Night Elf heritage Armor Wish list

Can’t have a night elf thread with out someone mentioning that lol.


Original cinematic night elf druid for me plz!

The savage nobel!


Just wanted to clarify… that is not fanart, that is the render of the model used in the original cinematic intro of the game.


After the burning of Teldrassil and “rediscovery” of the ancienf Highborne Capital of Azshara, I think it would be really nice if the Night Elves go back to their arcane roots a bit and use highborne-esque gears.


It’s for the one below, not the render.

Ah, got it.

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As long as its practical, and not loin clothes with little bracers, I think one of the mightiest and fiercest battle hardened races would have more them loin clothes and bracers running around the woods defending their ancestral lands. But since this is a DEVs decision I have little to no confidence that anything they will release will be a good representation of what the Kaldorei were suppose to be in wow and what the Devs actually turned them into. The Nazmir fiasco they had the Kaldorei participate in with their loin clothes battle armor was sickening.

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I agree.

This is perfect :heart_eyes:

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If Night Elves got heritage armor like that, I would be rerolling to NE in an instant.

I am exceptionally disappointed that only Kasparian gets to wear that armor. It is gorgeous. They probably won’t give us the Vanilla cinematic armor, but they might give us something like her gear.

Don’t know, ask to the 10% of your remaining population?


I vote for the skimpy armor. We haven’t had much of that in recent years.


That masque. Dear Elune.


I like the second one. But I would like option with more Armor …

If we’re being real, night elf heritage armor should just be black mageweave and shoes shaped like mailboxes.


Only if we get gorgeous Suramar mailbox shoes. Deal?

Ok Adolf we got the point … Happy?

Since the males and Fems of night elf society are the most different in the game, I am hoping the males are slightly different so that they arnt being cover by only a loin cloth.

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I am actually hoping the Devs take this one serious and not make a joke out of it like they have the habit of doing with most Alliance related content.

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I just feel bad for the Worgen… terrible heritage armor.