combination feature, and the GW2 equivalent— and ultimately the replacement of RPPvP servers with Warmode.