Blood elves are literally high elves. High elves are literally highborne who survived the sundering and were exiled by the peasant caste “kaldorei” after casting an arcane storm over Ashenvale. They traveled across the great sea and founded Quel’thalas.
And with the creation of the sunwell lost their purple hue in their skin and became quel’dorei.
They did release a storm, yes. But the part I love the most is that we dismiss Dath’Remar Sunstrider actions by saving Tyrande, the people, joining the rebellion against the Queen, helping stop the Legion and…
He’s not allowed to use arcane magic and must die.
If anyone should have been left to die, it’s the Night elf commoners. Dath’Remar Sunstrider should have walked.
He didn’t “save the people” as if he led that action although yes, he led the group that saved Tyrande. He and some Highborne joined the Kaldorei Resistance who - as a group - saved the people. He didn’t lead the resistance, he was part of it. He wasn’t sentenced to exile until he broke the law and Ashenvale happened. He wasn’t sentenced to death…even after Ashenvale. Our bad.
He was well intentioned, but the arcane literally does act as a beacon for the Legion. Its understandable given their situation, and they exiled him rather than execute.
Here you go again acting like he led the Kaldorei resistance and single-handedly turned back the Legion. Next you’ll be saying he’s responsible for closing the portal to the Legion.
Nothing major for sure. The customizations in SLs though is perfect for those sorts of things. Just adding some arcane themed jewelry (hairstyles with jewelry) or maybe purple eyes? Something with that neat tattoo system perhaps.
Seems exactly the sort of flavor more customizations should and could be used for.
Edit : also I didn’t say they didn’t hide. Just that they didn’t hide in a bubble.
'The Highborne (or Quel’dorei, meaning “children of noble birth” in Darnassian), were the upper class and a sect of the ancient night elf civilization composed of the favored servitors of Queen Azshara. The Highborne were largely responsible for the War of the Ancients, and most of those Highborne who had allied with the demons and survived the war were turned into satyrs or naga. Those that allied with the Kaldorei Resistance before the last battle of the war found themselves exiled from Kalimdor, and eventually became the High Elves of the Eastern Kingdoms.
Dath’Remar Sunstrider was the leader of the Highborne who survived the War of the Ancients.
7,300 years ago, in the centuries following the Sundering, relations between the Highborne and the rest of the Night Elves were strained.
The Highborne pursued Arcane Magic, and bristled against the rules set by the Night Elves, who they considered to be lower caste. Dath’Remar Sunstrider stole one of the vials of water from the Well of Eternity confiscated from Illidan, and soon after, the Night Elves exiled the Highborne.
Eventually Dath’Remar became the founder of the kingdom of Quel’Thalas and the first of its royal family, the Sunstrider dynasty. Using the vial the he had stolen, Dath’Remar created the Sunwell, a fountain of magical energy that, while weaker than the original, Dath’Remar claimed would one day become stronger than its predecessor. That day, the high Elven race was born, the energies of the great well immediately altering the elves’ appearance from their Night Elven forebears.’ - Wowpedia.
Not quite, the Highborne that joined the night elves aren’t actually playable. They exclusively act as the trainers. Playable nelf mages are regular night elves who’ve learnt their craft from Highborne, not Highborne themselves.
Its not really a stated anywhere that I’ve been able to find whether the Night Elf Mages we play are or are not Shen’dralar Highborne. And either way with SLs customization its not a stretch to add it in.
Darkspear are getting customization for other troll nations which makes just as much sense all things considered.
It was on the original announcement that night elves were getting mages (“the Shen’dralar Highborne have rejoined the night elves and have started to train them back into the way of magic and arcane.”), it’s a major part of the Horde story in Azshara where the blood elves basically exploit the fact that the night elf mages are inexperienced and using outdated techniques and if you think about it it makes no sense for a level 1 mage to be a 10,000 year old master wizard.
They are not Highborne. That’s what I was trying to explain earlier. The only playable Highborne (or close to it) is us.
The alliance night elves (Mal’ etc) were lower caste elves.
Actually, giving the alliance Shen’dralar, contradicts lore. In a pretty big way too. So it was a kind of retcon, just so they can use arcane again.
Which kind of renders the exiling of the Highborne to start with, void.
Blizzard even had to go back and “clean up” any lose ends, in this regard.
Mal created a death sentence for a Highborne who proved themselves times over but instead of carrying it out, he exiled them and they later became the High elves (us). All over arcane magic. And for blizzard to change that years later (thousands of years later in lore), just to give alliance mages, is a pretty bitter pill to swallow. For the alliance.
Let’s put it into perspective: You got a CLASS, while people still scream for a race of people.
The Shen’dralar (also spelled Shen’Dralar) meaning “Those Who Remain Hidden” were a secretive Highborn society who dwelled in the Athenaeum within Eldre’Thalas. A part of them were accepted back into the night elven society shortly before the Cataclysm and now train night elven mages.
Though you can find this in other sources as well.
They are highborne. Thalassian Elves are also descend from Highborne. Nightborne are also Highborne but have changed over the eons.
EDIT: Also Wrathion in his notes during the quest where you’re trying to find him for Ebonhorn suggests that none of the Shen’Dralar are remaining within Eldre’Thalas… Not really important to what we’re talking about but I thought it was interesting.
I don’t think the first quote there eliminates the ability for a Night Elf mage to be Shen’Dralar one way or another but that last bit certainly suggests it.
Either way, not much reason not to add them in as an option with the expanded customization options.
I never said they were not. I pointed out in the post that their models were always the same.
When I said they were something between Nightborne and Night Elves I meant basically Night Elves with jewelry and some type of hairs that go more for the elegant type rather than the wild type (My bad there for not explaining myself better). Considering Nightborne never ceased to be “Highborne” in the fact that they consider themselves all high and regal and stuff, we can take ideas from them as how Highborne can look with the NE model when it comes to customization, not body modifications. Hair, jewelry, even beards. They can throw in some tattoos as well.
It’s what I am asking for, to create some regal type customization (similar to Nightborne) to make the character look a bit more regal. I think if Blizz made the Highborne join today, they would’ve given them a somehow distinct appearance when it comes to clothing and stuff.
As for the golden eyes, I had to edit the post (I guess, was quite sleepy when I typed it).
The Highborne ghosts of Aszuna are helping the Alliance. They are the ones with a portal to Aszuna in Stormwind.