Night elf mages

Are you alive are you there.


If anything proves that Blizzard does not take WoW’s lore seriously…

this thread at least starts the discussion.


I agree but night elf mages had so much lore potential to be the outcasts of their society after being let in.

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It turns out that yes! I am! Well, I was. I’m not interested in playing mage until arcane is like it was in Legion again.

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We have a survivor tell us your story as to why you are a night elf mage

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The worst part about WoW is the lore and story not even considered yet.

So, to whit…

Where’s Gul’Dan?

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Night elves are cute, and I wanted to make a mage because I wanted to see why everyone thought they were cuter than hunters. Shockingly, they are not! Hunters are the cutest the end :slight_smile: Especially gnome hunters!!


Thank you for your story it is a blessing to hear the reason behind a night elf mage story.


You seem… familiar…


I’m not saying you can’t criticize blizzard, but all I see you do here is complain. Why stay subscribed?

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Honestly I thought he unsubscribed tbh. But he’s allowed to stay

The currently untapped potential Blizzard has yet to even look for to date.

My sub is also set to expire.

I’m already pretty sure I won’t be missed.

I mean, most people don’t even bother to think about what could be, let alone how what already is might be further improved.

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I will miss your criticism tbh it was very insightful

I’m debating making a thread on how Shadowlands missed out on a big opportunity.

Where’s the Burning Legion’s afterlife?

Where’s Gul’dan inside it?

The stories that HOT MESS of lore could create…

JUST from the potential invasion angles by the BL going after say Nax, or even Bastion…

Even dead, the BL would LOATHE Bastion…

Twisting Nether. They aren’t mortal so they don’t go to the shadowlands.

He either was fel-infused enough to count as a demon and went to the Nether (like Illidan) or he most likely got jettisoned straight into the Maw and turned into mawrat food.


Blizzard really seems to not want to try and improve the story of late.

Quite the opposite in fact…

I exist! Was a human vanilla through Wrath. But in the Cata pre-patch we were made! This character represents a denizen of Eldre’thalas.

I am glad to hear your story fellow night elf mage I might make one myself.

think about vulpera mage and warlock.
they been homeless and enslaved.

for some reason they can learn magic.

I think therefore I am :grin: